Jian Songyi is not originally a smart person. He is afraid that he’d become dumber as he continues to hit his head.

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Thus, he stretched out his right hand to put it around Jian Songyi’s head and pull it over to his left shoulder.


Jian Songyi was awakened. As soon as he opened his eyes, he happened to see Bai Huai’s adam apple and the collar of his shirt. As soon as he realized this, Jian Songyi was stunned. He then realized that there are other people in the car too. He suddenly raised his head and banged his head against the window.


He took a loud gasp of breath.


It sounded so loud that it caused other people in the car to look back.


Bai Huai smiles and stretches out his hand to run Jian Songyi’s head. “I’ll let you rest on my shoulder. You need your nap. Come one. It’ll be stupid of you if you’re willing to bump your head on the glass window every minute of the ride.”


Jian Songyi tries to save his face. He tried to keep a straight face as he replied with a cold voice, “Don’t move your hands and feet for me. What’s it like for a man to rest on another man’s shoulder?”


Zhuo Luo disagreed: “Brother Song, you can’t say that. I am also a man. Don’t I also rest on Lu Qi Feng’s shoulder sometimes?”


With that, Xu Jiaxingturned around and leaned his back against the back seat to expose his head. “You are an Omega while Brother Song is an Alpha. How can the two of you be the same?”


Zhuo Luo was not convinced: “Why is it different?” Are you sexist? “


“No. AO is different. Think about it. You are small and a sweet person. Offering you someone’s shoulder meant pampering. On the other hand, Brother Song is a strong 1.83 man. Getting offered by someone’s shoulder meant to insult.” 


Jian Songyi: “…..”


“Moreover, even if Master Bai and Brother Song are flirting every day, they are both Alphas so there’s nothing to worry about. Otherwise, if one of them became an Omega, they will have to deal with the top blacklist of puppy love, Peng Minghong. He will surely read a speech about rejecting puppy love under the national flag.”


Jian Songyi imagined himself and Bai Huai getting presented by Peng Minghong to give a parting speech to each other under the national flag. And with that, his body got caught up in a shock. 


“And after they got caught, all the girls will have to cut their hair short while the guys will have to shave their heads.”


Bald head…


Jian Songyi pressed his lips into a thin line. He bowed his head and took out his cellphone. 


He sent a message to [creditor]: [I think we should hide the fact that I am an Omega, don’t you think so?”


Bai Huai glanced at Jian Songyi only to see his serious expression before replying, [I think so. Otherwise, as soon as your Omega identity has been exposed, the whole school would come to the conclusion that I was chasing you. When the rumors spread to Peng Minghong, it will not yield good results. Although I think you’ll look very handsome with a shaved head, it’s nice to be careful still.]

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Jian Songyi lets out a soft sigh: [You have to hide it.]


Bai Huai; [Well, you have to hide it.]


Bai Huai interrupted the conversation so that they can change the topic already. He did so just to save Jian Songyi from feeling embarrassed.


Jian Songyi feels that Bai Huai is really good. Although he is coquettish in front of him sometimes, he still defends himself from outsiders. Bai Huai is measured to be not as shameless as he thought he is. 


However, this childish idea was completely disillusioned when the rooms were divided.


They have a set of a couple ticket and a set of four pax. Their room arrangement could either be three double rooms or one big bedroom.


Jian Songyi feels that the room is not easy to divide.


Xu Jiaxing felt particularly good: “Of the five of us, only Zhuo Luo is an Omega. He will take a room on his own. Master Bai and Brother Song can share a room since they have a good relationship while I share a room with Lu Qi Feng.”


“That’s not so good.”


Jian Songyi coincides with Lu Qi Feng.

Xu Jiaxing wondered, “Why is it bad?” Brother Song, do you want to sleep with Lu Qi Feng? I don’t have a problem with that, but I don’t think Bai Huai wants to sleep with me. “


Bai Huai nodded: “You are very self-aware.”


Jian Songyi: “Actually, I can share a room with Zhuo Luo.”


Zhuo Luo opened his eyes wider in place, incoherent with surprise, and pinched himself: “Oh, my God! I think I can! “


Lu Qi Feng pulled Zhuo Luo behind him and looked at Jian Songyi unkindly: “Don’t play hooligans on the basis that you are not divided.”


I’m fucking divided. I’m also an Omega. What kind of rascal can I play? Jian Songyi could not stand Lu Qi Feng, an old animal who valued his colors and despised his friends. He was just going to teach him how to be a man with the facts.


Bai Huai suddenly spoke faintly: “If you shave your head in winter, it won’t keep you warm.”




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The others didn’t keep up with the pace.


Only Jian Songyi suddenly paused then gritted his teeth with a forced smile, “Yes, it really doesn’t keep you warm.”


So the room was finally divided according to what Xu Jiaxing said.


608 Jian Songyi and Bai Huai; 610 Xu Jiaxing and Lu Qi Feng, 612 Zhuo Luo.


Just get the room card, go to their respective rooms, and everything will be fine.


Or so Bai Huai thought. 


As soon as the door closed down, Jian Songyi slammed Bai Huai against the corner of the wall. He rolled up his sleeves and propped one of his hands against Bai Huai’s head while clenching his fist. Jian Songyi sneered at him, “Bai Huai, you’ve grown up and dare threaten me?”


Bai Huai was very calm: “It was not a threat. It was a kind reminder. After all, I am not afraid of being shaved. I even wish that the whole school knew that I was chasing you so that those who wanted to take a bite would back down and give up.”


Jian Songyi was so taken aback that he could say nothing.


Bai Huai, an animal, was so shameless that he threatened him with this and forced him to sleep in the same bed, which was extremely insidious.


“Do you think that I won’t hit you?”


Jian Songyi’s eyes were cold and grumpy. His knuckles even cracked out with a crisp sound. He is a complete bully in this stance, which could definitely frighten a child next door. 


Bai Huai, who was stuck in the corner, did not even try to save his life: “It’s alright. I will die under the peonies. I can also be a flirtatious ghost, you know. And…” He trailed off with a mischievous smile.


Bai Huai smiled so confidently that Jian Songyi could not move. Bai Huai pulled Jain Songyi by his arm and traced his back with his hand, buckling his waist, and then reaching out at the corner of the wall. He changed his attack to defense.


“…besides, you can’t beat me.”


“You fucking let go of me!”


Bai Huai looked down at him and smiled slyly: “Don’t worry. You still haven’t learned the essence of this kind of thing. You need me to teach you.”


Jian Songyi: “?”


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He has a bad feeling about this.


He tried to push Bai Huai away, but he was thumped to death.


This damn AO’s physical strength gap.


Is being the top Alpha that amazing?


He had just prepared a verbal attack, but before he could open his mouth, Bai Huai had gotten a hold of his chin. He tilted his head and then printed a kiss on his lips. 


Jian Songyi felt the coldness and the softness of the moment, making him a little comfortable. He even forgot to push away.


But Bai Huai did not dare to push Jian Songyi too hard. He just laid a peck before whispering, “If you’re going to do a Bi dong, then you should also need to plant a forced kiss. Do you not know that?”


It was only then that Jian Songyi regained his senses. He was filled with shame and indignation.

Only you know! Only you can! Only you can!


Bullshit, rational indifference! Bullshit, cold, abstinence! Bullshit, flowers of Gaoling!


There is not a good man in gold glasses! They are all animals in clothes!


The more he thinks about it, the angrier Jian Songyi gets: “Bai Huai! I am not done with you! Get out of here!”


One didn’t pay attention and while the other didn’t control the volume of his voice.


Xu Jiaxing’s voice immediately sounded outside the door: “Brother Song?” What happened? What’s the matter? You and Bai Huai should share the room so don’t quarrel in there! 


Bai Huai pushed the rim of his gold glasses on the bridge of his nose. “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just that I was a strong ki-”


Before he could even complete the word kisser, Jian Songyi interrupted him by raising his voice. “It’s nothing! It’s just that Bai Huai stole my snacks!”


“Well, why are you two so naive? I’ve brought a lot. I’ll give it to you later. Just leave some for me. Anyway, pack up and go to the hot spring. “


“Alright, you go ahead and we’ll be right there.”


Hearing that there was no movement outside the door, Bai Huai smiled and said, “That snack tasted good just now.”

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‘Of course, my mouth tastes good! Tell me!’ Jian Songyi thought.


Jian Songyi changed into braised prawns in place. While bursting in oil, he grinned: “Bai Huai! I didn’t fucking realize you were like this before! I really misjudged you all these years! You’re not human! You’ve changed! “


Bai Huai smiled and replied slowly: “Forcefully mark him and then just simply coax him. Be good to him. Give the moon and the stars to him and then take out the top Alpha technology. Go through the stomach first all the way to his heart. And with that, you can finally have a happy ending. Although it sounds a bit lame, if you are handsome and charming enough, then you can certainly be forgiven.”


Jian Songyi was petrified.


That sounded a little familiar.


Bai Huai reminded him: “You taught me that.”


Jian Songyi remembers with ease.


Jian Songyi lets go of the conversation and withered away.


Jian Songyi wanted to find a hole to bury herself.


Bai Huai smiled and said, “If I arrange myself clearly, then I can’t live up to your kindness. I can only put what I have learned into practice, isn’t that right, Mr. Jian?”


‘Yeah, my ass’ Jian Songyi thought.


Mr. Jian Songyi doesn’t want to talk.


Teacher Jian Songyi is recalling how many holes he has dug for himself.


Mr. Jian Songyi is self-absorbed.





Translator’s Note:

Hi. I’ve just recently learned that I’ve reached my goal in my Kofi account, and I couldn’t thank enough the person who supported me (you know who you are. You’re a lovely little being and thank you for appreciating me) and also the people that leave comments behind every update that I post through. This is so heartwarming, so expect a massive update spree once I am officially back.

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