Jian Songyi frowns coldly. “Then tell your brother that Bai Huai is as happy as a fool every day and there is no easy way out. Didn’t he want to know why Bai Huai had to ask for a leave to go out that day? I am telling you now, that it is because of my acute gastroenteritis that day that I went to the hospital. So if you two brothers must find someone to blame, it is me. Don’t bother Bai Huai again.”

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Wang Hai wanted to speak, but Jian Songyi refused to give him a chance: “Don’t ask me what I can do if I have to get into trouble with Bai Huai. Nothing will happen to me. At best, Bai Huai is unhappy as much as you and your brother are. I don’t like threatening people, but if you want your parents to live in peace for a few more years, you can take care of yourself. “


“Also, if Bai Huai wants to scold your brother one day, I will go with him, but not now. Do you understand? “


Wang Hai was completely out of breath, his face was purple and he could only nod desperately.


Jian Songyi loosened his hand and wrung his wrist a bit before turning back to the school gate.


Wang Hai leaned over the wall to gasp for air. He then suddenly laughed mockingly as soon as he recovered. “Are your shoes at least seven or eight thousand on the market now?”


Jian Songyi paused.


Wang Hai continued to laugh. “I’ve flipped through its fake replica, but I still couldn’t even afford it. Did you know that my brother really hated Bai Huai beforehand? People like you have money, good grades, and growth, and everyone likes it. You have everything. And then you are hypocritically kind to others to satisfy your sense of superiority. When you get unhappy, you will then take back that hand out. So have you ever thought about how people like us feel? Why should you look down on us? You just happen to be born in a good family.”


Jian Songyi did not feel that he is a saint, and he did not feel like reasoning out with him, but he just smiled faintly: “Reincarnation is my skill, and you can’t be envious about it. If you weren’t born into a good family, then let others live their good life. You don’t have to ruin it.”


But after walking two steps, Jian Songyi thought of the thin and haggard couple whole loved to laugh at the barbecue shop yesterday. Thus, he could not help saying: “The livelihood of your family is bought with your brother’s two legs. Now you are the only one in the family who has a full-functioning body. Can’t you try and live like a man?”


After that, he really left him there without looking back.


Jian Songyi thinks that he is not cool at all, but he really hates Wang Shan. 


Bai Huai looks cold but his mind is really delicate and sensitive. All his emotions are digested into his heart and then he will be hurt even more. Apart from being hurt, he will also be accused of resentment. He is obviously the victim, but he falls into self-remorse because he is kind.

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Therefore, it is no wonder that Bai Huai will lead a more and more deserted life. If he is not still with him, what is the difference between him and a loner?


Jian Songyi was suddenly angry that Bai Huai had robbed him of his school’s most handsome and first place. But then, the man is so unlucky that he should give way to him.


While rubbing his stomach, he went back to the classroom.


Bai Huai has already sat in his seat and started doing exercises, while there is a cup of steaming granules on his desk.


Jian Songyi frowned and turned to go.


Bai Huai did not raise his head and said lightly, “Come back and drink medicine.”


Jian Songyi felt that if he was persuaded to drink medicine in the classroom, it would be a bit of a shame, so he could only rub his stomach reluctantly while looking at the cup of medicine with bitter hatred.


As soon as he helped Bai Huai, this man would bite the hand that feeds him.


He has no conscience at all


Bai Huai stopped writing and looked at him. “Isn’t it because of stomach discomfort?”


“I don’t like that.” Jian Songyi said with a relaxed tone and yet a warying voice signaling that he was about to lose his temper.


Bai Huai then started to coax him like he would a child: “This is sweet.”

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“Black liquid but sweet? So far, I only know coke as the only one who qualifies for that.”


“It is really sweet. Why would I lie to you?” Bai Huai looked at Jian Songyi’s serious face and really wanted to laugh.


Jian Songyi is relaxed but is still unconvinced. He can’t eat anything bitter, and he is very much aware that he would lose his temper after drinking it.


Bai Huai helplessly took off his thin-rimmed glasses and pinched his eyebrows: “In the hospital before, you said I would do you a favor, and you promised me a request.”


“That’s what happened.”


“Did you mean what you say?”


Yes. But-”


“My request is that you eat three meals a day, drink this gastritis granule on time, and finish a course treatment.”


“No.” Jian Songyi said firmly. “This is such a good opportunity and you are wasting it on this? What good will it do you good at the expense of others? Can you at least make some valuable demands?”


“It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree because technically, this is the favor you’ve promised me.”




Mind dog! Jian Songyi could not believe that Bai Huai was challenging him this way.

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Jian Songyi tried to make a straight face before holding his breath and finishing his drink.




It’s really sweet.


Jian Songyi loosely licked the corner of his lips and then awkwardly said: “Well, I do not think of it as a request. You can change it and have another one.”


Bai Huai wrote something in his right hand and handed over a cup of water on his desk through his left hand: “No. Drink some water and moisten your mouth, or you will taste the bitterness later.”


Bai Huai’s left hand quietly slipped a piece of milk candy to him. The position of the fall was blocked by the cup. Thus, no one had seen it. 


Jian Songyi quickly took the sugar under the table and peeled it off. He threw it into his mouth and sipped it. The hint of sweetness oozed from the tip of his tongue.


No one had found out, so it did not affect Jian Songyi’s school image.


Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai seemed to be a good person. He has no ulterior motive as he expected and was very considerate. He had misjudged him before. 


And to think that this kind of person has bad luck and can still be kind-hearted, Jian Songyi suddenly felt distressed. He is now determined to be nicer to Bai Huai in the future. 


His friends are Bai Huai’s friends and so are his parents. He will share his luck and good things with Bai Huai.


So long as it will make Bai Huai’s life better.

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On the other hand, Bai Huai, a classmate with “nothing in mind”, calmly turned over a page of the problem book.


Jian Songyi was easy to coax, and later he estimated that he would be able to coax many more opportunities to make demands, but this time it would not be a pity. Anyway, his greatest demand for Jian Songyi was to live healthily and happily to the age of 120.


But if you think about it this way, it’s not impossible since he is about to have his birthday.


It is also a good idea to coax Jian Songyi to owe him a few more wishes, He thought that he could use them to spice up his love life in the future.


Bai Huai turned his pen, thoughtfully.



Author’s Note: 


Spoiler alert, this is the ending of Wang Shan’s plot. In the end, Wang Shan will complete an assist of the century! And received a mouthful of saliva from Yu Ziguo, who is optimistic and strong.


These chapters are about Bai Huai’s feelings for Jian Songyi, not because he unconditionally likes the article in the papers, but due to the fact that in his unlucky days, Jian Songyi became his greatest luck.


 The next chapter begins with a new charter: the evolution of the straw bug into a shy rose.


The sour and astringent days are over, and the little green plum is starting to ripen and will become sweeter.




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