Chapter 31 – He Wants To Treat Bai Huai Better

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He originally wanted to send a group message, but accidentally turned it into a group chat.


Nonetheless, he received a lot of replies.


I am a fat mushroom: [super diet pills!]


Fortune-teller 40% discount: [I hit cp’s marriage license!]


Xu Dashuai: [Goddess of a night of spring!]


Zhou Xiaolu: [The god’s one night of sex!]


Xu Dashuai: [Wait, Brother Song, did you miss someone?]


Lu Qi Feng: [I doubt that this is all for our birthdays. Is this for Bai Huai? If this is for Bai Huai then this will be easy just send it to him.]


Lu Qi Feng: [You can refer to Zhuo Luo’s opinion.]


Jian Songyi: [How can I refer to it? Find a moneyboy for Bai Huai? Isn’t that illegal?]


B.: [Theoretically speaking, it is against the law if you hire one, but if you wouldn’t pay him then it won’t be illegal.]


Zhou Xiaoluo: …..


Yang Yue: …..

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Yu Ziguo: …..


Lu Qi Feng: …..


Everyone stared at that “Xu Dashuai invited B. and joined the group chat” for three seconds.


And in an instant, everyone left the group chat one after another.


Xu Dashuai: [What is going on? Why did they all leave? Are they excluding me or Master Bai?]


Xu Dashuai: [shit! You are going to hire a moneyboy for Master Bai?! That’s so exciting!]


Jian Songyi left the group chat before throwing his phone away from him. He covered his head with a pillow and just wanted to kill himself on the spot.

Those bunch of idiots.


He finally understood why Bai Huai didn’t normally like making friends. It’s because friends dig holes all the way until you can bury yourself easily.


His mobile phone rolled to the ground with his ringtone ringing. Jian Songyi pretended to not hear it.


He originally thought of preparing a birthday surprise for Bai Huai, but he personally caught him and Lu Qi Feng discussing: finding a money boy for him.


He just wants to kill himself.


But doesn’t it seem normal for boys their age to open their mouths about pornography? It doesn’t seem to be something to be ashamed of to the point that you wanted to kill yourself, right? It seems like it’s not impossible to let go, though.


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When he hit the mental block, Jian Songyi finally realized that his phone stopped ringing already.


But then, before he could even react, the door rang. 


It was accompanied by Bai Huai’s low voice: “What? You dare search a male prostitute for me and then dare not to reply to my messages? Are you afraid to open the door for me now?”


Jian Songyi: …..


It’s better not to say anything anymore.


He covered his head and said nothing. Jian Songyi pretended to be dead.


But then again, it didn’t do the trick. There was a sound of the door handle being twisted. “If you don’t speak, then I’ll just come in.” Bai Huai warned.


“Don’t! I am naked!” Jian Songyi exclaimed as he quickly pulled out his head from the pillow covering it.


Bai Huai smiles slightly: “So you still have this hobby at home? What if I want and became more eager to come in more?”


“…..” Jian Songyi’s breath hitches. Bai Huai turns out to be so good at being a pervert.


“Don’t you understand the Alpha-Omega second genders? How can you be so perverted?!”


“Aren’t you the one having wrong thoughts during the group chat?”


“…..” Every time Jian Songyi feels ashamed, he feels guilty and could not speak. After holding his tongue back for a long time, he managed to compose himself and spoke: “I am asleep!”


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Bai Huai refrained from smiling, let alone laughing for there’s no way for him to speak like that if he is indeed sleeping. “Okay, you are asleep. Then can you please tell someone that I do not need any birthday presents or rituals? I do not like to bother others and plan lively and grand occasions. “ 


“Oh, I see. I’ll make sure to tell him. You can now leave.”


Somehow, Bai Huai heard a hint of gloom and grievance from Jian Songyi’s voice. While he hesitated for a moment, Bai Huai still twisted the doorknob and turned his heels to leave.


A devil will always be a devil. Everyone knows that even after the military training, the third-year students of Nanwai returned to their old habits. They receive worksheets and answer them vigorously as they try to pick up knowledge points; They fool around and laugh so carefree; Yes, none of them became a ruthless exercise machine.


The brief bustle and murmuring bustled down as if the morning ceremony had just begun. Only Bai Huai and Jian Songyi understood that in the past five-day training, the ice walls between them that have been standing and growing for the past three years had finally melted and turned into long steam of sunrise.


Without saying a word for the whole day, Jian Songyi holds a real Chinese reading questionnaire for the college entrance exam. He looks very fresh and refined among the vast amount number of people who looks like they were tortured mercilessly by their science and mathematics reviewers.


Lao Bai was so moved that Jian Songyi finally gave it a shot that he was about to burst into tears. He took off his glasses and touched his face with his hand. He could feel his shoulders tremble while doing so. He is so excited that he wasn’t able to speak a word for a while. 


When he had his share of joy from the scene before him, Lao Bai wiped the fake tears in the corner of his eyes and wore his glasses again. He went and patted Jian Songyi’s shoulder: “I know that I just have to wait for the day that you change your mind. All the wishful thinking in the world was all worth it.” He then stumbled away. Lao Bai walked as if he was floating above the clouds. He is that thrilled.


Jian Songyi: “…..”


Jian Songyi: “Have I been that scornful of our Chinese subject before?”


“The answer for that is yes.” It was Xu Jiaxing that said that, but he then suddenly pushed Yang Yue away. He just bolted out, squeezing himself in between other students or tables without even further notice.


He was so in a hurry that he hit Jian Songyi’s table abruptly enough to make his pen go rolling to the ground.


Jian Songyi frowns discontentedly: Is he in a hurry to be reincarnated to his next life already?”


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Yang Yue pursed his lips together. “He ate too much meat last night and had diarrhea last night. Do you think he had done so many wicked things that he has to suffer that? All of us ate so much meat last night but he is the only one with diarrhea the next day. He shouldn’t have gone to school.”


“I am actually a little bit uncomfortable too.” Jian Songyi said as he picked up his pen ever so casually. “My stomach hurts all night, and I still feel bad.


And then Yang Yue’s double standard came knocking in: “Think about it this way, though. You have a young master’s body, Brother Song. Meanwhile, Xu Jiaxing only has evilness flowing through his veins. That’s two different things.”


Bai Huai, who was correcting the wrong question, suddenly stopped writing in the middle of the formula and stood up: “I’ll go out.”


Jian Songyi raised his brow at him. “Dinnertime is almost over. Why are you going out? Do you want to stay up late for self-study?”


Bai Huai cracks a small smile. “I can’t take you with me when I am going to skip the night study. I can’t have you complaining to Aunt Yun.” He said before taking his phone and leaving.


Jian Songyi chewed his lower lip and buried himself in his reading comprehension for a long time without being able to answer a single question.


He doesn’t understand if the teachers who had penned these questions are sick. It kept asking him what the author is thinking about during writing the piece. Does he seem to be the kind of person who can guess what the author was thinking?


It happened years ago for heaven’s sake.


Meanwhile, Bai Huai was beside him, answering naturally as if he is just normally breathing air. Jian Songyi could not guess what was on his mind. How does he know what those people are thinking when they’ve already died hundreds of years ago. Not to mention the fact that he hadn’t met them before either.


It is so irritating for him.


“It’s so much better in Math and Physics. It’s much more simple and more linear. If you write it casually, you’ll eventually get full marks.” Jian Songyi mumbled but happened to do so way out loud. As a result, everyone around him glanced his way.




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