Wang Hai had given up the idea of extorting money from Jian Songyi, but suddenly a strange number contacted him and asked him about Bai Huai and Wang Shan. As long as he made it clear what happened before Bai Huai left, he would give him a thousand.

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He was afraid to ask his brother, so he told him what he knew and charged five hundred for it.


Then the next day, the other party unexpectedly told him that Jian Songyi was an Omega. As long as he did what he said and recorded the video of Jian Songyi in public estrus, he could not only get another 10, 000 yuan in cash but also make as much trouble as he wanted.


It literally took his breath away.


After all, Jian Songyi being an Omega sounded like a joke.


But Wang Hai agreed without thinking about it too much.


As for how it changed from extorting money to intending to encroach on underage Omega, it was all in one thought.


The three people he found to support his course of actions are not good people morally and not that good in following instructions either. In the beginning, they all have a collective goal, but as long as the temptation posed to follow, they ought to break down along with their plans and arrangements. 


As long as a person breaks through the moral shackles once, it is the endless abyss of depravity.


So even if the Omega victimized today was not Jian Songyi, there is absolutely no way that Bai Huai will agree to reconcile with them. They must be sent to prison. 


What’s more, is the fact that the victim is still Jian Songyi.


It was impossible for him to forgive them. 


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So even if the woman in front of her said in a hoarse voice, “classmate Bai Huai, for Wang Shan’s sake, let Wang Hai go this time, and if you want any compensation, we will pay you even if we have to smash our pots and sell iron.”


Bai Huai just said faintly, “I’m sorry.”


The woman could not help but cry harder: “I beg of you. I really beg of you. I have two sons but the first one had his leg broken… and now, the family’s last hope… failed us. Ah! What evil have I done? Blame me! Please just blame me for not being a good mother. For not having money, and for not giving them a good life…”


The woman buried her head in her hands and wept bitterly.


“Aunt, it’s not your fault.” Bai Huai’s voice softened a bit, but his attitude did not retreat. “You may think that I speak easily when I stand up, but I still want to say that everyone in this world has his own way of living. I also know friends and family who live in slums, but they don’t harm other people while still living well. I think he will live well in the future. Therefore, every road is chosen by everyone themselves. Since they have chosen, they should be responsible for their own choices. “


“But he is still so young. If he is really locked up, his whole life will be ruined. All his life. I beg you. I will kneel down for you, please. Wang Shan’s life has been ruined. Wang Hai can’t have his life destroyed. I’m begging you.” Her voice was hoarse and desperate.


She wanted to get down on her knees, but Bai Huai managed to hold her elbow. “Jian Songyi is also very young. He is not even eighteen years old and he has done nothing wrong.” He said calmly. 


The woman stared back at her blankly before crouching in defeat. All she could do is bury her face against the palm of her hands as she cries. 


Yes, he is right. Other people grew up in poverty too, but they still end up kind and excellent. If something really went wrong today, his son could’ve ruined other people’s lives. Those victims that haven’t done anything wrong…


She has no right to ask for forgiveness.


She was so ashamed that she could not speak anymore, but she is still Wang Hai’s mother so letting her son go to prison is still unacceptable to her. She really did not know what to do and could only cry in despair as if she would pass out at any time.


Her husband, who can only try to comfort her, squatted down and hugged her. He patted her back. “Don’t cry. They should only face the consequences of their actions. We should go home and live a good life. We will wait for Little Hai’s transformation. We are still here for him so there’s nothing to cry for. Don’t cry. I am here. “

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The woman lay in the arms of his crippled and emaciated husband, crying even more bitterly.


It seems to him that she wants to take this time to vent out decades of life’s backlog of bitterness.


They are all ordinary people who live diligently and honestly, trying hard enough to live this life, but still can’t grasp anything.


Bai Huai’s hand hung on his side, and his fingertips were embedded in the palm of his hand.


He always felt that he was very much like his father Bai Han, cold and rational, and definitely not a benevolent person.


But he is still only a teenager, seeing the sufferings of the world for the first time, and has not yet had time to be bearish.


But in the end, he slowly let go of his hand. “Sorry, my decision will not be withdrawn, everything will be handed over to the law.” He said calmly but firmly.


There was a pause.


“Besides, Auntie, I don’t know what you know, but in fact, I don’t owe Wang Shan anything. I have a clear conscience. It’s just that this is your family matter. I’m not in a position to say anything more, and I have no right to criticize you. All I can say is that I’ve never done anything wrong. And whatever the person did, it has an equivalent prize whether good or bad. “


Bai Huai’s statement was firm enough that no one can refute him, and no one is qualified to accuse him of being inhuman.


The woman almost fainted from crying.


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The blind man helped his trembling wife stand up: “the child is right. The person who committed wrong should pay the price. There is nothing wrong with that. Don’t cry. We should go home and save some face for our family.”


After that, he looked at Bai Huai as if he could see him. “Thank you, son.” He said, sighing.


And then, he took his wife’s hand and said. “Let’s go. Little Shan is still waiting outside. We shouldn’t keep him waiting.”


And just like that, they walked out of the police station.


The boy waiting in a wheelchair outside raised his head and looked at them inquiringly.


They shook their heads.


The boy lowered his eyes.


The woman walked over to him and touched his head. She then forced a small smile. “It’s okay, Little Shan. No substantial damage was done. At most, Little Hai will return after a few months. We will just have to manage.”


The blind man also nodded: “It’s me who didn’t manage well. It took us a lot of loss because of me.”


The woman wiped her tears and asked her husband next to her, “But why did you say thank you?”


The blind man sighed: “My eyes may not be good, but I have better hearing. I heard that one of the child’s parents is named Bai Zheng.”


The woman was stunned as tears welled up in her eyes yet again.

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They don’t know much about culture nor do they watch the news. They have no idea who Bai Huia’s grandfather is, and they don’t know what the name Bai Zheng means in Nancheng.


All they know is that when Wang Shan broke his leg, the person in charge said that he jumped voluntarily and did not admit that it was campus bullying. No one really cared about them. Their please were just ignored during the investigation. There was no compensation given to them even.


Until one day, someone suddenly came to their doorstep, saying that they’ll conduct a proper investigation. They even volunteered to help them sue those who bullied their son. Because of this, they received compensation. On top of that, they received money for Wang Shan’s treatment and their small house received repairs that turned into a small bungalow.


The people who helped them said that a leader suddenly made a speech.


They are not smart, but they always remember the name of the leader.


His name is Bai Zheng.


Sometimes life is so cruel that you are not in the position to resent someone you want to loathe.


Wang Shan didn’t know this before.


He suddenly said: “Mom, could you do me a favor? I want to see Jian Songyi.”




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