The two of them were lying shoulder to shoulder. The air flowed quietly while the sound of stinging grass and insects became more and more obvious along with the sweetness of cinnamon flowers.

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Bai Huai suddenly rose sideways. He bent his elbow to lean against it and rest his head on the palm of his hand. “So what do you think we need to pay attention to?”


This posture of his shortens the distance between their faces. Bai Huai’s shallow breath had gently touched Jian Songyi’s cheek.


Jian Songyi tilted his head to the side as he pursed his lips. He did not answer his question.


But Bai Huai didn’t stop there, he continued asking the questions. “For example, do you want to live in the dormitory? Don’t go to school in the same car? Stop having dinner together? Don’t you want to be deskmates too?”


“No!” Jian Songyi was quick to turn his gaze back to him. “That’s not what I meant.”


Jian Songyi’s tone was a little urgent at first and it slowly went down as if his courage is slowly fading. As if realizing that he was too in a hurry and that he shouldn’t have that outburst after all.


Bai Huai felt bad that he was simply bullying Jian Songyi to try and return everything to normal.


But he didn’t expect Jian Songyi, who grew up to be so bright to be so simple and silly in this kind of matter.


People like him can’t help to want to tease him a little because of it.


He played his voice softer: “Then tell me what you mean. I’m afraid I misunderstood and upset you again.”


Looking at Bai Huai’s attitude with ease, Jian Songyi guessed that he was unaware of the reaction his body had at the time. He lets out a sigh of relief. He must’ve thought that his request was a little foolish and inexplicable.


When you have a clear conscience, how can you act as if you are trying to cover it up?


If it goes on like this, it will be awkward and it will lead to some other complicated feelings.


He felt that Bai Huai was very kind to him and didn’t want to hurt his feelings.


So he shook his legs and pulled out his usual casual riffraff smile: “Hey, it’s alright. I was just kidding. Don’t think about what I’ve said about the future anymore. Pretend that didn’t happen.”


“But aren’t you an Omega?”


“Who cares if I am an Omega? Can’t an Omega be best friends with an Alpha? Then do I have to live with Zhuo Luo in the future? Anyway, as long as we are frank and our conscience is clear while still doing the things that we are supposed to, then don’t you think that we don’t need any other reason to stay connected?”


Jian Songyi is unsure whether he is doing this for Bai Huai or himself. 


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On the other hand, of course, Bai Huai is very happy that Jian Songyi retracted his first statement.


Although Bai Huai knows to himself that he has a guilty conscience, so long as Jian Songyi won’t figure it out for a while, then all is good.


Moreover, even if Jian Songyi is easily embarrassed, he knows that he is not ashamed to call off his promise so long as he was the one who called the shots. He can always do what he says. 


At a time like this, it’s easy to pick on him again.


Knowing that he is an Omega and that the Alpha-Omega relationship is different, is Jian Songyi really favoring the fact that he gets himself teased a lot in the future?


Is there no better outcome than this?


Although this is really bad, Jian Songyi can only give it his way and let him bully him casually in the future.


Bai Huai is definitely in a good mood now. He then squinted his eyes and smiled, “Have you read Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre?”


“What now?” Jian Songyi doesn’t know why there’s a sudden shift in the topic. “No, why?”


“Nothing. It’s just that I thought I’ll lend you this book when I have a chance. You can read it.” He answered before setting himself up. “ It’s getting late. We should back to the dormitory. “


With that, Bai Huai got up and jumped off the platform.


Then Jian Songyi jumped down too.


Unexpectedly, he is questioning if this cushion is deliberately helping Bai Huai to bully people. After he jumped, Jian Songyi stepped on the edge of the cushion again and his ankles went ‘bye-bye’. But this time around, he did not fully fall because Bai Huai was there to grab him by his waist steadily.


His fingertips went over his waist again, straightening him up in an instant.


Bai Huai naturally withdrew his hand and pretended as if he didn’t witness everything. “What’s the matter?” He asked.




Jian Songyi threw out those three words quickly before lowering the brim of his hat and walking in a hurry to leave Bai Huai behind.


Bai Huai looked over his fingers as the corner of his lips lifted to form a smile.


Really, it is so easy to bully Jian Songyi.

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When the assessment list came out the next day, the rest of Class A said that Yang Yue’s group consisted of the three kings with one bronze.


Naturally, it goes without saying that Xu Jiaxing, as a sports committee member of Class One, is at the bottom of the class academically but has a top-notched sports cell. He is one of the best in Class One when it comes to this matter. 


So with the time limit of 15 minutes, they planned to give Yang Yue eight to nine minutes while Xu Jiaxing will have two to three minutes, and then both Jian Songyi and Bai Huai each had to finish within two minutes.


Yang Yue’s usage time is the most unstable, so she will be the first one to enter the course and the latter talents can play flexibly according to the situation. By the same token, Xu Jiaxing is the second-best and will go in after. The only question left is who will enter last.


Bai Huai hardly thought about it and said. “Jian Songyi will enter last.”


If the task of saving the team falls to Jian Songyi, he will certainly look handsome after they finished. There’s also the fact that Jian Songyi will be happy to get that important position.


The other two didn’t think there was anything wrong with that decision. For them, no matter who is the last player will yield the same results. They are both equally monsters anyway.


“Bai Huai should go last.” Jian Songyi insisted.


Bai Huai raised a brow at him.


“I shouldn’t carry the pot.” Jian Songyi added while looking at his cufflinks. 


Yang Yue’s performance is actually very unstable. Based on her training, she ends up having to finish the course from seven to ten minutes last night. 


Once Yang Yue gets into a problem, he and Bai Huai need to challenge the limits more.


Bai Huai is an Alpha. Whether Jian Songyi is willing to admit it or not, his physical fitness and potential explosive power are actually higher than his own. This is a congenital physical problem determined by sex, and there is no other way.


So Jian Songyi does not think that he is really weaker than Bai Huai. He just thinks that Bai Huai is not his enemy, but his friend, and a person who can be trusted unconditionally, so why not make the best arrangement?


Jian Songyi is not that prideful to be secretly competitive with Bai Huai. He thought that they should both do their very best and do everything they can to make this work.


Accompanied by more than ten years of acquaintance, although Jian Songyi has no kind words left his mouth, Bai Huai understands what he is thinking.


Bai Huai suddenly felt that he underestimated Jian Songyi. In the three years that he left, Jian Songyi has grown better than he thought. The peacock’s open-screen appearance is not as conceited and foolish as before. Jian Songyi is now tough, strong, and sensible.


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He smiles. “Don’t worry, coach. I will live up to expectations.”


And then, the gunshot was fired as a signal.


Yang Yue was the first one to start. Everything in front of her went through barely smoothly. She even passed the pile net at the expected time, but somehow, she got stuck at the high wall.


She tugged the rope and dragged her bloated body upwards as she tries to push the wall, but every time she gets near the top, she gets a little short of strength and slid back down.


Time went by as Yang Yue continued to struggle that the other groups of onlookers picked up their hearts and even tried to persuade them to give up and let Yang Yue come back. But both Jian Songyi and Bai Huai just stood there while quietly watching Yang Yue. Even Xu Jiaxing had no intention of being distracted or worried. He simply continued doing his warm-up activities and is ready to start the course at any time. 

This wordless trust and determination reached Yang Yue several hundred meters away. Finally, she clenched her teeth, took her last breath, and climbed the high wall. She ran quickly to the platform, jumped decisively, and rang the bell.


At the same moment, Xu Jiaxing also set out quickly.


Nine minutes and forty seconds have passed by this time.


In other words, there is only five minutes and twenty seconds left for the remaining three people.


The standard for judging professional soldiers is one minute and thirty seconds. Xu Jiaxing feels that he must leave at least three minutes for Jian Songyi and Bai Huai.


So he also has to challenge his ultimate performance.


And then he did it.


He was a man who was comfortable with the situation and paid no attention to anything, but this time he fought hard, pushed his limits, and bought three minutes and fifteen seconds for the remaining two.


However, even so, the situation is not optimistic, because as we all know, in the real army, you can already get a very good ranking in one minute and thirty seconds.


No matter how good they are, they are only students. They have not experienced day and night training. If they can happen to finish it within the given time, then it will be a miracle.


But Jian Songyi still looks relaxed.


He thinks one minute and forty seconds are very limited, but he can do it himself.


Ten thousand steps back, even if he makes a mistake, there is Bai Huai behind him.


That man can definitely do it.


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So there’s nothing to worry about.


Because the pressure is not on him, his whole body relaxes. His movements are fast and neat. He is light as a swallow and tough as a stubborn bamboo all the way through the course.


It took him one minute and 39 seconds to ring the bell. 


The whole audience was stunned. 


This new record makes people who thought that their group was hopeless suddenly begin to wonder if a miracle could really happen in the remaining minute and 36 seconds.


Everyone wants a miracle, including Huang Ming.


These teenagers worked so hard that no one is not moved.


It’s time for Bai Huai.


Slender with a good long psyqiue, he moves like a gust of wind who swept across the obstacles. 


From the piles, trenches, and low net, to the single log bridge that spans a total of 350 meters.


Fourteen seconds left.


He held the rope of the high wall and kicked the wall to jump up.


Six seconds left.


He runs to the platform.


Three seconds left.




The bell rings.




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