Chapter 52 – For I Do Like You A Little Bit 

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With a bang, the fireworks bloomed. 


One after another, colorful lights awakened the dark sky. It was noisy and yet very gorgeous indeed.


The laughter, cursing, and ambiguous thoughts in the hot spring dissipated in a flash.


“Okay, I see.” Bai Huai’s voice returned to his usual apathy.


He got up slowly and put on his bathrobe. He picked up his cellphone and then walked out.


Jian Songyi slowly followed him, but Bai Huai turned back at him, saying, “Wait for me here.”


There is no refutation.


Bai Huai has been coaxing Jian Songyi for so long that he had almost forgotten that he is also one driving force. 


But this is Bai Huai’s decision; he does not want to force and embarrass him.


“Alright. I will be waiting for you.”


It was a long wait.


Jian Songyi stood where Bai Huai last left him. With his hands in his pockets, he watched the fireworks in the sky. From there, the late autumn became more noticeable to him than before. How could a night be this cold?


He did not like Bai Huai’s Alpha father. Although he did not have much contact with him, all he could remember is his coldness from those few encounters with him.


When the six-year-old Bai Huai was crying from the lost of his father, Mr. Bai said, “What’s the use of crying? Will your father come back to life if you cry? No. So you should go and start studying now.”


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When Jian Songyi’s mother comforted Bai Huai, she said, “Your dad is gone, and that only means that he will become a star in the sky to accompany you.” And after that, his Alpha father would refute it coldly, saying that Mrs. Tang is lying to his face. That if a person dies, there’s no way he will come back. Let alone accompany him in whatever way possible.


His Alpha father would also not allow him not to be the first. Whether it is in his academics, sports, piano, painting, or even his interest in paper-cutting. Bai Huai must be the first no matter what.


He didn’t even hug him once within those three years when Bai Huai’s genes were detected to be an Omega. 


There are also those instances when Jian Songyi would hear his mother talk to Bai Huai’s Omega father. She would say it’s a pity he fell in love with such a person.


Whether Bai Han is a good man or not, Jian Songyi is unable to make a judgment since Mr. Bai Han has been in politics for years. His political achievements are excellent and he is widely praised.


But on the day Wen Zheng died, Jian Songyi knew very well that Bai Han had not made even one phone call to check on Bai Huai, nor did he come back to see his former lover, as did Bai Huai’s 18th birthday.


This phone call for today must be for the matter that Bai Huai appearing in this hot spring resort has reached his ear. He found out that Bai Huai is actually in the South and came to question him.


As a father, to only know that his son transferred to another school after a month or two is also a joke. 


And Jian Songyi’s only hope for such a father is not to pull Bai Huai along and become the same as him.


Jian Songyi has worked so hard for a long time to show Bai Huai these vivid and lively days. He was only halfway close to all of the things he wanted to show him and make him experience, but everything might actually be tugged to jeopardy because of this. 


He looked up and the last cluster of fireworks was annihilated from the night sky. It then once again restored tranquility to both heaven and earth.


The hustle and bustle are short-lived, and the silence after that is extraordinarily cold.


Jian Songyi lowered his head and took a deep breath, condensing it into a white mist in the cold air. 


And suddenly, the door opened.


Jian Songyi was quick to turn around.

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Bai Huai looked over at his frozen red nose and asked softly, “Why didn’t you go and soak in the hot spring?”


‘For fear that if anything happens to you, I won’t be able to rush out first.’


This is what Jian Songyi did not say.


He just simply asked, “Is everything alright?”


“Everything is okay.” Bai Huai replied vaguely. “The man in charge here is my father’s former subordinate. My father just taught me one of his lessons again and told me that I should go home early tomorrow noon. He also told me to take you.”


“Uncle Bai will go to Nancheng tomorrow?”




Jian Songyi assessed his combat effectiveness against Bai Huai’s father and then said seriously, “Why don’t I call my parents back? They could leave now so they can come back for tomorrow lunch together.”


It looks and sounds like a kid fighting, wanting to go home and call his parents first.


However, Jian Songyi had never gone home to call his parents before. At best when he was a kid in a small class in kindergarten, if he could not beat a big bully in class, he would just come to him crying.


Later, after working the big shift, Jian Songyi never lost a fight again, which was very good.


Bai Huai rarely saw that Jian Songyi was so frustrated that he could not help but laugh: “Why? Are you worried that my father would not agree with our marriage, so you’re asking my parents-in-law to help us make a plea?”


“Get out. I am serious.”


Since Bai Huai’s persona collapsed, the words ‘get out’ have become Jian Songyi’s mantra.


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But to Bai Huai, the word ‘get out’ is the essence of his flirting, so he is happy whenever he hears it.


“Don’t worry, both my aunt and grandfather approve of this marriage. My father is too weak to do anything to us, and he won’t let you be aggrieved.”


That tone is very much like a scumbag who cheated on marriage.

Jian Songyi vaguely suggested that he was still unwilling to talk. He even looked at Bai Huai suspiciously: “Is it really alright?”


“Well, there’s still some conflict. After all, my father must have a word with me about why I transfered school and courses. But it’s not that you do not know him. He is a workaholic and doesn’t really pay much attention to me. You can just say a few words.”


‘Just say a few words, then why did you call for so long?’


Jian Songyi couldn’t help it, but he asked the question he was most worried about: “Your father won’t transfer you back to Beicheng, will he?”


“He couldn’t”


Jian Songyi was still worried. “But what can you do if he really transfers you?”


“Transfer? What?! Master Bai, you want to transfer?!”


Without waiting for Bai Huai’s answer, the other three people who came back from watching the fireworks had already pushed the door open.


After hearing the last sentence, Xu Jiaxing looked at him in disappointment. “Shit. Didn’t you just transfer here? Are you transferring schools again? No way! You can’t leave. If you transfer, we will miss you. Think of it as a distraction. If you transfer, you won’t be able to review well. It will affect your college entrance exams! Even if you are being responsible with your life, you still can’t transfer!”


“Yes, why are you in need of transferring? Aren’t we cute enough? Even Brother SOng is cute. Where are you going to find lovelier people than us?” Zhuo Luo gave his puppy face as he tries to prove his loveliness.


Bai Huai smiled and said, “I won’t transfer schools.”


He had never been retained before, and it was a good feeling to be asked to stay.


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Xu Jiaxing did not know the specific situation, but when they heard that Bai Huai would not change schools, they breathed a sigh of relief and tried to spread out the midnight snacks they had just bought: “Not transferring is good. Brother Song, Master Bai is not transferring around anymore, so you don’t have to be so sad. Come, soak in the hot spring, eat some barbecue, drink coke, enjoy life, and live in the present! “


“Yes, I also bought baked gluten and potatoes! It’s delicious! “


“Zhuo Xiaoluo, how many times have I told you, this is unsanitary.”


“I’ve said it many times before too, I love it!”




“Damn it! Lu Qi Feng! You have the ability to dislike unsanitary food, but why are you taking a huge bite of my chicken leg?! Save some for me! Just take all of Zhuo Luo’s snacks instead!”


“No! Don’t take my potatoes!”


“I am not going to grab your food. Master Bai, come on, I bought oysters and leeks, especially for you.”


“Huh? Lu Qi Feng, you idiot, how much do you mean by buying these things for him?”


“To tone the body.”


“Thanks for the kind thoughts, but I think that I am still good in terms of my health.”


“No, what are you talking about that I don’t understand? Are you excluding me?! “




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