Huang Ming pressed the timer and with a loud voice announced: “Bai Huai, Jian Songyi, Xu Jiaxing, and Yang Yue, after the examination… The assessment results: A total of 14 minutes and 59 seconds. Excellent!”

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All the people in the Alpha class applauded no matter how well they scored in the examination and whether they were friends with these people or not.


Because of this reckless and unreasonable friendship, but also for the youth spirit they showcase that no matter what, they did not succumb and give up.


Huang Ming looked at this group of hot-blooded teenagers and suddenly felt that the balance in his heart was really unnecessary.


In this world, it is not fair that some people have good lives and some people have bitter lives, but it is fair that they are all seventeen years old.


Seventeen years old, the age at which he was scolded when he cried in the army. He also thought it was the best age.


At the other end of the training ground, Bai Huai pushed away Yang Yue, who was about to jump on and hug him, and then Xu Jiaxing proceeded to pull her leg and arm to take her away.


Slowly walking aside with a dogtail grass in his mouth, Bai Huai leaned lazily against the tree and stood still: “How’s it going, coach? Are you satisfied with my performance?”


Jian Songyi reluctantly nodded his head twice to show that it was alright.


By seeing this, Bai Huai took another step forward. Now they stand by each other with less than two fists between them. He lowered his head and then asked. “If you are satisfied, then can the coach give me a reward?”


Jian Songyi raised a brow upward as a sign of inquiry.


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Bai Huai stretched out his hand to get the dogtail grass from his lips. He held it with two of his fingers and turned it around. “I think this is pretty good.”




Jian Songyi thought that there was something wrong with Bai Huai’s mind. He glanced at him and pointed to the wild grass next to him. “If you want it, I’ll bring some here in the middle of the night until the land goes bland.”


Bai Huai smiled softly: “No, this one is enough.”


Enough to make a small gift.


At the end of the military training, All of the students in the Alpha Class received an A in every activity.


Lao Bai is very satisfied with the results and then proceeded into praising Jian Songyi and his team on the bus back to school. He was please with the idea that they become united and didn’t abandon their friend, or give up. And because of this will, they made unremitting efforts. 


After boasting for more than ten or twenty kilometers, he still had more than enough to say when they reached the school gates.


With a little regret, he said, “That’s all for today. I’ll give you a specific commendation at the flag ceremony next Monday. Tomorrow Thursday, everyone still has to come to attend your classes, but considering that everyone has worked very hard these past few days, the school has decided to give you the afternoon off. You don’t have to attend the evening self-study. All of you, eat more meat and have some good night’s rest. I don’t want to see a class of rotten eggplant tomorrow, you hear me?”


The students who finally came out of hell were powerless: “y-yes, sir… yes.”


After getting off the bus, Yang Yue tugged Xu Jiaxing and went forward to Jian Songyi and Bai Huai with a beaming face. “Two fathers, your black sheep children want to show some filial piety today. I wonder if you can do me a favor?”

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“Speak human language.” Jian Songyi simply replied.


“In order to thank you, I want to invite you to eat barbecue, drink beer, and have crayfish. Is that okay?”


“I have no problem. Ask Bai Huai. He is a thief and never goes to roadside stalls.”


Bai Huai tilted his head and looked at Jian Songyi. His eyes were a little surprised. “Are you going to the roadside stall?”


If he remembers correctly, Jian Songyi is much pickier than him when it comes to eating.


Jian Songyi raised his right eyebrow at him: “Of course I do. I am only picky at the taste, but I don’t mind eating anywhere. It’s different from a noble and exquisite gentleman like you.”




Bai Huai did not know how this man had the face to say that others were fastidious and ignored him. He just nodded to Yang Yue and agreed.


Yang Yue immediately smiled and said, “Okay, then I’ll ask Zhuo Luo and Yu Ziguo if they are going too? It’s going to be crowded and lively.”


Everyone adhered to the psychology of “Whether I want to eat or not, as long as I can kill others, I will be very happy”, and all agreed.


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Seven people set off for the barbecue shop.


At the end of the military training, all of them changed back into their own clothes, and it happened that seven people were all wearing different colors. On a whim, Zhuo Luo and Yu Ziguo named this group “The Seven Fairies with Joy”, and they felt wrong that they deducted them a plate of pork belly.


They fought all the way to the barbecue restaurant.


The barbecue restaurant that Yang Yue is looking for is not close to Nanwai. It is in an alley in the old city.


Under Yang Yue’s command, the taxi driver made seven bends and eight circles while the others has no idea where they went.


Once the car finally stopped, they all piled out of the taxi and then turned at the entrance of the alley. They saw the staircase going down with an old sign that appeared at the gap of the staircase.


– Blind Man Barbecue Shop for Self-Service Barbecue Grill with Lobster, Night Snacks, and Drinks


There are iron railings next to the stairs which are rusted and surrounded by unknown vines. Once they reached the bottom staircase, they will be welcomed by a concrete open floor. It is quite flat but very clean. There are barbecue set-ups, tables and chairs, and a few large umbrellas.


There are two low-lying houses on the other side of the concrete, which can be regarded as kitchens.


Yang Yue took the lead and went down. “Look past the simple environment. The food here is delicious and clean. The price-performance ratio is particularly high as well. This place is famous for its good quality, so don’t worry.”


Then he remembered something, so he had to pause and turn around. Yang Yue then lowered his voice and said, “This is opened by an old couple. The boss is blind, but he really knows how to barbecue, and the landlady is also very capable. They are both honest people, but they have a bad fate. You should be careful later. Don’t say anything you shouldn’t say.”

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The crowd nodded clearly and followed.


After taking a few steps, Jian Songyi suddenly felt that something was wrong. Looking back, sure enough, Bai Huai stood still.


His eyes drooped as if he had something on his mind.


He turned and walked back to Bai Huai: “What’s the matter?”


“Nothing.” Bai Huai hooked his backpack strap on his shoulder and said naturally: “I’m just not used to coming to this kind of place. I’m afraid of diarrhea, so I’m a little hesitant to go down.”


“Then you shouldn’t go.”


“How can I not go down if you’ve already gone down? Let’s go or Yang Yue won’t know what to do with his mind.”


Bai Huai smiled and reached over Jian Songyi’s shoulder. Then they walked side by side every step of the way.


There was a wind blowing around the iron fence that a vine that had been yellowed and withered for a long time finally snapped and broke.




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