Chapter 41 – Nothing but Three

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Li Ting thought that it was a little strange.


He seems to have smelled an Omega in the male Alpha’s bathroom. 


It was not that sweet, but it can give any Alpha that kind of possessiveness in an instant. 


It’s very tempting in a way.


Nevertheless, it was only for a moment and then the pungent smell of disinfectant mingled along with his nose. How could an Omega dare to come in here? But even if it seems to be impossible, he still wondered if, in some way, an Omega is indeed inside. And so, he glanced at the closed cubicle and couldn’t help knocking on the closed partition. “Is there anyone in there?” 


There is Jian Songyi in it.


He is aware that if he didn’t answer, there’s no way that he can go anywhere. 


Jian Songyi tried to calm his mind, mustering his usual lazy and impatient tone: “Nonsense. If there is no one, does that mean that I am a ghost?” 


Jian Songyi?


Li Ting paused for a while as thousands of thoughts run through his head. But as soon as he was about to say something, he suddenly felt that the light diminished a little. When he turned his head up, a lone figure came in slowly. Blocking the natural light from the door.


Without waiting for Li Ting to realize who he is, the man in front of him stood with a cold tone: “Excuse me, please.”

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Li Ting stopped squinting at the tall man.


Bai Huai?


With a bag on his back? Is he done with the exam already? But there’s still an hour before it’s all over, right? What’s going on?


Li Ting felt even more confused that he stayed standing on his spot, completely dumbfounded and lost in thought.


Bai Huai raised his brow impatiently: “there are still seven vacant cubicles and yet you have chosen to queue in front of this cubicle. I have no problem with it, but please don’t stand in other people’s way.”

He then reached out and stopped Li Ting before making his way straight into the cubicle next to Jian Songyi’s. Bai Huai then closed the door.


Upon hearing Bai Huai’s voice, Jian Songyi was a little surprised, but he is not that surprised either. Unconsciously, Jian Songyi starts to relax as he suddenly settled down and pulled the corner of his lips upwards.


After Jian Songyi took the reassurance, he tried to speak in his usual tone: “maybe this student wants to see the pit I squatted. You understand, right? After all, it’s the excrement of the king.”


Bai Huai: “I understand.”




When he heard the two men talk to each other, they made Li Ting look like a pervert who followed them to the toilet of the school just so he could collect the top student’s poop.


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Li Ting was a little embarrassed, but he was still unreconciled. So he could not help but ask him the same question: “ Did you smell an Omega just now?”


Jian Songyi thought of a way to answer him. Thankfully, Bai Huai spoke first: “Which part of this is an Omega smell? The disinfectant? Or perhaps the men’s toilet smell? If that’s your description of an Omega smell then you are very miserable.”


As he spoke, Bai Huai leaned his back against the partition and squatted down to hand over the inhibitor from under the partition with his backhand.


Jian Songyi, who is on the other side of the partition, took it with the back of his hand as well. He then unscrewed the lid of the bottle under Bai Huai’s voice. He poured the liquid on his hand and then applied it to his glands. He tried to do so quickly so that Li Ting won’t hear the spray being pressed. Unfortunately, Li Ting was able to hear it.


“Don’t ask me. I’m not yet differentiated. I can only smell ammonia.” Jian Songyi said in a mocking manner.


Li Ting felt very wronged.


If he really smelled it wrong, then it doesn’t matter. But if not, then there’s only one explanation. 


So in a blink of an eye, he released an inductive pheromone of his. 


Induced pheromones do not provoke Alpha, but induce Omega to release pheromone responses, especially when combined with hot-season Omega. There’s a nine out of ten probability that an Omega would take the bait.

Strictly speaking, laws and regulations prohibit Alpha from inducing Omega without its consent. Otherwise, it can be judged as sexual harassment.


However since no one admits that there is an Omega here, Li Ting’s behavior can only be regarded as self-annoying. And this can’t really do anything to him.


If you are opportunistic, your mind is really useless on the right path.

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The first moment that Bai Huai noticed it, he wanted to storm out to give him a piece of his mind, but his hand that was hanging at the bottom of the partition was suddenly grasped. 


It was Jian Songyi’s hand, dangling against Bai Huai’s wrist that slowly dropped to hold unto his fingertips. He gently squeezed them twice as if telling him that he is okay and that Bai Huai should not make a scene. 


The temperature of Jian Songyi’s fingertips scalded Bai Huai. With a pain in his heart, Bai Huai wrapped both of his hands against his bony hands, making sure to keep that weak hand of his cool.


He gently and silently tries to pacify it so no one would see. 


Outside the door, Li Ting stopped releasing the inductive pheromone for half a minute. Nothing seems to have happened, so he sniffed hard and ruthlessly.


It only stinks a little. 


Other than that, there is nothing. 


He frowned suspiciously but could do nothing about it.


He could only take it as if he had heard something wrong just now, and he was just a little overwhelmed by the smell of the men’s toilet and disinfectant. He quickly relieved himself of his physical problem before leaving straight away.


As soon as he left, Bai Huai immediately came out of his cubicle with his bag and knocked on the door twice.


With a click, Jian Songyi opened the lock. Bai Huai flashed in and locked it again from the inside.

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Jian Songyi had just resisted the inducement of an Alpha, so now he is all red while squatting on the ground. He looked at Bai Huai ever so slowly, his peach-blossom eyes picking up. His eyes are so bright that it was about to drip water any second. 


The beautiful Omega in his special period is even more beautiful than usual.


Bai Huai scratched his throat and looked away, ready to take the inhibitor out of his bag.


Jian Songyi wanted to stand up, but suddenly his legs gave out that he was about to slide to the ground. Bai Huai hurriedly threw his bag and then grabbed him with one hand. He put his arm around his waist with the other. He then fished Jian Songyi up and pressed him into his arms. 


It doesn’t matter anymore if they’re too close to each other. Jian Songyi is like a showered mud land after a very long drought. Greedy and out of order, he buries his head between Bai Huai’s neck. He quickly sniffed his body aggressively, and when he did not smell any pheromones, he could only frown discontentedly.


Like a child who wanted to eat candy, but he happened to not get any even after waiting for a long time. With that, Jian Songyi started losing his temper.


As soon as Jian Songyi was about to break out in a fit, Bai Huai covered his mouth. After a next second, footsteps and a conversation from outside sounded more evident.


“Today’s students are getting really rampant. They hand in their papers without even finishing them, saying that it’s too difficult to answer. What’s wrong with English? Do they think their PE teachers are not required to study that too, huh? Fooling around with a few words and options is fine, but this. He didn’t even try. Besides, I heard that he had gotten the first rank in his year in a row. Does he think that he still will? Is it that easy for him, huh? Is this irritating or not?’


“Oh, maybe I am tired of taking the first rank. I don’t want it anymore blah blah blah.” The man sarcastically mimicked.


“This is disrespectful for exams. He must be condemned.”




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