Jian Songyi felt like he is about to lose consciousness and collapse on the ground due to lack of oxygen, numbness, and powerlessness. His body seemed to be no longer his own.

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He was a little out of breath. He’s having difficulty breathing while his abdominal pain is becoming worst. 


He could not even hear the people cheering anymore. He just feels like he is suffocating the more he takes another step from the other. He could faint anytime now.


Well, not until a deep and gentle voice rang in his ear: “Follow my rhythm. Adjust your breathing. It is alright.”


It’s Bai Huai.


Amid the hustle and bustle, Jian Songyi only heard his voice from the crowd. He suddenly had a lot to say, but he couldn’t say it.


But this time, he had chosen to believe in Bai Huai. According to his rhythm and following his breathing. He made a little adjustment and just like that his abdomen feels so much better


In the last 50 meters, he lagged slightly behind the first place because of the adjustment.


He glanced at Bai Huai.


Bai Huai understood him and nodded: “I’ll catch you however you want to come.”


Jian Songyi closed his eyes with ease.


He does not see where he is going nor does he know where Bai Huai is exactly. Jian Songyi simply gets rid of all the distractions as he runs in the dark. He gave everything to the person who is always around him and who is worthy of his whole heart and trust. While feeling his breathing and pace, he followed him. He followed him and sprinted for victory.


As if on cue, he heard the tsunami-like cheers of the mountains.


The people around Jian Songyi whispered “Congratulations.”


Jian Songyi opened his eyes and he realized that he was the first person to cross the finish life. He could only smile in relief.

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But he did not immediately stop on the spot. Jian Songyi continued moving his legs forward.


The strength is overdrawn and the speed is already slow.


Everyone was confused about this move, but Bai Huai had no doubt and instead ran slowly with him.


It was not until they ran to Yu Ziguo and the three of them walked together on the empty track that they realized that they were going to bring their companions.


Nearly half of the Alpha abstained in the middle of the race, and the last one, but all ten, have already crossed the finish line.


However, even though everyone else has finished the race, and even if Yu Ziguo may be suspected of fouling and no results, they still have to accompany him to finish the race.


Not giving up on this is great enough in itself.


Four hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters, fifty meters, all the way to ten meters.


Looking at Jian Songyi and Yu Ziguo, anyone can already tell that they’re both exhausted, but ever so slowly they firmly jogged side by side from the sunset to the very end of the lap that an emotional little girl even shed tears.


The so-called good friends, who will never hold each other back, will pay for each other, but also will support each other to achieve better.


And a good lover who will always be by your side and make you feel fearless.


Three people stepped on the red line together.


In the history of long-distance running in Nanwai, the first and last runners-up crossed the finish line at the same time.


The crowd on the playground burst into the warmest applause.

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“Let’s congratulate Class one! Jian Songyi won first place in the men’s 3000 meters in the school sports meeting! “


Jian Songyi finally stopped this time and leaned over to support his knees. He took a deep breath and adjusted his condition before straightening himself up and raising his chin. He walked slowly onto the rostrum and then took the microphone in Lin yuanyuan’s hand.


His voice is a little weak and his breath is not steady at all. Nonetheless, it did not affect his arrogance. “There is a saying that I am afraid that some people did not hear clearly, so I will repeat it here. I’ll say it because I am Jian Songyi, and it has nothing to do with whether I am an Alpha or not.”


With that, a confident and smug smile appeared on his pale and beautiful face.


A thousand of his fangirls were knocked over this time.


On the other hand, Alpha Li Ting, who stole the rice and gave up the game halfway turned pale.


He feels that some people are so highly praised that they forget that at the beginning of the division, when there was no equality of human rights, Omega, which is not protected by laws and regulations, was just a plaything of Alpha.


It’s something in the gene, and it hasn’t been changed.


He got up and left the playground alone.


Jian Songyi was so relaxed that he walked calmly off the rostrum in the constant noise and screams. But when he went down the steps, he almost fell down because he had been pretending to be too strong for a long time now.


Luckily, he fell into a gentle embrace.


“I got you.”




‘Just catch me. I can’t fucking fly.’ Jian Songyi thought tiredly. He naturally placed his chin on Bai Huai’s shoulder as he puts all of his weight on him. Jian Songyi could not use all of his strength at all. So, Bai Huai supported him and patted him on the back to help him catch his breath.

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A group of people originally wanted to come over to celebrate Jian Songyi, but when they saw this scene, they automatically chose to be a human wall. Under Lu Qi Feng’s command in the next class, they blocked those girls trying to send in bottles of water and towels.


Bai Huai has a towel and placed it into Jian Songyi’s loose clothes so he could wipe his sweat on his back. “Do you need me to carry you?”


“Who fucking wants to be carried by you?”


“Can you walk by yourself?”


“Of course, I can. I’ll get over it after a while.”






As soon as Jian Songyi relaxes, he pushed Bai Huai away and planned to go by himself. As a result, when he straightened himself up, he only saw dark spots in front of him and almost fell. Fortunately, Bai Huai had his eyes on him and hands to hold him quickly.


“Is it hypoglycemia again?”


“I think so.”


Bai Huai helped him wipe his sweat and then threw away the towel. He took out a piece of milk candy, peeled it, and stuffed it into Jian Songyi’s mouth next: “I don’t know how I’ve fed you so much sugar since I was a child.”


Jian Songyi’s brain was so deprived of oxygen that his brain could currently not keep up with the speed of speech. “Am I not sweet?”




Bai Huai bowed his head and refrained from laughing. Before Jian Songyi can get embarrassed, he patted Lu Qi Feng on the shoulder. “You send Jian Songyi back, and I’ll go to the infirmary to get him some glucose.”

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Once Bai Huai left, Lu Qi Feng wanted to come and help Jian Songyi relax and express his brotherly feelings.


But as a result, Jian Songyi was only disgusted at him and waved his hand open: “I am not that weak.”


For a moment, Lu Qi Feng remembered one of the current Omega situations that Zhou Luo had given him in science popularization: Before Alpha = Lin Daiyu, After Alpha = Voldemort.


However, Jian Songyi obviously did not realize that he was different from others in front of Bai Huai, especially while sipping sugar while walking chic and unrestrained to the classroom surrounded by a group of people.


When he arrived in their classroom properly, he was happy to see when he saw two big words in the first row of the report sheet. “Jian Songyi”


He took out his cellphone to take a picture of it before sending it over to Bai Huai.


[See, they all hand in the papers in advance, but dad is the first to be safe. What is science genius? What is hard power? What is both civil and military strength? I ask you whether you are convinced or not?].


By the way, Jian Songyi sent out seven or eight memes in succession, which was completely provocative, while the other end of WeChat just replied.


[I am willing to gamble and lose.]





Translator’s Note:


I also feel like I can do anything if Bai Huai is going to cheer for me >< Can I have my own Bai Huai irl???


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