Chapter 54 – Physics Balls are Not As Cute As You

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Jian Songyi felt that for BaiHuai’s condition, listing him to seas would be the best option. He won’t get reach, but he would be able to get rid of poverty and have a meal on his plate while running towards a well-off society.


But Bai Huai solemnly refused: “ I am pure and won’t do such a thing.”


“Then stay pure.” Jian Songyi said harshly while picking on a shrimp and peeling it thereafter. “You’ll be able to have a place to live and something to eat. Even if your father doesn’t give you money, you won’t starve to death.”


“Well, so be it. I can handle myself. When I get admitted to a university, I will work four jobs during the summer vacation to save for my tuition fees. And then, I will take a train to stand for 24 hours all the way home. I will attend classes during the day and work at night. I will only eat steamed bread with pickles three times a day. Once winter comes, I won’t be able to wear a decent coat even. I quill have my hands and feet sore to death. It will be so cold that I’d have a runny nose and a fever. And when I meet my old classmate from Beicheng that would ask me why was I reduced to that state, I will only reply one thing. That there is this man named Jian Songyi who was unfaithful and heartless. He said that he would support me, but asked me to throw my life to the sea. But then, I hold my foot down and tried my best to be strong and fend for myself.”


“You can shut up now.” Jian Songyi said through gritted teeth. “I think I prefer the way you look in front of your father.”


“Like what?”


“Like a man.”


Bai Huai paused for a few seconds before forming a small smile: “I think you are making rapid progress regarding your Chinese recently. Your choice of words had greatly improved.”


“Thanks to you… Wait a minute. Bai Huai, do you have a split personality? Why are you so different between infront of others and in front of me? Why are you such an animal when it comes to me, huh?”


“It’s because you are cute.”


“Cute, my ass! My name is handsome!”


“I know that a lot of people think of you as handsome, but I will only think of you as cute. Because if you like a boy, you will only find him cute.”


“…..” With the sudden confession of love, Jian Songyi was caught off guard. He could not help but blush furiously because of that. Fearing that he might utter something shameless, he instead picked up the crab that is as red as him and stuff it over his mouth. “Can’t so much food make you gag? Why do you talk so much all the time? Can you be more subtle? Aren’t you supposed to be an introverted person?”


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“Maybe because I’ve been hiding all of my feelings for you for so long that I wanted to just express it to you and say everything that I’ve owed you for three whole years.” 


Bai Huai can always use the most understated tone to say the most simple and relaxing words.


The more carelessly he speaks, the more touching he was.


Jian Songyi’s heart softened. 


While poking the crab, Jian Songyi reluctantly said: “It’s not impossible for me to raise you, but you should eat less else I won’t be able to afford it.”


“Don’t worry. I will eat less and do more.”


Bai Huai pursed his lips and smiled.


Then, Baw, the crab was poked away.


Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai was talking rubbish, but he had no proof.


He just could not help but keep smiling: “Get out.”


Bai Huai had gotten what he wanted, so he didn’t tease him further. He just slid and deleted the [aunt] dialog box, so no one will know about the chat records.


[Your father asked me not to give you money.]


[Transfered 6666.00]


[But I don’t listen to him.]

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[You can make do with it for two months. Let me know if you want to buy something.]


Bai Huai felt that chasing for a boyfriend could not be allied cheating.


Slowly and methodically picking up the poor crab, he smiled faintly at Jian Songyi: “So, from today onwards, we are considered to have officially established an official relationship?”




Jian Songyi choked from what he was eating. He blushed so hard while coughing. Although, he didn’t forget to kick Bai Huai while he was at it. Bai Huai, you fool! Do you think that you’re really going to be listed to go out to the seas? This is called poverty alleviation! To help a male high school student finish his studies! “


“If you help the poor and you happen to not get a return, then you are not cost-effective. But don’t worry, if you finance me, you can get everything you want.” Bai Huai’s tone was suggestive yet calm and rational. Not to mention the fact that he looks so serious.


Jian Songyi was not sure but he felt like he is saying something to sound cool.


Feeling that he had never seen such a thick-skinned person, Jian Songyi turned him down viciously: “I want you to stay away from me!”


He then picked up his bag and run away.


Bai Huai smiled and dollowed him with his two long legs.


He thinks it’s really good.


It’s nice to be able to tease Jian Songyi every day.


Jian Songyi is so cute that he wants to tease him all his life.


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It doesn’t matter if he works a little harder for this wish.




After a short three-day holiday due to National Day, the honor list for the third year high school students has been done.


In the first monthly examination, the top of the list was marked with Jian Songyi’s name with his very handsome face hanging in front of a red background.


When Jian Songyi and Bai Huai passed by this, the bell for class had been ringing for a long time now, but Jian Songyi was not in a hurry. He cascades ever so slowly to let him and Bai Huai appreciate the beauty of what’s in front of them in prosperity.


“Who else can take such a handsome ID photo better than me?”


Not only is he the only one with a photo, but there’s also the fact that Bai Huai has only his name written and small typeface. Not to mention the fact that he is 4th in rank which means that there are two students between them now as well.


Jian Songyi looked very proud.


And so, he pointed over to the crushed name: “To tell you the truth, you are not worthy of me.”


Bai Huai glanced at him sideways. What a heartless little thing.


Meanwhile, the heartless little thing continued to act proud. “But don’t worry. I won’t dislike you. I never cared whether your grades are good or not because your grades are definitely not as good as mine anyway.”


Bai Huai smirked a little and pointed at the position at the top of the second monthly examination next to his. “I think I have to take an ID photo with a red background too. I’ll post it here next month. It matches yours so it will look like a pair. If that is the case, then I don’t have to take any wedding photos anymore.”


“Well, it seems like Father hasn’t made you realize the reality just yet.” 


“You want to make another bet?”

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“You’re still going to gamble? Aren’t you afraid?”


“Okay… if you lose, you will have to kiss me once a day until you get the top rank back in our grade.”




“It is alright. It is normal to be afraid of losing. If you don’t want to take the bet then I won’t force you.”


“Who doesn’t want to gamble?! Bet on! It is a deal!”


Bai Huai felt so lucky that he fell in love with a paramecium that took the bait easily.


Turning himself around, Bai Huai bent his back slightly to chuckle unto Jian Songyi’s ear. “I will have the final say on how and where you’d kiss.”




Jian Songyi was about to lift his legs just so he could kick him, but Bai Huai had already entered their room with two or three long strides with his long legs of his.





Translator’s Note:

I almost fainted with that bet they’re going to do.

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