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There was a lot of noise, and the hot spring was a mess.


But wonderfully enough, as soon as the fireworks show was over, the clouds from the sky also dispersed. And so, the stars outside as well as the mountains on the outskirts of the city became within their gazes’ reach.


Even if they’re all already sleepy and walking droopily, just by looking up, they were able to see the magnificent sight.


Jian Songyi stood at the balcony as he leaned over at the railings. He then suddenly asked, “Bai Huai, look at the bright stars. They are stars, right?”




“That’s good. I really wished that it was a star.”


“What is it? Do you want to look at the moon and the stars with me? Just like from the poems and songs all the way to the philosophy of life?”


“I’d rather talk to you about why you’re not a good human being and have to be an animal in this beautiful atmosphere.”

Bai Huai lets out a low laugh. “Okay, don’t let the cold winds blow on you too much. Come over to the bed. We will have to get up at five o’clock in the morning so that we don’t get late to meet with my father.”


Thinking that there was still a tough battle to fight tomorrow, Jian Songyi lost his good interest, went back inside, and went to bed.


Bai Huai also turned off the lights and lay down.

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They are both on each side of the room, separated by the Strait of Gibraltar.


It’s obviously not the first time that they’ve slept together, but their situation is different now. It’s not the same as before.


Jian Songyi kept his eyes open all the time. He waited for Bai Huai to say something and do something.


But even after he waited for so long, even if he was already sleepy, only shallow and steady breathing came out of Bai Huai.


“Bai Huai?” He tentatively shouted.


No response.


He must’ve been asleep already.


He turned over gently and looked at Bai Huai by the starlight outside the window.


He is still handsome, but his eyebrows are habitually pressed together. It is not a relaxed and pleasant appearance, as if there’s always something on his mind.


Jian Songyi thought of the last time they slept together, and Bai Huai started to give him his drunk sleep talk. 


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‘I miss you.’


‘I came back.’


‘Don’t be mad at me’


‘Everything will be okay.’


At that time, Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai’s words were too gentle that it made him a little sad. He was jealous of the man he was dreaming of, thinking about what kind of immortal he was that even in Bai Huai’s sleep, he is coaxing him.


Now that he knew that the fairy was him, Jian Songyi was a little relaxed and in want to show off.


He wanted to hear Bai Huai talk in his sleep and coax him, but when he thought of how he spent those three years, he didn’t want him to have those dreams again.


Every time he gets a peep at the details and sees the hard work Bai Huai put in within those three years, Jian Songyi could not help but be uncomfortable.


So he really doesn’t want Bai Huai to leave again.


But he always felt that Bai Huai’s oppressive temper, which likes to swallow all the sour and bitter things all for himself, could not be changed for a while. Maybe one day his father will have something done and this man will run away again. He must go and get him back.


Jian Songyi was a little annoyed at the thought.

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He reached onto the blanket to touch Bai Huai’s waist. He went to find the belt of his robe and tie it with his own.


While tying it up, he said in a super low voice, “If you run away again, I will break your legs and tie you at home.”


After not two but four knots, he finished the tying up tightly. They are now wounded up together, and then he was relieved. Jian Songyi was about to retract back to his blankets to turn and sleep over, but he obviously failed in doing so.


The rope was so short that he tied himself to Bai Huai and couldn’t move.




‘Are you an idiot?’ He questioned himself.


Jian Songyi felt that he was really a watt. He sat up and tried to untie their belts.


However, he tied it so hard just now that he could not unravel it. He was so devoted to pulling tricks that he had pulled a trick upon himself. He pulled it so hard and tried to get around it even.


He still could not untie it.


He sighed.


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Jian Songyi stared at the dead knot, wondering if there was something wrong with him.


In the end, he could only close his eyes, laid down his arms, and lay down close to Baihuai at this distance.


It happened to encounter that Bai Huai turned over, his long arm encircling him.


He couldn’t get away from it.


Initially, it was to prevent Bai Huai from sneaking away, but as a result, he got himself into it.


“…Forget it. Because I do seem to like you a little bit, I’ll just consider this as giving you a hug.”


Resigned to fate, Jian Songyi adjusted a comfortable posture under Bai Huai’s arm. He then closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Where he could not see, Bai Huai raised his lips to form a small smile. 




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