Chapter 51 – Brothers Don’t Blush When They Look at Their Brothers

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Bai Huai placed his hand against Jian Songyi’s gland. He started caressing it in gently in circles, tracing random shapes as he goes.


Jian Songyi immediately straightened his back and said, “Don’t make any noise!”


Unlike his usual stern tone, there’s some real panic mixed into it.


Knowing what he was thinking, Bai Huai withdrew his hand and twisted his fingertips twice: “Didn’t you ask me to mark you before? You don’t like it this time? “


Jian Songyi was fine forgetting all about that, but as soon as he heard it from Bai Huai, he was once again reminded of that fateful day. It was enough to make his blood boil.


To think that this cocky individual turned down his invitation to mark him…


Jian Songyi sneered at him: “It is all because of that damned inducer. My brain was not thinking clearly at that time. Otherwise, I would have kicked you away. I, Jian Songyi, the great, have been rejected for the first time. There will be a second time. You have lost your chance. You will never mark me in your life, even if I am already about to give out this heart.”


“You’re that spineless?”


Jian Songyi made himself sound firmer: “Yes, think whatever you want. I am spineless. Just because you’re an Alpha, you think you are so great. If you try to mark me, I’ll just bite my tongue until I die. I will make it impossible for you to mark me. Mark my words!”


“Ah, you’re powerful.”


Bai Huai snickered a little before letting him go and walking over to the edge of the sofa. He placed down his bag and then sorted his things out after that. “Don’t worry. I won’t do anything illegal, so don’t be nervous. I just want to let you know that you should restrain your small mouth from speaking so much in the future. Else, you won’t know how to sell yourself one day.”


Jian Songyi was unconvinced as usual: “I have a small mouth that you can order around?”


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“Actually, I do not talk much. If you don’t believe me, you should go out and ask around if I order people around.”




The truth is that Bai Huai usually speaks very little, usually no more than five words a sentence. Last time, he said more than ten words to Yu Ziguo, which made Yu Ziguo excited for a whole day.


So what’s the matter with the big switch on his body? Why is he only unforgiving to him?


Jian Songyi twisted his wrist and thought about getting into a fight.


But Bai Huai only took out two storage bags from his bag. He went up and patted Jian Songyi on the head: “Do not worry. Even if we are together, as long as you don’t want me to, then I won’t mark you. I like you. As long as you like me, marked or not marked, I do not care. So, do not think much about it. Do you understand? If you understand, go to the hot spring. Don’t let Xu Jiaxing and the others wait too long.”


Jian Songyi loosely took out his storage bag and obediently followed Bai Huai out of the door.


Bai Huai was right about it yet again.


What he said to Bai Huai about compulsory marking was mainly a joke to ease the atmosphere, just to take the shot of making Bai Huai happy. But in reality, he also believed that Bai Huai would not do these things, so he only buried yet another hole for himself again.


But there’s also this fact that he gets uncomfortable whenever Jian Songyi thinks about marking.


Whenever he experiences being in heat, he will, without a doubt, obey his instincts and want Bai Huai to mark him. But every time he is in the state of reason, he feels like he is not yet ready. That’s a contradictory thing from him. Jian Songyi does not know how he will tell Bai Huai the problem at hand as he struggles to put it into words. However, after teasing him, Bai Huai directly said it, making his heart a little warm.


Bai Huai knows everything and can understand everything. And yet, he is never in a hurry. He always just patiently and meticulously waits for him and helps solve his concerns.


How could there be such a meticulous person?

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Jian Songyi looked up at Bai Huai’s nape and unexpectedly thought it was distinctively beautiful.


Jian Songyi was lost in his thoughts as he continued to admire Bai Huai’s nape. But Bai Huai stopped walking to turn to him. He didn’t notice and almost bumped into Bai Huai head-on.


Bai Huai raised his hand and pointed to the opposite side: “This is the Alpha dressing room, you go to the opposite side.”


“…Oh. “


By now, Zhuo Luo should have managed to change his clothes and go into the hot spring. Thus, they were not cautious that Jian Songyi might bump into each other. With that, Jian Songyi didn’t argue with Bai Huai.  After all, it’s a little awkward to frankly meet with Bai Huai in the dressing room after their little situation from early.


After entering the dressing room, he opened the bag Bai Huai gave him and saw swimming trunks, towels, and a bathrobe.  Everything was neatly folded with a faint scent, which can he assume meant that these had been disinfected and sterilized.


Jian Songyi feels that Virgo men are really different.


Bai Huai has been so considerate since childhood, so when he was in kindergarten, he clamored to marry Bai Huai his wife. Bai Huai refused to be his wife at that time, and the two boys had a fight. They were so angry that they didn’t talk to each other for three days.


He didn’t expect everything to be unfolded like this.


Jian Songyi changed his clothes loosely and suddenly smiled for some reason.


The different locker rooms enter the hot spring through separate entrances, but they still meet at the opening of the wooden floors.


When Jian Songyi arrived, Bai Huai was already waiting for him.


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Without the pair of his pretentious glasses, His eyebrows and eyes are freely exposed, showcasing his features similar-like to a fox. He is covered with a black satin bathrobe with its belt loosely tied against his torso lazily. Bai Huai is leaning on the trestle railing with his two long legs casually folded towards each other. He had his head down as he was busily playing with his phone to kill time. He looks so elegant and reserved nevertheless.


It’s lovely.


Jian Songyi then helplessly saw the two good-looking girls holding out their phones while blushing and leaning over.


Bai Huai looked up and slightly smiled in their direction. He said something to them, and before Jian Songyi knew it, he saw Bai Huai handing out his phone to them. One of the girls jumped out excitedly.


Didn’t he just tell him that he is a man of few words? Isn’t Bai Huai supposed to be not talkative? But he is good at teasing girls?

It was only for a while until he was caught red-handed.


That fucking rubbish.


Jian Songyi walked over with a calm face.


Once Bai Huai heard the footsteps, he looked up with a smile. The two little girls followed him and looked back. Then, somehow, they clenched their fists, jumped excitedly, flushed their faces, and then ran away excitedly.


Jian Songyi raised his brow at him. How come he didn’t understand the operation?


Walking to Bai Huai, he glanced down at his mobile phone screen. “Did you manage to add the girl in WeChat? And two at that?”


Bai Huai turned his cellphone and pointed his fingertip at his screen: “It’s a pity they didn’t add me on WeChat. It’s all because of this child.”


On the screen was a photo of Jian Songyi while sleeping soundly. He is curled up against the soft and thick blanket. He slept so peacefully that his beautiful and delicate face showed no hostility or grumpiness.


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He is not sure when it was taken. Anyway, he was so shy and fascinated as he continued to admire himself against Bai Huai’s phone.


Bai Huai withdrew it sooner or later: “I told them I was waiting for my boyfriend. And they didn’t want to add me on WeChat because they didn’t think they were as good-looking as you.”


Jian Songyi was definitely flattered because of it, but he kept his serious tone as he pretended not to care while walking forward: “if you look better than me, you won’t be able to add that many people in WeChat in this life of yours.”


Bai Huai followed him slowly: “I think you have a point.”


“But… wait, no.” Jian Songyi suddenly reacted as he paused and returned his gaze back to Bai Huai. “Who is your boyfriend? How can you repay the loan of showing your love?”


“Will my future boyfriend not become my boyfriend?”


“And who is your future boyfriend?”


“If you’re not then why were you acting jealous?”


“…..” Jian Songyi was suddenly grumpy. “Who is the jealous one?”


“I don’t know. I just smelled someone being so sour. I am not sure if it came from you.” Bai Huai sounded so sincere as if he was really discussing where the sour smell came from.


His skin is extremely thick. Bai Huai’s psychological quality is more than excellent.


Knowing that Bai Huai is shameless, Jian Songyi decided to just ignore him as he went straight to the location Xu Jiaxing sent.




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