“After our military training, we went out to have dinner with some of our friends.”

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Bai Yun nodded with satisfaction: “ To be honest, I was worried that he would not get used to it after he returned. If he had no friends, it will surely affect his grades, but, I heard that he had passed the examination twice. But still, it’s good to hear that he has friends to have dinner together. I am relieved. Otherwise, I wouldn’t know how to explain it to his father.”


Jian Songyi quickly grasped the point. “Then…”

“That’s right. His father is still inspecting the northwest and doesn’t know anything about it.” Bai Yun replied before sipping his tea calmly as if what she just said is something to take lightly.




The three members of Jian Songyi’s family froze.


It was strange that Mr. Bai who is shrewd could agree to Bai Huai’s coquettish operation? It turns out that people are really kept in the dark and didn’t know anything. 


Then after they find out, the other side of the family will just be overwhelmed?


When Mrs. Tang thought of the way the two siblings would have a dead face battle between each other, her hands holding the teacup began to tremble: “How did the two of you come up with this together?” 


“Well, it’s not like Little Huai wanted to study theory in the first place. It is only because my brother wanted him to enter politics. He was the one who filled the application for him, but Little Huai wanted to be a doctor so he came to me for help. You are aware of how determined Little Huai is and yet he could not bring up what he thinks so easily. Thus he began to study Science by himself in his second year of high school. He then secretly signed up for cram school and trained during his summer vacation. I also knew that he wanted to inherit his father’s last wish, and it was really because my brother was sorry to his father, so I agreed. ” Bai Yun said calmly.


Jian Songyi was relieved and asked, “Why did you have to return to Nancheng? Although the national examination papers are now unified, Beicheng’s resources are still much better.” 


Bai Yun drooped her eyes down with a faint smile forming upon her lips. “Who knows. He said that he is worried about something on Nancheng and wanted to come back to have a look. It just so happened that his grandfather was in poor health for two years and missed him, so we conspired to take Bai Huai back here. There are only four people in our family, and he is the only one to oppose the idea. Can he really turn the tide now?”


With Granpa Bai and Aunt Yun, it would be impossible to turn it over, but what is Bai Huai’s concern here in Nancheng?

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Jian Songyi feels like he is having trouble with his brain recently, and he can’t understand things all the time. 


Without waiting for him to calm down and sort it out, Bai Yun continued speaking in her warm voice: “It’s already autumn. The anniversary of Little Huai’s father’s death is coming soon. His 18th birthday is also around the corner too. His grandfather is not in the country, his father is in the northwest, and I am returning to Beicheng right away. He is the only one that is going to be left here, so I am here to ask if you can take care of Little Huai and accompany him so that he won’t be too sad as he becomes 18.”


Mrs. Tang could not help but speak her mind, “I just don’t understand what’s a big thing that can hinder a family to not be there and celebrate a child’s birthday with him. The people in your family are too ruthless. If you are an adult, you should go to the sky and pick the stars for him.”


Bai Yun was not angry with her remark. She replied with her calm and gentle voice still: “There is no way. Not all children are as blessed as Little Songyi. And besides, Little Huai may not want to live with us, let alone celebrate with us. I think Little Huai is happier when he is Little Songyi. It has been that way since they were little. That is why I am asking Little Songyi to spend more time with Little Huai. I just don’t know if Little Songyi is willing to do it or not.”


Jian Songyi doesn’t know how it happened, but the young man of a powerful and rich family suddenly became a miserable child as their conversation went on.


It was so pitiful that even if Jian Songyi is unwilling and hard-hearted, he could only say yes, Good thing he is not unwilling to do it.


As early as during the military training, he had thought the autumn approaching them and that it was the time to buy a bunch of Platycodon grandiflorum.


But before he could even open his mouth, Mrs. Tang already made the promise on his behalf. “Songyi will surely accompany Bai Huai. If accompany is all you are asking then he will accompany him for a whole day if he must. As you know, we were careless and Little Huai has now a very good relationship with Songyi. They are just inseparable just like glue!”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


What the heck?


He wanted to remind his mother that the idiom is not used like that, but he doesn’t have the right to have a say between two forty-year-old women, so he did not say a word. The matter was immediately settled anyway.


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After Mrs. Tang merrily sent Bai Yun away, she took out a shiny black card from her wallet and gave it to Jian Songyi. “Son, buy Bai Huai a bouquet. Spend freely and buy whatever you want, eat whatever you want. Don’t get anything wrong for Little Huai!”


With a black card with a monthly quota of 8 million, does his mother want him to buy a Ferrari for Bai Huai as a gift?


It’s not necessary. It’s really not necessary.


“Mom, you are exaggerating. You can just put 10,000 or 20,000 on my card.” Jian Songyi stated.


Mrs. Tang refused: “How can ten or twenty thousand be enough? Are you trying to buy more than 10,000 or 20,000 pairs of printed sneakers? Why are you so heartless? What if Little Huai feels that our family is treating him badly?”


Jian Songyi: “?”


“Take it! Just take it! It’s not about you alone. This is for the heart of our whole family. Do you understand?” Mrs. Tang is so adamant about this.


Mr. Jian’s purpose in life is whatever Mrs. Tang says it will, so he helped and advised Jian Songyi: “If your mother is giving it then you should just take it. You don’t have to use it. Little Huai, this child looks glamorous. Everything in his life seems to be great, but his own family deserted him when he was a child. If our family doesn’t treat him any better then is it worthy of all the pain and suffering he carried just for you? Don’t you feel bad about it?”




Jian Songyi has nothing better to say, so he takes the card.


For some reason, he always thought that his parents’ attitudes are very strange. They act like those typical rich couples that has a silly son who only wants nothing but to please his wife for fear that she might run away with someone else.


Maybe people are stupid and have a lot of money.

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Jian Songyi continues to complain about his parents mentally until he gets back to his room. 


He threw his backpack on the bed and immediately pulled out his phone. He then marked two important dates on the calendar.


September 13th, the anniversary of the death of Bai Huai’s Omega father.


September 15th, Bai Huai’s birthday.


He still remembers that autumn 12 years ago when he accompanied Bai Huai to call his Omega father in the Middle East.


Bai Huai, who was clearly still small and supposed to be immature, had to pretend to be a small adult and solemnly told his father that if his father was busy, it didn’t matter if he didn’t come back. Little Huai could eat cake alone.


When the other end of the phone gently said that he would fly back tomorrow, the little ‘adult’ Bai Huai did not hold back his child’s nature in the end. He happily holds Little Songyi as he bounces around and twirls into triumphant circles.


However, it ended up that he shouldn’t wait until his father came back.


His father left Little Bai Huai to protect other children.


From then on, no one can spend the spring, summer, autumn, and winter with him gently, year after year.


To comfort Bai Huai, Jian Songyi told Bai Huai: “Don’t be sad, since you don’t have a father anymore. I will be your father from now on. Feel free to call me that whenever.”


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Although it sounds like taking advantage of it now, Little Jian Songyi, who was more than five years old at that time, was just clumsily telling Little Bai Huai that he would accompany him in the future.


‘In the following spring, summer, autumn, and winter, year after year, I will accompany you.’


Eighteen years old.


It has been twelve years already.


Jian Songyi got up to pull out a big storage box in the corner of his locker. He then sat by the bed to stare at the bits and the pieces within the box.


For some reason, he suddenly felt his heart ache a little bit. He thought that Bai Huai was really unlucky. He has to memorize what he wants to do, and change his luck so that he can be lucky and happy in this life of his after the age of 18.


Jian Songyi scratched the back of his head.


He took out his cellphone and choose only a few people that he has the best ties with before sending the message to them as a group.


[What will be the best gift that would make you the happiest upon receiving on your 18th birthday? Regardless of manpower, time, and cost.]




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