Jian Songyi seems to feel sorry and awkward. “I will think of this as soon as I can. I won’t leave you hanging. Just wait for me for a little bit.”

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Jian Songyi’s tone resembles something like a child who blames himself and feels guilty after making a mistake. Not to mention the fact that his ears are all red again.


It’s a mess.


Taking advantage of Jian Songyi’s looseness and softness, Bai Huai smoothly pitched Jian Songyi’s earlobe with his hand that was resting on the back of his neck and then caressed it gently afterward. “Why is it so easy for you to be embarrassed? Your ears are so easy to turn red.”


At ordinary times, he would have beaten people who would make fun of him. But since he is still feeling guilty and ashamed, he could only arch his head against Bai Huai’s neck in hopes of hiding himself completely. 


Because of this, Bai Huai could not help teasing him again: “If the two of us really became a couple, how can I still bully you if you’re that bashful?”


The word “bullying” was heavily bitten and sounded somewhat loving.


Bai Huai’s warm breath tickled Jian Songyi’s earlobe. It sounded a little bit raspy and crispy. When he could not take it anymore, he pushed Bai Huai away: “You shameless old rascal.” 


After cursing, Jian Songyi could not help but lower his head and blush furiously. He quickly stepped down and turned around to walk towards the entrance of his house.


Bai Huai didn’t drag him this time but just smiled behind him: “What’s the use of having a handsome face? Can your face catch up with your boyfriend? “


“Who the fuck wants you to chase?”


“So you mean I can’t chase you until you figure out your answer?”


“Of course not!” Jian Songyi didn’t even think about it since his lousy temper was already showing again.


Bai Huai ate through his mind, knowing he had himself in his heart. He was not in a hurry anyway so he teased him patiently: “Why not? I want to make more efforts to turn you back to the other door. “


Jian Songyi bowed his head and typed in the password before pursing his lips. “I heard it’s hard to chase people, so don’t chase me. I just need to think about it. I am not running away.” He said in a whisper.


Bai Huai can’t believe that he is a little aggrieved.

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Jian Songyi felt wronged when it was clear that Bai Huai was the one who was rejected.


Unexpectedly, he is so adorable when he is wronged.


Bai Huai couldn’t help but smile: “Even if you’re not running, I feel like you are running away from me. I will still chase you even if you say otherwise. Else, how can you feel sorry for me in the future if I didn’t chase after you hard enough?”


“You’re smelly and shameless.”


Jian Songyi tried to be fierce, but it failed miserably that he even ended up inputting the wrong password. 


Bai Huai stood there with his hands in his pockets, looking at him, with a smile on his lips: “Then it’s a deal. I’ll chase you tomorrow, and you can’t run.”


Jian Songyi’s ears turned red again. He ignored Bai Huai and quickly re-entered the password. He then hurriedly opened the door and closed it with a loud bang.


Bai Huai bowed his head as he couldn’t help but laugh.


On this kind of thin-skinned and soft-hearted little Aojiao, after being chased, he must be teased repeatedly so that he won’t get angry with him for that long.


He turned the grape bracelet on his wrist.


Sure enough, superstition is of some use.


Jian Songyi loosely closed the door and rested his back against the wall. He lets out a sigh of relief.


But with a flick, the living room light turned on.


Mr. and Mrs. Jian sat on the sofa, looking at him with smiles etched on their faces.


Jian Songyi: “…..”

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Mrs. Jian Tang smiled and said: “Son, don’t worry. Our house is so soundproof that we didn’t hear anything.”


Mr. Jian cooperated: “I really didn’t hear you. It’s just that when your mother and I went out to cook midnight snacks, we accidentally saw two young people under the street lamp. “


Jian Songyi: “…..”


Mrs. Jian Tang nodded: “Unite your classmates and love your neighbor. Your mother appreciates you very much.”


Mr. Jian pretended to be serious afterward: “Just don’t come home so late.”


“You’re still not 18, so this shouldn’t happen again.” Mrs. Tang agreed.


Mr. Jian: “But under special circumstances, you can t-”


“Good night, mom and dad!”


Regardless of whether he was polite or not, Jian Songyi quickly ran back to his bedroom with his bag. He locked the door directly and threw himself on his bed. He could only bury his face against his pillow out of embarrassment.


After burying his face for a long time, he was forced to lift it, and then he ever so slowly made his way to his window. He secretly opened a crack in the curtain and looked at the opposite house.


He saw the light was on in the opposite room. A slender shadow was reflected on the curtains while walking back and forth.


Then, for a moment, the opposite curtain was opened, and Jian Songyi was so guilty that he squatted down immediately.


After squatting down, he felt that his reaction was really stupid. He stood up again and opened the curtain to peek outside. 


On the opposite balcony, the pot of cedar was placed back.


Although it grew up a little, Jian Songyi recognized it as the pot of cedar that Bai Huai had taken away before.

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It’s good to be back.


Now there are two pots of cedar.


Jian Songyi loosely let go of the curtains and went back to bed. He took out his cellphone and clicked on the white avatar, and changed the nickname from [Unlucky Guy] to [Creditor]


As soon as it was corrected, a message popped up.


[Creditor]: Good night, future boyfriend.


Future boyfriend.


Jian Songyi immediately threw his phone away like a bomb and then buried his face against his blanket. The whole bedroom could only hear his heart pounding.


It’s time for him to have a physical examination and an EKG. His heart is not healthy.


Bai Huai is like this; there is no way for him to slow down.


But if he wants to be with Bai Huai, like other AO couples, then Bai Huai should mark him so that he can become his Omega. And then they ought to get married and have some kids. There’s something wrong with this picture.


But he couldn’t tell what was wrong.


After thinking about this for a long time, his mind was still a tangled mess.


Jian Songyi simply got up and took out the sketchbook. He went to his desk and turned on the lamp. He took glue, stapler, eraser, and pencil. All to do a delicate work he had never done before. 


Although he is still unsure about his feelings for Bai Huai. Whether it is brotherhood and friendship, a chemical reaction disturbed by high fit pheromones or having to fancy him for real. Even if he could not determine it now, one thing is still for sure, it’s that no matter what, he wants the best for Bai Huai.


Even if it makes him just a little bit happier.

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He owes Bai Huai too much, and yet he can only return the favor little by little.


If it’s really not clear…


He’d just wash it away and deliver this to him. 


After Jian Songyi glued his fingers with glue for the twelfth time, he finally gave up.


Meanwhile, in the living room on the first floor, Mr. and Mrs. Jian are flipping through an old photo album, most of which are still black and white.


When people reach a certain age, they will always miss the time when they were young and regret those times they didn’t live that part of their lives to the fullest. 


They were never apprehensive about Jian Songyi’s life. They simply missed the story of their love many years ago and lamented the deceased, who was affectionate and gentle but did not receive the mercy of fate.


If it is possible to let young children enjoy the best emotions and joy at the best age, it is also considered the success of their life as parents.


Their family is so wealthy anyway. They don’t need Jian Songyi to take a big step ahead way too soon for his career and future. They just want him to be happy and have a good life. 


Besides the condition, if the boy across them is more than reasonable. Not to mention the fact that who else could handle their son’s terrible temper but him?


Mr. and Mrs. Jian know more about Jian Songyi than they let on.


So they took out the hot spring resort tickets and placed them on the table. They packed their bags and then flew to the Southern Hemisphere by private plane to celebrate National Day.


Only the ignorant Jian Songyi, who sat by the table, covered in glue with full-on sadness, was left inside the house. 




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