Yu Ziguo would’ve swooned on the spot: “If I hadn’t worked out the answers to all the multiple-choice questions by fortune-telling, I wouldn’t be as good at physics and math as you are.”

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“Can fortune tellers work out the answers to multiple-choice questions?! Shit. Yu Ziguo. Teach me quickly! I’ll guarantee you a semester of chicken rolls!”


Jian Songyi could not understand the bystanders who are pinning their hopes on metaphysics.


Yo Ziguo shook his head. “Of course, you can figure it all out this way. I have never made a mistake with fortune-telling. It holds some exclusive secrets, so I do not spread them out.”


Yang Yue hits him in the face: “Are you still going on about Brother Song being an Omega? And that Brother Song and Master Bai would end up together? Are you still going to claim those things or does your face hurt already?”


Yu Ziguo: “…..”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


If Yu Ziguo was a little embarrassed because of this, imagine Jian Songyi. He had never been embarrassed in his whole life. 


Fortunately, Xu Jiaxing returned, although he walked back rather quickly while clutching his stomach. “I have finally accomplished the things I wanted to do after living for so long.” He started. “I would die with no regrets.”


Jian Songyi looked over at Xu Jiaxing. “Is he mocking him because he is not good at their Chinese subject?


But before he could question, Xu Jiaxing explained himself already. He propped himself against Jian Songyi’s table before speaking: “I just went to the toilet and saw the guard duty on the school gate. He told me that someone was looking for Bai Huai outside the school premises.”


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Jian Songyi raised his head warily. “The front of the back gate?”


“It’s from the front gate, of course. I am not even aware we have another gate behind the school.”


Jian Songyi heaved a sigh of relief.


Outside the back gate is a small shopping center. Students usually use it to skip classes, so he was relieved that Bai Huai is not meeting anyone there.


Nevertheless, both reason and intuition told Jian Songyi that the person looking for him is Wang Hai.


Thus, Jian Songyi stood up and picked up his school uniform coat sitting on the back of his chair. After walking two steps ahead, he stopped and turned back around: “Don’t tell Bai Huai that someone is looking for him. And if he comes back and asked for me, tell him that I went to the office to ask some question.”


As soon as autumn hits Nancheng, the atmosphere gets cold easily as the wind blows harder, making someone’s stomach even more uncomfortable.


Jian Songyi loosely put on his coat and quickly made his way to the school gate.


He knows about Wang Shan. 


The poor student joined the class. At first, he was just reticent and a little too introverted so everyone didn’t like talking to him. But then, later on, every time the class needs to pay fees, he would postpone his share and give all the kinds of excuses enough to hold the class and make his classmates annoyed of him.


At that time, Bai Huai, as the monitor, helped him hand in money every time. There was no other meaning to that, but Wang Shan regarded it as them being friends.

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Bai Huai was not that cold back then. Although he was not the friendliest still, every time Wang Shan would ask him for help, he would give him a hand.


As a result, some students then later accused Wang Shan as a thief. Wang Shan refused to admit it and asked Bai Huai to testify for him. Unfortunately, Bai Huai did not testify, saying that he doesn’t express his opinion on things he was not sure about, but advocated Wang Shan to give any evidence of his own.


Wang Shan felt that Bai Huai had betrayed him.


Then that night, Bai Huai lost something and saw it in Wang Shan’s drawer.


He asked Wang Shan to return it, but it didn’t get through smoothly. Bai Huai hoped that Wang Shan would stop stealing too. Because of this, Wang Shan threw it directly from the sixth floor, and Bai Huai, who had never been emotional, actually lost his temper at that time. The two of them quarreled in the classroom and broke up in discord.


Just the next day, the people who had lost something before found Wang Shan and planned to give him a piece of their minds while Bai Huai asked for leave to go out.


That’s when the tragedy happened.


Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai was wronged. He was only thirteen years old by that time.


Besides, there’s one thing he could not understand. Bai Huai is not a materialistic person nor usually care that much about his things. In addition, he is a clean freak. If one of his things had been stolen, who would not want it back? But then, not only did he want the stolen good back, he even fought for it.


So what exactly did Wang Shan steal? Jian Songyi was always curious about it but Bai Huai didn’t tell him. 


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If Wang Shan hates Bai Huai then it is only natural that Wang Hai would cause all the trouble for Bai Huai. He is also the type of scoundrel who wants and would do anything for money.


Jian Songyi sneered and found himself at the school gate.


Students are not allowed to leave the school from Monday to Friday. Likewise, outsiders are not allowed to come in. But Jian Songyi is different for his father is the one who donated to the school security system.


As soon as he went out, he saw Wang Hai standing against the outer wall of the school.


He is a plain-looking Beta wearing his ordinary school uniform. Just by looking at him, Jian Songyi already feels uncomfortable.


Wang Hai also saw him step out of the school premises. With that, he squinted his eyes at him before pulling a strange smirk: “Why is it you? Did Bai Huai dare not come and made you go instead?” 


“Bai Huai has a lot of things to do, and since I have more time than him, I decided to help him and come have a look.” Jian Songyi answered lazily, “Just say what you have to say. I am free, but I do not have much patience.” 


Wang Hai is not in the mood to catch up either, so he went straight to the subject. “Did you go to my store yesterday?”


“It’s just a coincidence. There’s no need for you to go all the way here.”


Wang Hai spits and ran over his shoe on the ground twice with a sly look on his face: “I just want to ask Bai Huai for some money this time. Do you understand the cost of mental loss?”

“Mental damage fee?” Jian Songyi smiled sarcastically. He had never seen such a brazen person. He stepped forward and looked down at Wang Hai. “I don’t quite understand. Why are you asking for a mental damage fee? Just because Bai Huai is a fool and didn’t bully your brother with the other students?”


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Wang Wai wasn’t angry, but he won’t back down. “I’ll ask you, If Bai Huai didn’t take my brother as a friend, then why did he help him that time? If he took my brother as a friend, why should he always take the first place in the examination so that my brother can’t get the scholarship? Is he that short of money? Why would he even accuse my brother of stealing? On the day of the accident, my brother clearly told him that he thought that someone is looking for trouble. But he still had asked for a leave to go out, which made it clear that he was instructing the group to do so! It is a go sign signal! So he is the one responsible for what happened to my brother! That’s why I need the mental damage fee.”


With that, he waved his hand mercifully: “I am not that greedy either. I do not want much. Just give me two thousand to buy some cigarettes and be able to pay my net fees. After that, this is over. Otherwise, I will write it clearly and post to your school and other social media sites what happened. I am sure, it would be a great discussion for others. Let’s see how Bai Huai behaves after that.”


This is a complete scoundrel, to put it bluntly, he just wants some money.


Jian Songyi is not short of that little money, but he would rather give it to a beggar than give this garbage in front of him some money.


He grabbed Wang Hai’s collar and pushed him against the wall. Jian Songyi gave him a snicker before talking: “Your brother is mentally ill because he has been stealing from others? He doesn’t need to see a doctor because he is paranoid. He just wanted to put the blame on others.”


“You’re talking nonsense!”

“It’s not up to you to decide whether I am talking nonsense or not. Anyway, I’ve recorded our conversation from the very beginning until the end. It’s not too much to sue you for blackmailing a minor. But I don’t think you have the guts to jump off a building like your brother, so it’s up to you to go in for a few days and let your parents pay for a settlement. “


Wang Hai didn’t learn well at an early age that extortion of money from students is wrong. He must’ve thought that these kinds of rich young people are easy to handle and would give in after a few pokes here and there. He didn’t expect to handle such a hard stubble now, did he?


Wang Hai was so embarrassed that he lets a youngster pin him like this. “You don’t have to give anything to me. You don’t have to give me money. Just put me down. Put me down.” He stammered. “I am not only here for that today. My brother wants to see Bai Huai, saying that he wants to untie his previous knot. Y-you’re crazy… Real crazy…”


Jian Songyi, not a crazy man, raised his arm calmly to grasp Wang Hai’s neck. He clenched his fingers on his neckline and twisted it in a certain direction to strangle him.




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