Chapter 22

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“Bai Huai, I am not a heartless fool either. I can tell who treats me well.”


This sentence smashed into Bai Huai’s heart like an underripe plum getting squeezed into juice. He bit his lower lip so hard that he could taste the blood seeping through his tongue with that bitter-sweet palate.


The thing is that if you like someone, even if you are careful, you can’t really hide it.


He pressed his lips again as he was readying himself to say something. He was caught red-handed after all. But Jian Songyi spoke up again. 


“I know you have taken care of me for so many years. I am not insensitive about it. Although we don’t usually deal with each other, our relationship is always different from others. I understand this in my heart.”


Bai Huai lowered his gaze as he wanted to ask Jian Songyi what makes it different from what we have now.


Without waiting for him to ask, Jian Songyi spoke to himself. ‘As my mother said when I was a child, which brothers didn’t grow up quarreling? If you didn’t provoke me to annoy me on purpose, how can I not take you as my best friend?”




‘Who the fuck is your brother?’


‘Who’s fucking going to be best friends with you?’


Bai Huai looked over at the two bags of liquid that was hooked. He is seriously thinking about whether this would be enough to drown Jian Songyi if he pressed him hard enough.


However, this is the most sentimental thing Jian Songyi ever said to him. 


Looking at Bai Huai’s expression, he seemed to not be very touched with his speech, so Jian Songyi continued on while rubbing his nose awkwardly. “Although I am not very good at talking, I am actually quite righteous. I do not like owing others. I guess what I am trying to say is that if you are kind to me, I will remember to be kind to you as well. Just in the future, would you please stop deliberately pissing me off? I have a bad temper and it easily shows on my face, but it doesn’t mean I actually hated you.” 


It is hard to say whether this feeling is true or not.


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But Bai Huai did not expect that one day Jian Songyi would be the first one to break the thin ice between them and take the initiative to take a step toward him.


He took the initiative to reach out to Bai Huai. That is enough for him and the rest is not that important to him.


He can’t be greedy, after all.


Bai Huai smiles: “Okay. Then I will make sure to be sweet to you in the future. I’ll coax you more. Do you think this is alright?”


“Who wants to be coaxed by you?” Jian Songyi narrowed his eyes at him angrily. He took the inhibitor and headed to the Omega lounge. 


When he returned, Jian Songyi brought a portion of mung bean lily rice porridge. It’s the kind of porridge that Bai Huai likes to eat. 


And of course, no sugar.


But Bai Huai feels like having something sweet today.


Bai Huai was in good health. After his fever went down, he was observed for two hours. Eventually, the diagnosis said that there is no problem with him. The doctor casually prescribed some medicine to prevent a cold and let him go.


Jian Songyi took the third blocker. Fortunately, his body had returned to normal, but he also took two other more just in case.


Bai Huai watched the way Jian Songyi stuffed his inhibitor in his bag. “I do not know if too much of blockers will do harm to your health.”


“Well, it shouldn’t matter.” Jian Songyi zipped up his backpack and carried it over one of his shoulders. The doctor said that the inhibitor technology is already upgraded. Some Omegas will live on inhibitors all their lives in order to stay loyal to their Alpha until the day they die.


Bai Huai raised a brow at him. “Why do you look so relieved?”


“What do you mean? Of course, I feel relieved. I feel numb and a little bit restless at the thought of being marked by an Alpha and spending my whole life with an Alpha. Shouldn’t I feel happy now that I, fortunately, found out I have a choice? I could have another option of spending my whole life with blockers.”


‘That’s your happiness and has nothing to do with me.’ Bai Huai thought.

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Bai Huai said nothing and went straight to the car the base had sent to fetch them.


When they passed the convenience store, they went in and bought a few bottles of water and a carton of cigarettes. When they got inside the vehicle, Bai Huai handed it over to the driver. “I’m sorry that you have to wait for us for such a long time.”


“No. No. it’s alright.”


The driver is also telling the truth. He just picked up a spare time to watch the football game all morning, and now he is embarrassed by the thoughtfulness and sensibility of such a good-looking child from a rich family.


Bai Huai said a few more words enough to persuade the driver to accept it while scratching his head. When he returned to the base to report the situation, he made Bai Huai’s illness a little more dangerous than it was exactly. The military training instructor was dissatisfied, but it’s not like he can do anything anymore.




Lao Bai is a person who loves his students dearly and thinks that military training is a formalism. The two children, Jian Songyi and Bai Huai, are usually quite good both physically and academically. But instead, they are too exhausted and ill after a training. He doesn’t know what he is going to say to the school and their parents later.


Thus, he has no choice but to send the two men to rest and not set them up for training immediately after they returned. 


The two of them took advantage of the fact that no one is around the dormitory. They took a comfortable hot bath, put on their pajamas, and lay in bed to play with their mobile games. Mr. Lao Bai even bought them snacks from the snack bar.


When Xu Jiaxing and Yang Yue helped each other that evening, they immediately came to express that they hope Jian Songyi and Bai Huai get better soon. But upon seeing the scene before them, they couldn’t help but rethink their decisions that leads up to this situation. 


Xu Jiaxing even told them that after the encounter, it took everything in him to stop Yang Yue from taking a cold shower to make her get herself a high fever.


Upon seeing the failure of that strategy, Yang Yue sat down on Jian Songyi’s stool and burst into tears. “Brother Song, you don’t know what happened earlier. This is not the way for a human to live his life at all! Do you know how hard the training was? As soon as we have gotten up, we run a 400 meters steeplechase. And then after standing for two hours under the sun, they let us practice with guns. A fucking gun! I am in the era of peace. I do not know why I am practicing with that thing!”

Xu Jiaxing hugged Yang Yue’s head and cried loudly. “Even if you practice, you still need to be accurate. When the total number of rings is not 45, then you won’t be classified as excellent. If the three of you won’t come to the training then no one would be excellent in our class. Oh my god!”


For the first time, he saw someone that is literally crying for real, and somehow, he felt a sense of relief. When he had seen enough, he kindly reminded her. “Yang Yue can cry, but I don’t understand why you are crying as well Xu Jiaxing. What do you want from a good student?”


Xu Jiaxing wiped his tears: “What you said makes sense.”

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However, he couldn’t stop his tears from spilling. His mouth is even trembling a little as he continued to narrate what happened today in the training. “Brother Song, don’t you know that the Omega and Beta training had it easy? Only our training is inhumane at all. The instructor is definitely a shaker. Really. He speaks grotesquely and has a bad temper. He especially likes to give us personal attacks and look down on us.”


Yang Yue nodded. “It happened too often today that you’ll get paranoid with his love of scum surprise attacks!”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


Jian Songyi: “What are you all looking at all day long?”


“That’s not the point. The point is that I do not think I can return to the south back alive. Brother Song, please help us! Woooo!”


It’s earth-shattering as if this is a funeral exam.


But then, their wooing was cut off when Lu Qi Feng arrived. He heard the news so he came as fast as he can. “Did the two of you go to the hospital to find out your terminal illness? Wait, why are you crying so bitterly?”


Finally, a sane Alpha has arrived.


Jian Songyi looked up at Lu Qi Feng. “Hey, I’ve heard that our supposed instructor is not a human being.”


Lu Qi Feng came in and sat down on Jian Songyi’s bed before grabbing a bag of potato chips next to him. He opened it and answered. “Just a little bit.”


Jian Songyi kicked him. “Don’t eat on my bead.”


“Do you spend less time eating potato chips on my bed?”

“You wash it for me, anyway.” Jian Songyi is really an unreasonable man. He shook his head and returned to the subject. “I heard that you practice with guns?”


“What about it? Don’t tell me…” Lu Qi Feng glanced at him. “Experience tells me that you want to test the instructor. I suggest that you don’t. He is really not that nice. If you go too far, he might go as far as to not give you merit.” 


“I’m not that bad of a student.” Jian Songyi defended himself. “Hey, don’t eat all of it yourself. Feed me one.”

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“Why? Are you handicapped?”


“No, but I am too lazy to wash my hands after.”


Lu Qi Feng rolled his eyes but chose a big piece and placed it across his mouth.


Bai Huai, who had been silent on his bed while reading his book, suddenly slammed it shut.


Lifting his head, he glanced at the three visitors with a very unkind look. “Your points should be deducted for distracting our rest.”


His eyes then finally stayed on Lu Qi Feng.


It was not a friendly gaze at all.


Lu Qi Feng was a little baffled, but he had also heard that the Gaoling flower was difficult to get along with. Fearing that Jian Songyi might get caught up in the middle of this, he stuffed the potato chip into his mouth before dusting his hand and standing up. “I guess it is almost time for bedtime soon. You patients have a good rest. I’ll be going first.”


Meanwhile, Xu Jiaxing and Yang Yue obviously felt Bai Huai’s annoyance which left them trembling in fear. They supported each other and stood up.


In a blink of an eye, the once bustling room suddenly became deserted.


Jian Songyi frowns at Bai Huai: “Look at what you’ve done. Why are you always being unreasonable?”


Bai Huai didn’t respond for he doesn’t want to talk to Omega in the late stage of straight-A cancer.




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