hapter 49 – He Didn’t Expect Bai Huai to be Like This

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What forced Bai Huai to make it clear was Jian Songyi.


But it’s still clear that the most ashamed one was Jian Songyi.


Jian Songyi seemed to notice that Bai Huai swallows the sourness and bitterness of his experiences only to take out the sweetness to share and give it to others.


But he also wanted to know and help Bai Huai carry all of his burdens and bitterness in life.


But Jian Songyi didn’t expect Bai Huai to be so good; he couldn’t bear it.


In the night, by the street lamp, Bai Huai’s amber eyes were so gentle that they seemed to drown Jian Songyi.


After listening to Bai Huai’s confession, Jian Songyi’s initial reaction was to turn around and run. 


But he didn’t manage to get away.


Bai Huai caught him before anything else. He placed his arms around his waist and pulled Jian Songyi close to him while laughing: “Why are you running away? You’re the one that told me to come clean and say it. And then after my confession, you’re going to run away? Well, aren’t you naughty?”


Knowing that he could not escape, Jian Songyi resigned his head against Bai Huai’s shoulder while saying hesitantly: “I…I don’t think… this might be a good idea.”


Bai Huai was not in a hurry, but he buckled Jian Songyi’s waist against him just to prevent him from running away from him: “Tell me, why not?”


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“There’s still one thing I do not understand. I was supposed to be an Alpha. When you go to Beicheng, you’re supposed to be an Alpha already. How can you still like me? I thought…”


“You thought what?”


“I thought you had come back to see me as an Omega. I had never seen such attractive and good-looking Omega… And our pheromones fit so perfectly that I thought that’s the reason….”


“You think that was the time when I took a liking to you?” Bai Huai chuckled. “Is that the kind of person I am in your eyes?”


“It’s not- that’s not what I meant…”


Jian Songyi didn’t know what to say and felt like a fool. As his head was resting against Bai Huai’s shoulder, he could only wish there was a way for him not to show his face to him for the rest of his life.


After stumbling for a long time, he said, “There is no future for two Alphas. How dare you like me?”


“What does it have to do with whether you are an Alpha or an Omega? I told you I like you because you are Jian Songyi. “


“And what if there are other Jian Songyi?” Jian Songyi muttered.


Bai Huai did not know whether to be angry at this person for being so stupid or laugh at this person for being so cute.


He can only be patient as he whispers an explanation close to Jian Songyi’s ear gently: “ There’s no other Jian Songyi in this world. Even if they look the same as you, have the same name, or have the same bad temper, they are still not Jian Songyi. Because there is no other person that I coaxed for more than ten years. No other person has accompanied me for more than ten years, knows all of my sufferings and loneliness, and then foolishly shoves what he thinks is best for me. No one else even superstitiously wanted to share half of his luck with me. That is why I like you and the reason why I only like you. It’s because you’re my only Jian Songyi.”


“All the tenderness and toughness; All the sweetness and bitterness of my youth has been given to you. I have no spare power to like others. Besides, no one else can be compared to you. You’re the only one in my heart.”

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“Not to mention the fact that I’ve already kissed you, Jian Songyi. You have to take responsibility for me now.” 


“You’re obviously the one who kissed me. You should be the one to take responsibility for me!” Jian Songyi said in a hurry.


“Okay. No problem. I will take care of it.”


The voice was pressed with a chuckle.




Jian Songyi had reflected that he had dug a hole for himself. He was so angry with his own foolishness that he stopped talking. 


Bai Huai swept him off of his feet. With his forehead against Bai Huai’s shoulder, Jian Songyi could smell his clean and refreshing smell.


Bai Huai is so good that he doesn’t know what to do in order to live up to his deep feelings for so many years.


Jian Songyi wanted to say yes, but he felt it was irresponsible. He just realized that Bai Huai liked him recently, and he hadn’t had time to digest that properly. With that being stated, how can he say that he really likes Bai Huai? Does Jian Songyi like him so much that he can spend the rest of his life with him?


If he could not, then he won’t be able to refuse if he had happened to say yes already.


There’s no other reason for him to say he doesn’t want to. 


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Jian Songyi is afraid that if he does not express himself well, it will make Bai Huai sad again. He had already made Bai Huai sad for so many years, making him upset again would be a terrible crime. 


Bai Huai did not urge him nor force him for an answer, but he held it to himself quietly.


The fragrance of osmanthus has been somewhat cold while the wutong leaves fall in circles. Then there are the fireworks blooming on National Day in the distance, which also seemed to wither. It was occasionally noisy, but as soon as it was through, it made the silence of the night more obvious.


Jian Songyi rubbed his shoulder twice against Bai Huai before having his voice rolled out, much softer than it usually would.


He has always been like a rose with thorns, conceited, proud, strong, and bad-tempered.


But now, he put away all the thorns and became gentle.


He said, “Bai Huai, I can’t promise you anything yet.”


Bai Huai’s heart slowed down. He lets out a shallow breath that condenses into a white fog.


Jian Songyi didn’t raise his head still. With his little voice, he spoke again: “Because you are too important to me, I do not want vaguely agree and then back out, resulting in losing you. I don’t want that.” 


Bai Huai gently rubbed Jian Songyi’s head. “Well, I wouldn’t want that either.”


“You know that I always thought of myself as an Alpha, so I never thought I would like an ALpha. When I became an Omega, I thought I would definitely spend the rest of my life with inhibitors. I never thought about accepting a partner. So how can I just irresponsibly say, ‘Okay, I promise. I am going to be with you.’”


Jian Songyi paused loosely, somewhat aggrieved. “But you kept insisting that I don’t like you, hate you, and refuse to be with you. But Bai Huai, I think I may like you.” 

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Bai Huai’s heart suddenly stopped due to the sentence ‘I think I might like you.’ It was enough to drain all of his blood instantly, leaving him asphyxiated, brain dead, defenseless, and unable to react. 


On the other hand, Jian Songyi did not seem to realize the power of his words. And so, he clumsily continued to speak his mind: “You are different for me. Although, I couldn’t tell whether it was because of our brotherhood and friendship for so many years, or if it was the influence of pheromones, or simply because I like you. Does Jian Songyi like Bai Huai? As you know, I am a little slow in this aspect, so I may need some time to think this through. I am a human after all. If I am going to be with you, I want to see to it that it will be for the rest of my life. So, can you wait for me until I finally have the answer and have it all figured out?”


With that, he felt embarrassed again: “Does it make me look particularly selfish and shameless after saying that? Did that make me a scumbag?”


“No.” Bai Huai hugged him tighter. “I’m glad you said that.”


Bai Huai did not expect that Jian Songyi, the paramecium, would take the initiative to consider their relationship so seriously. 


But such a response is the most responsible response for Bai Huai.


This makes his long-secret love more cherished and makes the fragile relationship that began with teenagers’ ignorance become serious and long-term.


It seems that if he says yes, it will be a lifetime, which sounds satisfactory.





Translator’s Note:

I’ll be mass updating as soon as I’m through my finals. For now, enjoy the chapter and the rest to follow. :))

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