The three-kilometer run is the last event of the games. The sophomores and the third-year students stand together. It’s a total of 14 classes without the liberal arts. And so, the final number of participants in total is 22 people. They are all standing in a row at the starting line.

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Jian Songyi expected that the First Class’ sports committee would end up withering, but he did not expect that he would be down so soon. So, they had no choice. Yu Ziguo took Xu Jiaxing’s place after he twisted his foot in the long jump.


Looking at the thin bamboo pole jumping around behind Jian Songyi, Bai Huai was a little worried: “Maybe I’ll do it.”


Yu Ziguo patted his chest and said with a smirk, “it’s all right. I just won second place in the high jump this morning, which is enough to prove that my athletic talent is amazing. Don’t worry!”


“Let Yu Ziguo come.”


Jian Songyi knew that Yu Ziguo had always wanted to do something to prove that he was not superfluous. Like his daily actions of dumping trash bins in the classroom and cleaning the blackboard trough. He wanted to contribute to the class and try his best to repay the kindness he received in Class one.


Compared with this thought, the rest is less important.


Bai Huai is aware of that too, so he lets it go. “Okay then.”


Jian Songyi then winked over at him and then placed his finger against his lips before raising it again. “Put ten thousand hearts and wait for Brother Song to return triumphantly.”


He was only trying to tease Bai Huai, but he accidentally knocked over a hundred fan girls. 


“Ah! Brother Song blew me a kiss! “


“Ass! It’s obviously for me! “


“Go to hell! That was mine! “

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“I’m dead, aah! Brother Song, come on! We are waiting for your triumphant return! “


“I’m going to lie at the finish line! Let the pine cub step on my body to victory! “






Bai Huai picked up the camera as he could not help but laugh. “You’re feeling a bit flirtatious for a run?”


Jian Songyi scrunched his nose. “Why are there so many people?”


There is indeed a large crowd of onlookers.


After all, three thousand meters consisting of seven and a half laps is no easy feat. It is very brave to sign up for this event and participate. Only half of the players can actually finish the race with persistence while the one to get the first place is acknowledged as the real man.


In previous years, the champions were all top Alpha, with the exception of last year, which was taken away by Jian Songyi, who is not yet divided.


This year, Jian Songyi is still undivided, but the other Alphas are already very mature Alpha. Because of this, they expect the game to become more intense that the onlookers are particularly large.


Of course, it is only rational suspense. Emotionally, people are willing to believe that this year’s king is still Jian Songyi.

There is no other reason, just because he is handsome, after all, many people are not here to watch the game.


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So there was a large crowd of spectators on the playground. Except for the other participating classes who were cheering for their own class, all of them were chanting the Jian Songyi’s name.


Forget it, there are even people who abuse their power and use public affairs for personal gain.


Lin Yuanyuan was the stationmaster of the radio station in her second year of high school. Although she retired in her third year of high school, she is still popular at the radio station, so she muddled onto the rostrum and helped read the radio draft.


From then on, the broadcast manuscript only has a simple script.


“Jian Songyi, you are the electricity, you are the light! You are the only myth! We will always only love you! Rush the duck! “


“The myth of invincibility is simple. If you have won the championship for five years in a row, you will definitely get back your sixth long-distance running championship, which will put a perfect end to your sports career in Nanwai. You are the greatest legend from the South! “


“We believe that being late is always the best, so we also believe that if you are not yet divided, you will certainly become the best of the best Alpha in Nanwai, and you will certainly get back the victory that belongs to you!”




The speaker is a little bit careless, but the crowd still listens intentionally.


At the starting line, Li Ting stopped to stand near Jian Songyi. Upon hearing the broadcast draft, he suddenly chuckled: “It’s amazing The top Alpha is amazing. It’s no wonder our brother Song is so smart.”


His voice was not soft that the nearby people heard him. It sounded a little shady, but it felt like a normal pre-game taunting range, so none of them thought of it that much.


Only Jian Songyi and Bai Huai understood that Li Ting still did not let go of his suspicions.


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But it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t care much about garbage in the first place.


Jian Songyi moved his wrist loosely, making his bones click a bit. He pulled the corner of his lips into a sly smile before laughing carelessly. It revealed a casual disdain: “I only took this activity because I am Jian Songyi. What does it have to do with whether I am Alpha or not?” He asked so boastfully, making sure to show off his arrogance.


He wants to teach him a lesson.


And he most likely will do.


Bai Huai held the DVD camera in one hand and stitch his other hand against his trouser pocket. He stood carelessly and then spoke with the same arrogance in his voice. “That’s true. After all, some Alphas are very weak.”


Li Ting was about to retort when Huang Fuyi dragged him to the other side of the runaway. “Why do you have to mess with the two of them?” He questioned. “I also heard that you’ve been caught cheating on the examinations. Do you want to pick a fight with them to prove a point? Even if you didn’t notice it at the time, do you think you won’t be able to transfer the surveillance afterward? Be honest and get rid of the punishment.”


Li Ting sneered: “I am not a pussy. You’ve been chasing Lin Yuanyuan for such a long time now, but as soon as Jian Songyi came into the picture, you won’t chase her anymore. I can’t be a scaredy-cat like you.”


“I do not chase Lin Yuanyuan just for vanity reasons. I’ve taken the high and the low road and nothing happened. What can I do anymore? Besides, I am going abroad soon, so there’s no need to force it. But you’re already indefensible, and it’s fairly light that you haven’t confessed now. If you get into trouble later, the punishment won’t go away, and even the entrance to higher education will be affected. So I advise you to be honest, you can’t mess with them anyway. “


“Don’t mind me. I have my own way.”


Li Ting stopped talking and just readied his stance for the marathon.


‘If you like to pretend for a while then so be it. The harder you pretend, the more painful it will be to hit you straight in the face.’ He thought.


The signal gun went off and everyone set out quickly at the same time, bringing up a wind wall on the playground.


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The crowd was so dense that it was almost impossible to tell who was which. After the formation was pulled apart, everyone found that it was not Jian Songyi who ran first, but from the basketball teams in the third year of high schools, such as Huang Fuyi and Li Ting.


After all, adult Alphas’ specialty is sports. Their physical fitness is not the same as the others. Such as Yu Ziguo with the several Betas are left way behind from the beginning.


While Jian Songyi was running ever so steadily. He has this steady speed that maintained his position of seven or eight. It’s not in the frontrunner nor the back runners. He is in a moderate place.


The unknown onlookers were a little anxious: “Is Brother Song in bad shape today? What’s going on? Why is it so much worse than the first one “


The people in Class 1 were very calm: “Didn’t you watch Brother Song run 3000 meters last year?”




“That’s right. You have to believe in Brother Song. Brother Song runs with his brain, unlike the folly in the front.”


Sure enough, by the third lap, the people who were far ahead are beginning to overdraw. Their speed gradually slowed down, and their breathing became quick and short as if they were going to collapse anytime soon. While Jian Songyi remained at a steady rhythm and gradually began to pick up speed.


He soon overtook the man in front of him. 


And then the fifth place.


Then the fourth place.




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