Chapter 32 – Do You Have Someone You Like?

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If Jian Songyi knew what Bai Huai was thinking, he probably wouldn’t want to make up with him. 


It’s a pity that he didn’t know, so he only wanted to be nice to Bai Huai.


At five o’clock the next morning, Jian Songyi got out of bed without procrastinating for even a minute. He washed carefully, combed his black hair that would explode once in a while, and put on a black and silver button shirt along with slim black trousers. He then changed his sneakers into a pair of formal black leather shoes.


He looks like an adult.


At 5:30, he was waiting by the black car downstairs with a bunch of white Platycodon Grandiflorum in his hand.


The early autumn fog lingered around him, falling on the petals of Platycodon Grandiflorum and dark eyelashes that were stained with gentle dew.


As soon as Bai Huai opened the door, he saw such a sense of simplicity, and the sky was still deep blue.


He was wearing the same black shirt and trousers, but he is holding a bunch of white daisies.


Walking slowly to Jian Songyi, his voice was low and soft: “If you are sleepy you should go back to sleep for a while, or you will get angry again, and with that, I could not pamper you.”


Jian Songyi did not answer him but looked over his figure. He then reached out to straighten his collar. “You look handsome in black.” He started. “You almost caught up with me.”


Bai Huai’s skin is different from the cold white of ordinary oriental people. His facial features are exquisite and like a real-life ceramic doll. His eyebrows and eyes strike of as cold too. If he is to set off with extreme black, then his strong visual contrast will make it more intense.


He resembles some kind of aristocrat walking in the dark.


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Jian Songyi came to think that with Bai Huai’s charisma and appearance, people will immediately lose their posture if he paved their way. If he is determined to seduce anyone, there should not be a problem thereafter.


But he felt that his idea was really out of place, so he directly opened the car door and said, “Let’s start early. Don’t keep Uncle Wen waiting for us.”


The black vehicle drove slowly from the city all the way to the cemetery on the outskirts of the city. The mist never cleared as the cool air crashed into the cold glass window. Through the shallow scrubs and the isolated narrow bridges, the car drove through the sad early autumn.


But when the car stops, the teenagers still have to walk into that cold and lonely autumn morning.


With two bouquets of white flowers and two teenagers dressed in black; It has been twelve years after his death and they’re both still mourning.


And his husband, whom he loved so much during his lifetime, didn’t even have time to come back and see him.


—A bunch of white daisies from his son yearning for him.


—A bunch of white Platycodon Grandiflorum is a compliment to his flawless life.


A simple line was written on his tombstone: When I was born, I’d like to love the world; When I die, I wish the world would no longer love me – Wen Zhimian.


The face in that black-and-white photo is soft and handsome with a tranquil smile.


Bai Huai is nothing like him.


Bai Huai is more like his Alpha father from his appearance all the way to his character. They’re both arrogant genius as well, which is probably why Bai Huai’s Omega father has always been infatuated with this man’s indifference.


Jian Songyi was a little sad and felt that he should avoid bothering Bai Huai’s time with his father. He has to give him some time to be alone, but when he was just about to leave, Bai Huai grabbed his wrist: “Accompany me for a while. I do not want to be alone.”

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For the first time, Bai Huai told Jian Songyi that he didn’t want to be alone and that he needed him.


And with that, Jian Songyi was a little relieved. “Okay.”


The two stood in silence, and after a long time, there was a faint white light in the sky that shone in their direction. With that, Jian Songyi spoke, “Bai Huai, you know, you are not like Uncle Bai. You are more like Uncle Wen.”


Bai Huai looked at him.


This is the first time in 18 years that anyone has said so.


Jian Songyi looked at the picture on the tombstone with a determined smile: “Really. You are more like Uncle Wen. so I think you’ll be good at studying medicine. In fact, you should look more handsome in a white coat. So do you want Uncle Wen to bless you and be admitted to the medical school of Huaqing University?”


Bai Huai smiles softly: “If I ask my father to bless me for the entrance examination of Huaqing university, then my father wouldn’t want me for a son.”


“You do know that you’ll get beaten up if you say that, right?”


“You think so?”


“Yea. But are you sure you didn’t let your father bless anything?”


“He did bless one thing.”


“What is it?”


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“I won’t tell you.”


“Fine. Forget that I’ve asked.”


That deep sadness, with the rise of the sun, dissipated with the mist.


Bai Huai looked at the picture on the tombstone, the bottom of his heart was soft and calm, and his eyes oozed a helpless smile.


‘Dad, you see, he can always make me happy. I can’t help but like him. So can I trouble you, bless me, bless me to make him like me, love me, in this lifetime of ours.’


The wind passed gently and the bouquet shook twice, which was regarded as a yes.


By the time they left the cemetery, it was already eight o’clock. And by the time they got back to school, they had been late for 800 years.


‘I’m already late anyway, so what’s the point of hurrying.’ Jian Songyi thought.


Jian Songyi doesn’t want to show up at school dressed like that and neither does Bai Huai. So with a soft yawn, he asked: “Do you want to skip school?”


Bai Huai looked at him.


Bai Huai understood the assignment and went over to whisper to Uncle Zhang who was waiting outside the graveyard. “Uncle Zhang, I’m sorry that we had to make you wait for a long time. We won’t return for a while. Please tell Aunt Tang that Jian Songyi and I are going to skip school today.”


Uncle Zhang: “…..”


He didn’t know whether to marvel at the fact that someone could talk so righteously about skipping school or to praise Bai Huai for being so polite even when skipping school.

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But he was also aware of the Jian family’s educational style, so he only gave him a few instructions before coming down to report his work to his boss.


The remaining two men just wandered aimlessly along the road, dangling to Ling’an Mountain next to the graveyard.


The Dajue Temple on the top of Ling’an Mountain is the most famous temple in Nancheng. It is also famous for its placement in the whole south.


Especially the wishing tree, which is famous for its spirit.


Jian Songyi doesn’t believe this, but Mrs. Tang does.


Mrs. Tang said that there is no god Buddha in the world, but if people firmly believe in something in their hearts, their wishes will certainly come true.


Jian Songyi doesn’t know whether his heart is firm or not, but he knows that the little girl selling wishing tree red cloth is firm in her heart. She pestered them from the hillside all the way to the top of the mountain that Jian Songyi could not stand it anymore. So he happened to spend fifty yuan to buy two pieces of red cloth from her.


While holding the red cloth, Bai Huai could not help saying, “I didn’t know that the technology here had developed enough to use a QR code. Are you aging prematurely and are in need to pay for IQ taxes?”


Jian Songyi looked at him indifferently. “It can’t be helped. Someone here is too mute to speak because they’re starving. Starving because that certain someone didn’t choose to eat earlier.”


The two broke up in discord. The one went to the east while the other one went to the west, 10800 miles apart.




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