Chapter 47- You, From the Beginning to the End

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Jian Songyi was stunned for three seconds. Once he recovered, he quickly grabbed the blanket, but Bai Huai beat him to it.


Jian Songyi is not as strong as he is, and he can’t rob it off of him.


Exasperated, Jian Songyi yelled: “You, get out!”


Bai Huai smiled as he tried to suppress his laugh: “Out of where?”


This rascal!


“Get out of my blanket!” Jian Songyi directly scolded him as he pushed him off.


As a result, his hand’s grip over the blanket loosened, which Bai Huai took to his advantage. Thus, Bai Huai managed to lift the whole blanket off of them.


As Jian Songyi was exposed, it could clearly be seen how red he was. He was so red that he looks like a small shrimp. 


It cannot be hidden from Bai Huai’s eyes.


It’s all over.


Jian Songyi froze and then wilted. The last resort he could do is to cover his face with his hands and turn his back from him. He then tried his best to shrink to the corner of his bed.


He arched his back a little as his shoulders slanted while crouching down. Because of this, he exposed the skin of his neck that was tinted with thin powder.


Bai Huai leaned over the edge of the bed with both hands and lowered his voice: “Are you so shy?”


“I’m not shy. I-“


I’m ashamed.


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Jian Songyi pursed his lips to stop talking.


Afraid of pushing the person too hard, Bai Huai moved away and stopped teasing him. He just stood by quietly, waiting for Jian Songyi to calm down and smooth himself out.


Bai Huai knew that Jian Songyi understood everything he was supposed to understand. It’s just that he couldn’t accept all of it at once yet and is in need of a buffer.


However, when someone was kissed thrice fo a day, he can only be so bashful. The fact that he didn’t try swinging his fists around to kill himself meant that Jian Songyi was not that against the idea.


At least the body and instincts are honest.


But the brain is not.


Bai Huai decided to wait for him for a while to give him some time to think and process everything. 


It took him half a day.


Luckily, someone with a bad brain finally opened his mouth: “As I said before, if I end up taking the top spot in the monthly exam, you have to answer me a question honestly…”


His fingers clenched the sheets and picked up the deep folds.


Bai Huai stared at his increasingly red earlobes and gave a low “uh-huh”.


As soon as Jian Songyi’s eyes closed, his heart started beating way faster than normal. “I want to ask…”


“Wang Hai’s guardian has arrived, and the two parties will go over.”


When the window paper was about to pierce the last layer, the young policewoman knocked on the door frame and interrupted the conversation inappropriately.


After all, it’s still important.


Bai Huai straightened up and said, “He’s not feeling well. I’ll just go myself.”

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As he said this, he covered Jian Songyi with a quilt and wrapped him tightly from head to toe, lest someone might run away.


And then BaiHuai followed the policewoman.


The moment the lock was clasped gently, Jian Songyi relaxed and breathed a deep breath.


It was both a missed chance and a pity.


‘Ding Dong’


Jian Songyi climbed out of the bed to pull out his phone from the chair beside his bed. He opened it without reluctance.


[Unlucky Guy]: Stop it. You should tie the knot in the meantime. Get some sleep and wait for me to come back.


Jian Songyi thought that Bai Huai was mocking his intelligence.


He is not a stupid person. How can he not know what it means to kiss another person three times on the same day?


It’s just that he could not believe it.


Does Bai Huai actually like him? Or does he just like the idea of it? Is it because he became an Omega who fits him so well?


If so, it would be too superficial.


And doesn’t he has a favorite Omega in Beicheng? When they celebrated his birthday, he said that he likes someone. It only has been half a month and yet he already changed his mind?


Although it is true that he is much more attractive than the average Omega, but Bai Huai is really a bit of a scum if that’s the case.


He doesn’t believe that Bai Huai is such a scumbag.


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So there is always some chance. Jian Songyi wondered. It is possible that Bai Huai is teasing him this time.


But it seems a little unconvincing.


Jian Songyi struggled with himself for a long time.


With two thumps, the door frame was knocked on again.


Thinking that Bai Huai had come back, he hurriedly lifted the quilt and found that it was the policewoman who went back wilting.


When the policewoman saw his reaction, she couldn’t help joking, “What’s the hurry?”


Jian Songyi scratched her ear and said, “Nothing.”


“You don’t have to worry. It will be a while, but it’ll be okay. It’s just that there are a lot of things for him to sign and confirm. Not to mention that there are also a few guardians who are still begging for negotiations. I am just here looking for you because someone wants to see you.”


“To see me?”




Cold, rational, strong.


Meanwhile, several middle-aged people looked at the young man across the table and felt that his temperament and the place in the police station were made in heaven.


Their demands for reconciliation were rejected, pinning their hopes on the particularly pitiful couple who had just arrived.


However, the blind husband just hung his head and sighed deeply while the thin woman was just wiping away her tears.


The teenager that sat across from them just watched them silently without giving out any expressions.


Silence is so oppressive that only the woman’s occasional sobs can give a person a break.

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At the other end of the duty seat, a young policeman lowered his voice and asked the older-looking elder next to him, “Are you sure you don’t have to call your parents? Although you are already eighteen years old, it is still not appropriate. “


“This person is with the victim. He is not the perpetrator. Besides, nothing really happened. Why is it inappropriate?”


“Then should we just let him make noises here?”


“What’s the trouble? Can’t you see what’s written on his registration form? His family name is Bai.”


“What about the surname Bai?”


“He is from the Bai family. The son of Bai Zheng and that Bai Han. Do you understand now?” The other police said with an extremely low voice as he makes sure that Bai Huai won’t hear it.


The little policeman silenced his voice, looked twice, and could not help but say, “Indeed, a tiger father has no dog for a son.”


No wonder the deputy director unexpectedly asked people to vacate the lounger. No wonder he is still being indifferent even after the other party is offering a large sum amount of compensation. No wonder he is so mature despite his age. 


If you mess with such an ancestor, these thugs can only admit it.


However, these people knew nothing about it.


Because even Wang Hai himself only vaguely knew that the Bai family and the Jian family were very rich. He had no idea what the situation was, let alone the thugs he hired.


And at the beginning, they all just wanted money.


Money is almost their whole life for them.





Translator’s Note:

This is one of the chapters that just struck my heart at the end, so I hope you all get to enjoy this one up to its part 3 since it’s that long. Anyways, this series of mass postings is still dedicated to @selenegin. You made my weekend too. :))

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