As the crowd dispersed, they were the only ones left in the classroom.

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Bai Huai slowly unzipped his school uniform, took out his cell phone, and took a selfie pointed at his collarbone.


Jian Songyi was so angry at his behavior that he swore and said, “Are you sick?”


Bai Huai leaned lazily against the back of his chair and held his cell phone. He shook the screen towards Jian Songyi twice. “I am a stingy person. I am generally taken advantage of, so I like to get back. Because of that, I need to collect pieces of evidence first.”


Jian Songyi was so annoyed because he knew he is the one that is wrong. “So what do you want?” He asked.


Bai Huai slightly narrowed his eyes before smiling mischievously at him. “Not much, just a tooth for a tooth. You’ll let me bite you back, and I’ll think of this as being even.”


Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai is deliberately looking for trouble. This made him more annoyed than before: “Why are you so petty? Do you want to bite back when a dog bites you?”


“Woof. Woof! How many times do you want to hear it?”




“If you are not a dog, then you are a man. If you are a man, then you have to face the consequences of your action. You will have to pay it back sooner or later.”


Jian Songyi gritted his teeth. “Bai Huai, why didn’t I find you such a rascal before?”


Bai Huai calmly caressed his collarbone twice. “State it to me, who is the rogue one between the two of us?”




Jian Songyi lets out a soft sigh before burying himself in the exercises angrily. He decided to ignore Bai Huai completely for today.

His two ears pretended not to hear a word Bai Huai said as he continued to read about saints and sages. 


However, for some reason, the tips of his ears turned red like they always do whenever he is embarrassed or guilty.


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Bai Huai sat beside him, pretending that he doesn’t know what that meant. He lowered his head and pursed his lips into a small smile. Some people’s thoughts are just openly displayed with their ears. And because of that, they can’t really hold that much secret. 


But little did they know that a lot of people have seen the red mark on Bai Huai’s collarbone already. In fact, a girl had managed to take a photo of it and posted it for everyone to feast on and drew speculations about. 



1L: [Oh my god! Who planted a strawberry on Bai Huai?! You get out of there! Let’s have a duel!]


2L: [It is said that he was bitten by mosquitoes while going to the toilet.]


3L: [Are you all bullying Bai Huai because you haven’t been bitten by mosquitos?]


4L: [I know this better than anyone! Jian Songyi bit him! Bai Huai handed in his paper earlier today, and Jian Songyi did so in his respective classroom as well. And on top of that, they went back to the classroom together!]


5L: [Ahhhh! They are a couple for real!!! I ship them so hard!!! Pine and Cypress!]


6L: [My ship is sailing! Don’t reverse my cp! It’s Baisong!]


7L: [Pine and Cypress! My brother Song is A. Can he still be the submissive one? Can we see if Jian Songyi was planted with strawberries as well? What’s more, is the fact that the cold and high Alpha was pressed down. Isn’t this exciting?!]


8L: [Isn’t it exciting that the overbearing gentleman had turned submissive?! Aaaa!]


9L: [Be careful. This thread might get deleted again. What concerns me though is the fact that they both handed in their paper in advance.]


10L: [People from Class One said that it’s only natural for them to hand in their papers earlier than expected.]


11L: [But Bai Huai’s paper seemed to be unfinished this time.]


12L: [This story suddenly becomes intriguing…]


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When Li Ting also saw this post, the idea that had been spinning around in his mind suddenly stopped.


He clicked on the picture and then enlarged it. He stared at the red imprint on Bai Huai’s collarbone for a long time. He is sure that Bai Huai didn’t have it when he first entered the comfort room.


And this imprint… For someone who has been in love before, knows at a glance what’s going on.


The bold idea seemed to be supported by some kind of evidence, and it was stimulated at once.


Li Ting was in the same class as Bai Huai way back in junior high school. At that time, the whole class knew that Bai Huai had a close friend from outside the school, Jian Songyi from the South. Bai Huai seemed to have had a fight with Wang Shan over him, but after Bai Huai transferred to another school, the relationship between the two seemed to have become very bad.


However, looking at it now, they necessarily don’t look like friends while their relationship is not looking that bad either.


Li Ting is unsure but he smelled an Omega in the toilet. And then the only other person present is Bai Huai, who handed in his paper early. There’s also Jian Songyi and Bai Huai’s relationship since junior high. Like broken beads, Li Ting strung together the facts to reveal the truth.


These days, it’s one thing for everyone to make up AA love as if it’s a sweet candy. But then it’s another thing if that rumor ends up to be true.


The consequence of that is far worst than anyone could expect. Besides the fact that there would be a fine, the couple will also have to face law discrimination and the public’s opinion.


On the other hand, if Jian Songyi is not really an Alpha, then that would be more exciting to watch.


The Alpha of the Alphas is in fact a liar as he is a weak Omega.


Li ting is no longer qualified for the self-enrollment anyway, and he is still under further punishments for cheating. Those people who are already barefooted are not afraid of anything anymore. It’s not easy for anyone, but he could do it. 


Li Ting thought of this and then proceeded to look up his address book. Luckily, he found his former classmate in Beicheng. [Do you still have Wang Shan or Wang Hai’s contacts?]




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After several pages of speculation and debate, the thread finally stopped.


350L: [I am Bai Huai. I was really bitten by mosquitoes. I handed in the paper ahead of time because we are having diarrhea. Jian Songyi and I ate something bad at lunch. Please stop sending factless rumors. Take care of yourselves.]


351L: [Did the male god really post this?]


352L: [This man came down to debunk the rumors! Girlfriend power resurrected in place!]




Bai Huai honestly don’t know anything about it until Xiaoyuanzisent it as a screenshot with a message saying that Bai Huai has a conscience and did not tarnish her baby’s reputation.


He took his phone and showed it over to Jian Songyi: “This is me, huh?”


“You and I are indistinguishable from each other.” Jian Songyi said calmly. 


Jian Songyi finished his statement, but he still tried to grab Bai Huai’s phone. Unfortunately, he did not manage to grab the gadget, but instead, his fingertip scratched the screen a bit. As a result, the photo zooms out until the chat interface appeared.


Jian Songyi’s sharp eyes managed to see something: “Since when did you use [QQ] again? And who sent you this? What? What support club? Are you still chasing stars?”


Bai Huai quickly withdrew his phone. “No”


“Then there must be something! What support club? Show me quickly. I want to see who will be receiving your help.” Jian Songyi insisted on the intent of robbing his cellular phone from Bai Huai. 


Fearing that Jian Songyi would be able to snatch his phone, Bai Huai bumped against him so that he could lock his phone. After succeeding, he placed it over on the table. 


Jian Songyi was persistent still, so he grabbed the phone and tried entering the correct password. 


He entered the following: Bai Huai’s birthday, Bai Huai’s parents’ birthdays, Bai Huai’s grandpa’s birthday. He tossed and tried to unlock it over and over again until the phone prompted a 30 minutes lock due to the consecutive wrong passwords that were entered.


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Bai Huai didn’t stop him and simply watched at the sidelines. While trying to stifle a laugh, he spoke: “Let me ask you, what are you going to do with my phone now? It’s already locked for 30 minutes.”


“I am trying to get you to concentrate on reviewing. Do you understand?” Jian Songyi said as he placed Bai Huai’s smartphone under his desk. “Your phone is confiscated. I’ll return it to you after you finished a set of papers. Listen to teacher Jian Songyi.”


With a guilty conscience, he began to continue doing his paper too.


Bai Huai liked it whenever Jian Songyi would cheat himself. He is such a spoiled guy. Bai Huai could not help but smile with that thought in his head. He shrugged and took out a set of paper and began doing it as he asked. 


After doing it for a while, he thought of something. “Look at your phone. Haven’t auntie sent you a message yet? The meal delivery should be here soon.”


“Oh.” Jian Songyi brushed the question with his right hand. He took out his mobile phone from under his desk and with his left hand, he habitually entered his usual password.


It was successfully unlocked.


But something is wrong. 


The screensaver that welcomed him is not his usual Iverson.


Instead, it’s a famous oil painting, the meditative rose.


But the password is really his own password.


0101, his birthday. 





Translator’s Note:

Me: *internal screaming*

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