“I thought it was just a light meal between father and son, so there was no need to be critical.” There is a touch of mockery in Bai Huai’s tone. 

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The man by the window closed the folder and looked over him, still without emotion: “Bai Huai, you are very rude.”


“I thought it was polite to send basic greetings on my birthday.”


“I was in the desert.”


“I don’t really care.”


“I thought you were here to admit your mistake, but it seems that you’re trying to take that attitude on me.”


“No, I am not here to admit anything. I am just here to make a point.”


The tone of father and son was the same indifference and careless mockery.


Bai Han finally placed down the folder he was holding. He got up and slowly walked in front of Bai Huai. He stood still and looked at him with all authority. It was no doubt that he has this strong presence: “Bai Huai, you are not qualified to take a stand in front of me.”


The man who is already over the age, who is also God’s favorite, has no trace of white hair and old age. His body is firm and strong still with a handsome look. He looks as if he’s just thirty. 


And Bai Huai grew well. Mostly his father’s same facial features. Especially the same narrow and deep eyebrows, and frivolous temperament.


It’s only after years of experience that he looks more indifferent and strong. Not to mention his slender figure and mature posture.


Jian Songyi has to admit that this very attractive-looking man is also knowledgeable, talented, powerful, and well-bred. 


But the faint sentence from his father: “You are not qualified to take a stand in front of me” is also strong and overbearing, and is enough to conclude that even if Bai Huai is already mature, he is still too young.


However, Bai Huai doesn’t show signs of backing down any time soon. He slightly put on a small smirk before saying, “I am eighteen years old.”

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“Yes, you are eighteen years old, but you can’t pay for all of your expenses on food, clothing, housing, and transportation.”


Bai Huai doesn’t falter. He kept his posture high. And while his father’s statement does sound about correct, he still doesn’t want to surrender.


But Jian Songyi was extremely upset because of this.


Why is Bai Huai so pretentious? No one can pretend to force him in front of Jian Songyi. Not Bai Huai or even his father.


So before Bai Huai continued his tit-for-tat confrontation with his father, Jian Songyi suddenly smiled: “Uncle, I think you have a point.”


Bai Huai was clearly not afraid of his father, but Jian Songyi did not want to be angry in front of the great Bai Han. Jian Songyi wanted to drag Bai Huai behind him, but he did not move. Instead, he only raised his chin and smile slightly before saying with an unreasonable tone: “According to your wishes, that is, whoever provides Bai Huai with food, clothing, shelter, and transportation can talk to him about his position. So I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll take care of him. I’ll be his master. “


With that, he didn’t bother to look at Bai Han’s reaction and patted Bai Huai on the shoulder: “Let’s eat first. I’m starving to death. You can rest assured that you can eat boldly. I’ll feed you.”


Bai Huai looked at him and smiled: “Okay then I’ll have to eat more.”


With these words, the two men really opened their chairs, sat down at the table, and ate the food slowly that Bai Han had ordered.


The first thing they need to do is to make sense of the situation and be more aggressive. Jian Songyi and BaiHuai probably can’t beat Bai Han, and when he gets serious about arguing, they don’t have much chance of winning. They ought to just suffer for nothing.


So it is better not to reason.


Bai Han pays most attention to etiquette and decency, he doesn’t talk about it, but it annoys him to death.


He is not his son anyways. Bai Han could not do anything about him. He dares to say one more word and Jian Songyi would turn and tell Mr. and Mrs. Jian that they should trouble Bai Han for three days and three nights straight.


Moreover, he is not afraid of Bai Han’s anger. If he had made up his mind, he could just ignore it and keep it to himself. It was not as if he could not afford it. His family has money and it is more than enough for Bai Huai to marry and buy a house.

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Jian Songyi can’t let Bai Huai suffer from this idleness. He can’t let Bai Huai leave Nancheng. 


Bai Huai said nothing about it so far. He simply has this indulgent smile as he eats slowly.


In fact, in that long phone call yesterday, after the tit-for-tat tug-of-war between father and son, they both compromised and made concessions, and all the agreements to be discussed have been negotiated already. Today is just for formality.


The main purpose of today is to let Bai Han meet the present Jian Songyi.


It’s just normal that their father and son relationship is to not deal with each other. Whenever they met, they don’t really pay attention to the word the other one is saying. But the fact that Jian Songyi gave him such a big welcome gift for his future father-in-law is such a shock.


Seeing Jian Songyi’s appearance in protecting his son, made Bai Han so happy that he felt that having a meal with them was worth it. Jian Songyi just told him that they don’t need him and that he can support themselves. Well, it made the soft rice extra delicious. 


In the end, Bai Han is a person who has experienced great hardships still, so it is still ideal for him to control the trajectory of Bai Huai’s life. So he is not guilty of being reckless with Jian Songyi, who is in fact sitting across him: “You are an Omega?”


Jian Songyi tried to be indifferent and yet polite: “Yes, I am an Omega.”


Bai Han nodded: “At that time, it was a private organization run by your mother’s friend. Two years ago, because he received many reports that the test results were wrong, he was investigated. It turns out that he was operating without a license and was directly banned in an instant.”




“It was not that big of a news, so I guess your mother didn’t know.”


It might not be really a big deal since Jian Songyi’s mother has a big heart as well.


The subtext is a mistake that could have been avoided, but because of Mrs. Tang Qingqing, a pure silly white sweet lady, he didn’t know anything about it until now.


And Bai Han knew it clearly, but because Bai Huai had been divided, he felt that it was none of his own business and did not mention a word.

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Jian Songyi didn’t know how to express it for a moment.


Garbage organization. They destroyed my youth. Strange parents, they made him miss his future.


When he was a child, he wanted and strived to be the Alpha of the Alphas every day, and he planned to marry the Omega back home to be his wife.


As a result, he is bullied by Bai Huai every day.


And be ridiculed by Bai Huai’s father.


Jian Songyi suddenly lost his temper.


However, Bai Han said faintly: “But I think this may not be a bad thing. You are growing up very well now. There’s also a blessing that comes from mistakes.”




Jian Songyi originally thought that he had messed around enough and that Bai Han was bound to suppress his arrogance. Thus, he didn’t expect him to say such a statement to him.


He choked on his own saliva for a moment, so he could only pretend to answer carelessly, “Well, thank you, Uncle Bai.”


Bai Han then clenches his jaw while standing up. He fastened his suit before saying, “I have something important to do, so I won’t be able to accompany you for the whole time now.”


He walked slowly to the door, but when he was directly across it, Bai Han suddenly remembered something and looked back at Bai Huai: “I hope you remember our agreement.”


Bai Huai did not raise his head and said coldly and firmly, “Don’t worry.”


The sound of footsteps went away.

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“What agreement did you make with your dad?”


“I’ll tell you later.”


Jian Songyi: “Okay.”


After drinking a spoonful of soup, “But I don’t think your father seems to be that kind. He can even praise me.”


As soon as the words were finished, the door was knocked and the waiter came in with the list: “Hello, sir, the gentleman who just went out said that you will pay the bill. The total cost is 1108, may I ask whether you will pay in cash or by credit card?”


Jian Songyi: “… Pay by card. “


“Yes, sir. Enjoy your meal.”


Bai Huai looked at the indescribable simplicity of his shocked feature and chuckled: “I forgot to tell you, but my father is like this. You don’t have to tell him twice. If you say that it’s your treat then it is your treat. If you say that you will support me, then he will not give me a penny.”


Jian Songyi: “….”


Bai Huai propped up his head and said with a smile, “so Master Jian, when you said that you will support me, you must keep your word and not be irresponsible.”


“…Do you…want to consider hanging at the sea?”




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