Jian Songyi looked around alertly only to find out that no one was responding to him. He remembered that fortunately, he habitually sprayed blockers all over him every morning. And now that the attack had just begun, the concentration of his pheromone was so low that no one is supposed to be able to detect it in the meantime. 

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It’s just that Jian Songyi has no concrete idea as to how long the inhibitors could block his pheromones. 


Jian Songyi was about to take a chance when a stream of heat suddenly swept through his body, and he shuddered for a moment.


Here we go again, this damn familiar feeling again.


And his first reaction was to want Bai Huai’s pheromone.


He shook his head and shook out the terrible futile idea.


Then he held a pen and wrote the problem at an unprecedented speed.


Fortunately, English is mostly multiple-choice questions, which takes no time to write.


He did not analyze the questions or check the grammar. He was not even careful as he reads ten lines in a glance and then chooses his answers by mere gut feeling. And then when it came to writing a composition, he only wrote 120 words and all based on gut feeling as well. 


As soon as he was done, he quickly discarded his pen with a bang before rushing to hand his paper ahead. Afterward, he rushed out of the classroom to bolt into the comfort room. 


Class 5’s classroom has no other advantage but the fact that it is closest to the toilet.


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Compared to Class One which is at the end of the corridor.


Jian Songyi loosely shut himself in a cubicle. He leaned over the light blue partition as he gasps for breath.


He answered almost all of the questions with the casual answer method and only fought for speed, so he still had almost an hour before the paper was due.


But his inhibitors and cellphone are in his school bag, and he can’t possibly go and get them until the examination is over.


The uncomfortable feeling is becoming more and more obvious. Heat is flowing all over Jian Songyi’s body as his bones become sore and tingly. On top of that, he could not help but feel anxious as his body suddenly feels parched in a way. Jian Songyi tries to restrain himself, but his mind pleads for the soothing of the cold and gentle snowy will from someone. His body misses it so much. 


He longed for Baihuai pheromones, which, at some point, even exceeded the rational need for inhibitors.


Soon, however, reason regained the upper hand.


Jian Songyi is determined to spend the rest of his life with inhibitors. He can only have inhibitors in his heart. Not that scumbag with the smell of Alpha pheromones.


But it’s really hard.


Jian Songyi finally understood why it is very difficult for Omega to be a high-ranking person because it is so fucking weak when combined with heat.


Gene is really the fairest and most unfair thing.

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Jian Songyi relaxed his hands on his knees and leaned over his legs a little. His light blue school uniform showed deep wrinkles as he hugs himself tighter until his knuckles turn white and his teeth sink into his lower lip, making beads of blood vaguely ooze out from the corner of his lips. 


Pain and willpower kept him awake from being swayed by hormones and desires, and from releasing pheromones and causing riots.


There was nothing else he could do but pray that time would be too fast and that he would be lucky enough to survive the exam without being discovered.


Bai Huai may not be able to help him this time.


‘Well, I can’t rely too much on Bai Huai all the time.’ Jian Songyi thought to himself.


Bai Huai will always have his own Omega. No matter whether he goes back to Nancheng for the reason he thinks, he will leave again sooner or later. So Jian Songyi can’t really take his goodness for granted, nor can he really use him as his Alpha.


Or else it will all be a mess.


Jian Songyi was thinking wildly as the time flowed slowly.


He was so hot that the desire in the depths of his body became more and more intense as the temperature rose. he could hardly even stand on his feet, making him lean against the partition so that he do not slip to the ground.


Jian Songyi loosened his school uniform and tugged at the neckline of his shirt. Even if he could not see himself, he knew that he must be more than blushing now.


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He wanted to go out and wash his face in cold water, but suddenly he heard footsteps.


This is the men’s Alpha’s bathroom, and only Alpha can come in.


Jian Songyi held his breath for a moment as he tried his best to rein his pheromones and pinned his hopes on the best barrier on the market that he sprayed a few times in the morning. He would be needing all the luck in the world for him to get through this.


However, the person knocked on the cubicle door. “Is there anyone inside?”


It was an unfamiliar voice that holds deep suspicion. 


Jian Songyi felt that he might be a little bit unlucky this time.


The whole corridor as well as all the following classrooms are quiet and dready. In fact, the class at the other end of the corridor was so quiet that a person could only hear the tip of the pen rustling across the paper.


Nothing out of the blue is happening. 


But Bai Huai suddenly stopped writing and frowned slightly.


He seemed to smell it just now, a wisp of something light, it’s so faint that it smelled like an illusory wild rose.


It’s the smell of Jian Songyi’s pheromone.

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But Jian Songyi obviously took the exam in Class 5. If Class 1 could smell it, then Alphas in Class 4 and Class 3 would have started smelling it a long time ago, but the whole floor was quiet.


The Alpha around him didn’t respond either.


In an instant, Bai Huai was sure that Jian Songyi is in heat. 


Probably because his own and Jian Songyi’s pheromone fit is far higher than normal and the fact that he is a top Alpha, his capture ability is far superior than ordinary Alpha. Besides, Jian Songyi’s pheromone is the flavor that can most stimulate his instinctive possessiveness, so even if it is very light, light to almost nothing, he can also capture it even from a distance that is not quite close.


It should be the role of a barrier, coupled with simple self-control, so other people are not aware of it for the time being.


Nonetheless, Jian Songyi is not safe if this is not the case. If ever, this is only postponing what’s there to happen.

Bai Huai did not even cover his pen. He picked up his paper and quickly walked over to the podium. “I am passing my paper.”


The invigilator turned over and hurriedly shouted to Bai Huai’s back, “Why are you handing this out already/ You still haven’t answered a page, and it’s still not time to pass the papers yet.”


“It’s too hard, no.”


Bai Huai left the statement coldly before he picked up Jian Songyi’s bag. Just like that, he rushed to the other end of the corridor. 




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