Chapter 43 – Waiting For a Coincidence To Pierce the Window

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Jian Songyi was stupefied for a moment. As soon as he felt like he could move, he took out a mobile phone of the same style from under the table. He pressed 0101 and it went through like he expected.


Iverson’s handsome face appeared.


Jian Songyi took both phones in his hands and exchanged his gaze between the two gadgets. 


“Bai Huai”




Bai Huai tilted his head and saw the two unlocked mobile phones in Jian Songyi’s hands. His heart tightened for a while, but he quickly covered it up as if nothing had happened. “What? Have you tried out the password? “


“Here we go, 0101.”


“Oh, yes.”


The tone was indifferent, but the tip of the pen made an abrupt mark on the clean and tidy paper.




“What do you mean why?”


“Your password is 0101. That’s my birthday. How can your password be my birthday? You don’t have a crush on me, do you?”


“Well, that’s right.”




It was only a simple sentence, and yet it resulted in dead silence.


Jian Songyi threw Bai Huai’s phone against his desk, making a soft clatter sound.


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“You’re fucking kidding me, aren’t you? Are you trying to be funny or are you just bored? Is it possible to talk even more nonsense now? If it goes on like this, then we might end up not being brothers anymore.”


Jian Songyi suddenly felt a hint of panic because of Bai Huai’s sentence that was only intended to be taken as a joke. 


This unprovoked panicking made him feel at loss. Although he knew that he could not show it, so he could only call out his bluff in arrogance when in reality, his head is already spinning as he tries to lean on great denial.


Nonetheless, Jian Songyi’s tone is both urgent and angry.


Bai Huai did not change his expression, though. He used his usual cold and monotonous tone in answering him. “Just so you know, I am only teasing you. Passwords such as 0101, 0000, and 1111 are commonly used in international practice. If you want to blame someone, you could blame yourself for having such a simpleton birthday.”


With that, Bai Huai took his phone, got up, and walked out of the door.


Jian Songyi was more than anxious as he watched him go, so he hurriedly stopped him: “Where are you going?”


“To the school gate to get our meal.”




Jian Songyi quickly sprung into action and he felt a little strange because of it. He didn’t understand what he was afraid of when he saw Bai Huai get up and leave.


He can only watch his slender figure grow smaller until Bai Huai disappeared in his own field of vision.


On the other hand, as soon as Bai Huai managed to turn into the corner, he immediately leaned in against the wall and clenched his left chest tightly. He blurted it out so easily that his heart won’t stop beating rapidly. He took a deep breath as if his life depends on it. 


With that short conversation, he had forgotten to breathe and relax his heart. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous about it.


As if standing on a rope in the abyss, he had longed to walk all the way to paradise for a long time now. But unfortunately, that paradise is still inevitably far from reach.


Bai Huai is unsure of what will happen if he tries to push his luck even more. What if he tries going even further? He can only choose to close his eyes and deceive himself.


Just like that, he was nervous again as if he had just died and was resurrected yet again.


Bai Huai was never afraid that Jian Songyi didn’t like him that way. He could wait for all of that to unfold. What he is afraid of was what Jian Songyi said. That he could not see it working out with a brother.

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Playing chess pays attention to the exchange of the pieces. It takes moving one after another, but he can’t afford to change his tactics now.


After what seemed to be a long time, he finally recovered from being flustered. Bai Huai slowly lowered his hand as he raised his face. He restored his usual indifferent expression before taking their meal and returning to their classroom. He then proceeded to silently place the food simply on the table.


Like every evening, when the two of them are alone, nothing happens.


Only Jian Songyi was relieved to see him come back as usual. And instead of letting Bai Huai prepare his food for him, he took the lunchbox and dismantled it layer by layer.


“I was just joking about what I said earlier.” Jian Songyi explained awkwardly.


But Bai Huai doesn’t seem to care: “What are you talking about?”


“I was joking when I said that If it goes on like this, then we might end up not being brothers anymore.”


Bai Huai looked at Jian Songyi silently.


Jian Songyi was quick to divert his gaze and avoid Bai Huai’s line of sight. “Anyway, It’s just… I was wrong. I am sorry. Please don’t be mad at me, okay?’


“I am not angry. What do you mean?”




Jian Songyi didn’t know what he is doing too. His head is more than a tangled and jumbled mess of thoughts right now.


He felt that his words were really out of his head and that he had to ask if Bai Huai has a crush on him. And the fact that he scolded Bai Huai about being brothers.


That’s not what he meant. Jian Songyi just panicked. 


But he doesn’t know what he is panicking about.


He felt like a fool as if something was scratching the depths of his heart, which was about to pop out of his chest. But he doesn’t know how to explain it. Jian Songyi could not see the reason behind it clearly nor can he grasp it fully. 


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The only thing that Jian Songyi is certain about is the fact that he doesn’t want Bai Huai to misunderstand. He doesn’t want Bai Huai to be angry either, let alone be the reason for their relationship to drift farther apart.


Jian Songyi continued to believe that he said something wrong, so it was up to him to coax Bai Huai.


But then, his head is full of confusion. Plus, he didn’t know how to coax him, so he could only resort to cruelty: “Why don’t you bite me?”


Bai Huai: “?”


“If you bite me, you could just pretend that I didn’t say that crap just now because then we would be even.” He added.


Looking at Jian Songyi’s determination and heroic expression, Bai Huai smiles: “Maybe next time. You’ve just spent an hour in the comfort room. I can’t bite until you’ve showered.” 




Jian Songyi was so upset that he had been picking his food apart instead of actually eating it. He suddenly felt that the rice in the bowl is not delicious, so he didn’t eat it. 


But Bai Huai knocked on the edge of his bowl before focusing his attention back on his food.


Jian Songyi had no choice. But after taking a few mouthfuls, he still felt uneasy. “I will never say such a thing again. If I do, it was a lie. If I did, it means that I am not thinking straight or thinking at all. Don’t believe it and please don’t be angry with me.” He said awkwardly.


“Okay. I won’t believe it, and I won’t get angry.”


Bai Huai was as calm as a river as he spoke. It’s as if these things were nothing to him.


However, under the river, it has long been stirred up by rough waves.


Bai Huai does not know whether Jian Songyi’s words are giving him a way out or whether he is saying that in any case, they can be the worst couple and can still be friends. And then that secret love that he admitted as a joke has not been fully rejected. 


Bai Huai tried to guess but could not make any conclusions. 

Because in reality, Jian Songyi doesn’t know the answer either.


Bai Huai also wondered why Jian Songyi has to keep on rumbling about this. What was the reason for his panic when Bai Huai jokingly admitted his feelings for him?


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If he doesn’t know what’s on his mind, then how can he pass his confusion to others?


Like the fire of the candle jumping through a windowpane in the darkness of the night, no one can really ignore it. It’s hazy and ambiguous, only waiting for a chance coincidence to pierce the thin layer of window paper so that a fiercer candle flame can then be started. 


That night, in the small buildings on both sides of Wutong Road in the pavilion area, there lived a young man with insomnia, thinking about his own obscure and restless thoughts.


One is ignorant while the other is cautious.


Stay awake until they finally go to sleep, before they fall into each other’s dreams.


The next day, when the two men woke up, they have decided not to discuss everything that transpired yesterday. They went on as if nothing had happened, but internally, they are carefully guarding their own thoughts and secrets in fear that they’ll eventually break each other’s hearts in the process.


But when they appeared in the classroom, Yang Yue was quick to intercept and ask them a question. “Did you two try catching cattle all night long? Look at those dark round bags under your eyes. It’s enough to send both of you to Wolong Mountain.” His comment made them feel embarrassed.


Fortunately, Xu Jiaxing slipped to his knees and broke the embarrassment. He put his arm around Jian Songyi’s thigh and tore his heart and lungs metaphorically: “Father!”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


Here we go again.


Bai Huai has never seen this before: “You worshipped a little early this year.”


Xu Jiaxing sniffled before hurriedly hugging Bai Huai’s thigh with his other arm. “Grandfather Bai!”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


It feels like Jian Songyi was suddenly downgraded.




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