Chapter 42 – Who Planted This Strawberry?

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“What’s only to be tolerated thrice?”


Jian Songyi was stunned by what he said. It must be because he kept getting combined heat and then having Bai Huai wipe his ass better. He must be getting bored of it. 


His voice went down and he said in a pale defense, “This is my first time as an Omega. I have no experience.”


“Is this the second time I’ve been an Alpha?”


Bai Huai put away the bottles, cans, and needles. He placed them inside the bottom of the backpack. He zipped it up and looked at Jian Songyi mockingly. 


Jian Songyi continued his pale defense: “I thought I was an Alpha, so I didn’t take the physiology and health class seriously.”


Speaking of this, Bai Huai really knows more about Omega than Jian Songyi. After all, in the first year of junior high school, he was still listening carefully to Omega’s physiology and health class.


Thinking of this, Jian Songyi suddenly asked. “Little Bai, when you thought you were an Omega, did you have fantasies about being a good wife and a mother?” 


Bai Huai looked at him before replying: “Now that you know you are an Omega, do you want to be a good wife and mother?”


Jian Songyi: “…You are sexist. I despise you.”


This is unreasonable. 


Bai Huai didn’t intend to reason with Jian Songyi either. Seeing that his state was almost restored, he picked up his bag and walked out.


When going out, the school broadcast just sounded “15 minutes before the end of the exam”.


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Jian Songyi suddenly walked a few steps faster and stood in front of Bai Huai: “I almost forgot, but I haven’t settled the account with you. Tell me why you have to hand in the blank paper?”


He looks a little angry.


Bai Huai hooked the strap of his backpack. “I didn’t hand in a completely blank paper. I just didn’t manage to fill in the last blanks and write the composition. Did you manage to finish yours?”


“I wasn’t able to answer seriously since the beginning of the reading comprehension.”


Bai Huai nodded, “Then we’re as bad as two peas in a pod. Yang Yue will probably pick up a bargain this time. “


“That’s not true.” Jian Songyi said confidently. “This time, it’s difficult to manage comprehensive studies. I think my score can be ahead of a big fault, which is not bad for English, but you can’t really tell.”


Bai Huai is modest: “I also got so-so in my comprehensive examination.”


“Won’t fall out of the top three? If you don’t enter the top three grades once, Huaqing’s school quota will be hopeless. “Bai hooked the backpack strap: “I didn’t hand in the blank paper, that is, I didn’t have time to fill in the blanks with the last words and write the composition. Are you done? “


“I’ve been writing casually since reading comprehension.”


Bai nodded, “Then we’re as bad as two peas in a pod. This time it will probably make Yang Yue cheaper. “


“That’s not true.” Jane is very confident. “This time, it’s difficult to manage comprehensive studies. I think my score can be ahead of a big fault, which is not bad for English, but you can’t tell.”


Bai Huai is modest: “I also got so-so in my comprehensive examination.”


“Won’t you fall out of the top three? If you don’t enter the top three, Huaqing’s school quota will be hopeless. “


“I should not fall out of the top three. However, even if I am not the first in the grade in every exam, I still can get the promotion quota to Huaqing, so it doesn’t affect me. “

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Jian Songyi asked warily, “Is there something you’re not telling me?”


Bai Huai smiled. “Nothing. I just want to tell you that this monthly exam is not important to me, so you don’t have to be psychologically burdened about it.” 


“How can it not be important? How can I not worry about it?”


“That’s right… We are still betting and that’s still important.” Bai Huai obviously does not intend to talk about this topic too seriously. 


Jian Songyi is eased, but he didn’t want to play games with him. With being rarely serious and calm, he spoke: “Don’t mess with me. I am serious. No matter whether it affects me this time or not, you have to promise me that you will never do it again. Don’t interfere with your own affairs for my sake. “


“Bai Huai, do you know that you always do this? I really can’t stand it.” Jian Songyi added.


With that, he buried his chin in the collar of his school uniform. He turned around and walked away without waiting for Bai Huai’s answer.


Bai Huai looked at his back and slowly lowered his eyes: “Okay, I see.”


There is no emotion evident in his tone.


The autumn wind blew.


The heat and flush on Jian Songyi’s face faded.


The dead leaves of the ginkgo trees outside the north building rustled like butterflies.


There is a lust for beauty as the dead leaf vigorously waved its way to float in Bai Huai’s direction. But as soon as bai Huai reached out to catch it, it suddenly turned around to change direction.


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It floated around Bai Huai as it was indecisive whether it wanted to fall behind or not.


Unable to understand the mind of the little leaf, Bai Huai simply held out two fingers to clamp in the dead leave. After he managed to catch it, he put it in his pocket and then slowly followed Jian Songyi’s tracks until he stood with him side by side on the steps outside the class.


Only silence looms over the two gentlemen as they both drown in thoughts about each other.


When the bell rang at the end of the exam and everyone rushed out of the classroom, the two people turned around and went to the classroom against the flow of people.


It is very strange that the way people look at Bai Huai is a little ambiguous.


When Xu Jiaxing came head-on, he had to puff in a cold breath. He must’ve bolted out in search of him as soon as the examination was declared finished.


Bai Huai looked at him coldly, motioning for him to spill the beans already.


Trembling, he held up his hand and pointed it over to Bai Huai’s chest. “Bai … Master Bai … I was wondering why you handed in your papers in advance. So … I see.”


Huh? It seems like Xu Jiaxing just witnessed a ghost in the hall.


Jian Songyi felt a fit of coldness upon looking along Xu Jiaxing’s line of sight. His body just froze in an instant.


Today, Bai Huai is wearing a white T-shirt with a round collar, enough to reveal his collarbone. And then there happens to be a red mark on that collarbone of his. 


The color is not that dark but in a light pinkish tone enough to stand out in Bai Huai’s white porcelain skin. 


When he remembered how the imprint came from, Jian Songyi almost lost his mind as he quickly shifted from his position.


Was Jian Songyi blind just now? It’s so obvious, why didn’t he notice it beforehand? And why is this man so careless? Is his skin that fragile? He licked it and it already leave a mark? On the contrary, Jian Songyi could not really recall if it was just a lick. He did sip and maybe suck it a little, but even so! What is he? A porcelain doll?

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This is really…


This is really…


Being shameless.


Jian Songyi immediately walked over with a straight face. He tugged Bai Huai’s uniform zipper all the way to the top before unwillingly helping him straighten up his collar.


Xu Jiaxing looked back and forth at them, looking confused: “Is it popular to wear school uniform like that this year? I would never really understand your handsome fashion. No, this is not the time to talk about this. What’s important is that you tell me the truth in this instance, Master Bai! Who planted this strawberry?!”


Bai Huai’s facial expression did not even change. “Mosquito bite in the toilet.”


Xu Jiaxing felt his IQ was insulted: “How big a mosquito can bite out such a big mark? This mosquito mouth is big enough ah.”


“It’s okay, it’s just this big.” Bai Huai said reaching out and gesturing out a length about the same size as Jian Songyi’s mouth.

Xu Jiaxing believed it and took a breath: “Then this mosquito is really big enough to grow up eating shit in the toilet.”


Jian Songyi could not listen to this nonsense anymore, so he kicked Xu Jiaxing in the ass. “Get out.”


Xu Jiaxing rolled to the canteen, clutching his buttocks.




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