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In the last breath, he overtook the foremost contenders, Huang Fuyi and Li Ting. And controlled the speed by more than ten or twenty meters.


When the people behind wanted to overtake while gritting their teeth and sprinting quickly, Jian Songyi would simply speed up a little again to open up a distance as if he is deliberately denying the game. 


Having to run 800 meters originally depends on how fast the person can run since it’s a short-distance sprint. But having to boost over at the beginning of the 3000 dash, it will eventually wear out the person. It will cause disrupted rhythm, breathing disorder, and a physical overdraft. You’ll feel drained way before the half count.


But since Jian Songyi just jogged around steadily and waited for his competitors to be worn out, he became the front-runner who is extraordinarily jogging comfortably throughout the race.


It’s obviously not his sprint speed even.

So until the fifth or sixth lap, he probably presented a relatively dense middle section of the long crowd. Even Yu Ziguo is in front of the crowd since he didn’t overdo himself at the beginning of the race. He is nearly 50 meters ahead of the other runners. While Jian Songyi is at least 100 meters away from them in position.


The English teacher, Xu Jia, who came down from the school building to see the fun, took a look at the state of the race. He was frozen in his spot at what he had witnessed. “Isn’t Jian Songyi usually quite good? How come he is so far behind? Yu Ziguo usually looks thin and frail, but he is quite powerful.”


Yang Yue kindly reminded his professor: “Miss Xu, Jian Songyi is leading the race for nearly a lap while Yu Zigou is behind for nearly a lap. You are looking at it oppositely.”




As soon as Yang Yue finished speaking, Jian Songyi had already passed the starting line again, marking the 6th number of laps that he had run.


Miss Xu raised her delicate hand and gave a thumbs-up: “For the sake of winning honor for the class, I temporarily forgive him for falling out of the top 20 of the grade.”


The students around them immediately took a breath, and their attention was diverted: “have the grades come out already?”


Miss Xu Jia said proudly: “All the teachers in the faculty have been working all night to correct the papers, and they are finally grading them. When you get back to the classroom, you will see the grade sheet.”



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Besides, she is used to it already. She used to finish checking the English exams the next day and the Math papers alongside it ready to be rechecked. This speed of hers is not unusual.


‘It’s good to die early and live earlier.’


Also, he wanted to get ahold of some people that’s why she came on the field. Jian Songyi is playing the game so he is obviously out of the question already, so her target is to catch the man taking the video. Miss Xu Jia pointed over at Bai Huai with her finger: “You, handsome guy. Come here.”


Bai Huai obliged and went over.


Miss Xu Jia raised her brow at her while resting her hand against her waist. “Do not think that I am reluctant to scold you just because you are handsome. Do you how much you score in English this time? Although Jian Songyi was willing to hand in the paper ahead of time, he at least finished the paper and garnered more than 130. It would be good for you. But you didn’t do the question with 50 points, so you only got 100 points. How come? Are 100 points very honorable? Are you two deliberately trying to get me into menopause early? “


Bai Huai calmly explained: “Jian Songyi and I ate takeout for lunch yesterday. We had a bad stomach ache after. There was nothing we could do about it.”


Nanwai has a rule that if you leave the examination room for more than ten minutes, even if you hand in the paper in advance, you will not be allowed to return to the examination room.


So that’s a good reason.


In addition, Bai Huai is good-looking and cold in temperament, but he looks like a gentleman and is very serious. So as soon as he said his excuse with such a straight face, Miss Xu really believed him. She didn’t say anything more. She can only look at him in regret: “It’s a pity. I heard that your ensemble has made great progress this ti,e. If it hadn’t been like this in English, the top student would’ve been very promising.”


As they speak, the crowd suddenly let out a cry of surprise, and Bai Huai thought of nothing but running directly towards the end of the runway.


Just now, Jian Songyi overtook Yu Ziguo, leading a full lap. Li Ting stopped to hold his strength as he readied himself into catching up with Jian Songyi.


Li Ting was a sports student in Junior high school, but he played volleyball back then. He has no experience in long-distance running until now. Knowing that he couldn’t win the first place this time, he just wanted to drag Jian Songyi into the water and hit him in the face.


So, he tried to keep up. He did cross the runway line, trying to harass Jian Songyi. Jian Songyi didn’t dare to rashly accelerate for the sake of the back sprint consideration. He couldn’t get away from 01:30. He dodged once, but he was affected by the rhythm several times in a row.


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Finally, Li Ting simply reached out his hand and tried to drag down Jian Songyi, but the attempt was discovered by Yu Ziguo behind him.


‘This drag only affects the performance of the game. If you really hurt Brother Song, this son of a bitch won’t just lose his life!’ Yu Ziguo thought.


Yu Ziguo was furious and rushed up, hugging Li Ting’s waist from behind.


Li ting was startled upon feeling someone’s arms around his waist. Looking back, he found that it was Yu Ziguo who was immediately looking fearless at him as he gave him a direct backhand push.


Adhering to the tactical principle of life for life, Yu Ziguo never gave up. As a result, the two men rolled together on the track, and the spectators who did not see what had happened dared not rush into the track and had to scream to find the referee. 


Jian Songyi heard the noise, so he looked back only to see the scene unfold before him. He immediately guessed what had happened.


He knew that Yu Ziguo was stubborn and stupid, so for fear that he might suffer from Li Ting’s loss or some injury, he hurriedly ran back. He pulled Li Ting to stop and threw him to the side of the road. Afterward, Jian Songyi then squatted down to examine Yu Ziguo’s wound.


Yu Ziguo was in a hurry as he kept pushing Jian Zongyi off of him: “Brother Song, please continue running! Leave me alone. I am really fine. Run and help us get the first place back.”


Jian Songyi ignored him and rolled up his trousers to take a look at his leg. He breathed out a sigh of relief. “I’ll help you to the side and wait for the school nurse to come.”


“Brother Song, I really don’t need it!”


“Keep running. I am here.” The voice was cold and calm.


Jian Songyi looked up and then saw Bai Huai. With that, he then nodded. “Okay, good.”


He then decisively got up and sprint for the seventh lap.


He can leave it to Bai Huai. If it’s him, then he won’t have to worry as he moves on to victory.

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It’s just that there was too much time lost in the middle, and several runners with long-distance running experience began to speed up in the final stage and surpassed him one after another.


There are three in front of Jane Songyi.


One leads 50 meters, one leads 80 meters, and the other leads nearly 100 meters.


Only the last 600 meters, the situation is not optimistic, all the hearts are raised to the throat, hanging a sigh of breath.


After all, Jian Songyi is not made of iron. He is only made up of ordinary flesh and blood. After running down for 2400 meters, he has already used up most of his physical strength. And because he has stopped for a period of time and was interrupted, his condition is not as good as before.


It may have already been done. His chance may really be gone.

Lao Bai comforted everyone: “It’s alright! The most important thing is to unite and love your classmates. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get the first place. The first three students are also very good. Come on, everybody. Cheer for your Brother Song!”


It doesn’t matter if Jian Songyi won’t be able to grab the first place. Everyone saw it. He lost not because of the lack of strength, but because Jain Songyi is naturally good and kind.


So all the worry and frustration circulating all over the students disappeared. Their Brother Song is still the best, so together, they all shouted loudly in hopes to refuel his strength to at least finish through.


 Xu Jiaxing and Yang Yue simply jumped onto the rostrum and seized power from Lin Yuanyuan, screaming with five big and three thick voices.


“Brother Song flies bravely! The first class will always follow each other!”


“Friendship first, competition later. He is a beautiful person with a good and virtuous heart! Jian Songyi! You are our king!”


“A kind and generous heart, Jian Songyi! Unity and love, Jian Songyi! Wipe the waves, Jian Songyi! Hey, Jian Songyi, let it all go! Brother Song needs our help! Yea! Yea!”


They’re cheering him on stage.

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As he runs, Jian Songyi scolded the two idiots in his heart. He was so tired and yet they had to make him laugh.


However, he did not let down his speed at all. He managed to adjust his breath and so he pushed and sprinted forward.


Although he had taken a shot of an inhibitor, he is still in heat. This kind of three-kilometer race can simply kill an ordinary Omega.


But he is Jian Songyi, he is never ordinary.


However, to make matters worse, Jian Songyi started feeling pain in his abdominal muscles. He should stop because of it or it will lead to abdominal spasms or side stitches, but instead, he carried on.


Sweat soaked his hair and clothes. Jian Songyi sucked up the pain as he clenched his teeth. He felt like swooning as he is suddenly losing air in his lungs while his heart beats so fast, that it felt like jumping out of his chest. Not to mention his sore limbs.


Nonetheless, he pushed through his very limit. 


Jian Songyi surpassed third place.


Overtook the second place next.


And on an instant, he is now side by side with the first placer.


It’s the last two hundred meters.




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