Jian Songyi has no choice but to follow impatiently.

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And then he went in and sat next to Bai Huai. He lowered his voice and sneered: “It’s alright. I won’t lose anyway. But if you lose, you will pick yourself before the next monthly exam and be a normal human being for me again.” 


“Then maybe I can’t be a man, and I’ll pull you down.” Bai Huai squinted his eyes and seemed to want to be taught a lesson.


Jian Songyi gritted his teeth as he rolled up his sleeves when there was suddenly a knock on their classroom’s door. 


Peng Minghong then appeared: Jian Songyi and Bai Huai! Don’t think that you can do whatever you want just because your teacher is gone. Can you possibly be gossiping when you’re already late? Can’t it be moved for later?”


“Right…” Jian Songyi and Bai Huai and said in unison.




Peng Minghong thought that Bai Huai’s father was right. He could not let those two students sit together. Else, they will only cause chaos and act as if they’re untouchables. 


Walking with his two short legs, he walked up to them and knocked on Bai Huai’s table. “You should change your seat.”


Bai Huai raised his eyelids to looked up at him.


With that, Peng Minghong knocked on his table twice yet again. “Do not look at me. This is what your parents asked for. I am just cooperating with him.” 


Parents, to put it vaguely, are not something someone to joke about. Especially not Bai Huai’s.


No wonder the director, who usually shushes and warms up to himself, suddenly changed his face.

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Bai Huai smiled faintly: “I don’t want to change it.”


“Are you saying that you still want to use this table? Well then, we can make it happen and transfer with you.” Peng Minghong was very confident that he can lift it and help Bai Huai move the table.


But Jian Songyi slammed his hands against it, making sure to press the table down to refrain it from getting lifted. 


In the end, he won. He was younger and definitely strongr than Peng Minghong anyway. Feeling like this is starting to drag, Peng Minghong then questioned, “What do you two want?”


Jian Songyi yawned lazily: “i do not want to do anything. I mean, we don’t need to do anything. Our class has always been democratic and independent. We always choose our seats ourselves and our teachers doesn’t really care about or seating arrangements. And so, I just want to let you know that I don’t want to sit at the same table with others. I only want to sit with BaiHuai.”


“You. You…”


Peng Minghong wants to ask whether the two of them are in the middle of their puppy love phase, but since he has the impression that they are both Alphas, he quickly scratched the idea and only opted for his second best shot at this. “Give me a reason then.” He demanded. 


“Bai Huai can help me study.” Jian Songyi said seriously.




“Don’t you know that my Chinese subject had drastically improve by 10% compared to the last time? It’s all because of Bai Huai’s help.” Jian Songyi said. He was telling the truth anyway, so he doesn’t feel guilty one bit. “So Director Peng Minghong, are you trying to stop students from moving forward? My only deficiency is Chinese. If I can’t make up for it, then it will not only be my lost but Nanwai as well. Can you afford that? Will you take responsibility?”


Peng Minghong: “ ? “ 


“Moreover, Bai Huai is a student who just recently turned to science and only my level of ensemble can teach him. Do you insist on not letting us sit at the same table because you want Nanwai to lose the first and second place in the college entrance examination at the same time?”

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Peng Minghong: “ ? “


“Therefore, Director Peng Minghong, you shouldn’t spit out all the silk until the spring silkworm dies for you will eventually turn the wax tirch into ashes as tears began to dry. You were supposed to be the garderner of the flower of the motherland, who should be shouldering the great task. So shouldn’t you be the one to think about the future?”




When Peng Minghong left, he felt that his teaching career had been sublimated.


The whole class, on the other hand, pressed a low laugh.


“Brother Song is a savage.”


“My mother said that the more beautiful a man is, the more likely he is to lie.”


“Brother Song and Bai Huai can really move the heaven and earth by their will.”


“Yeah. It is a good thing that they’re both Alphas. Else, they would’ve been issued to be bald already.” 


In a well-intentioned teasing, Bai Huai looked at Jian Songyi with a smile on his face: “So reluctant to give me up?”


“Get out.”


“With nothing to return, i can only study hard and live up to Mr. Jian Songyi’s good intentions.” 

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Because they were in the classroom, Bai Huai did not want to openly bully Jian Songyi too hard. So after a few words to tease him, he already had himself pulling a very thick comprehensive science volume book.


After all, they are still third-year students. And although they are quite talented, they do not have Einstein’s brain, so they still must work hard if they want to stand out among millions of candidates.


The news had already spread. Li ting was expelled from school and was even detained. But there were also rumors that there is a fierce Omega who managed to escape the shackles of a group of Alpha. Although many people are guessing, the rumor faded rather quickly. 




The mid-November, that’s when the self-enrollment for college heavily takes place so everyone takes that seriously.


And then there’s Bai Huai who has a greater amount of pressure carrying over his shoulders. And it’s not just to get the first place in his year.


The agreement he made between him and his father was nearly backbreaking for him, but there was nothing to be done about it, it was the greatest freedom he could get for himself.


Although it was nerve-wracking, he did not mention it to Jian Songyi. 

He hoped that this heartless little thing could go on without feeling guilty.


As for himself, Bai Huai will just simply bully this little thing if he gets tired. Jian Songyi will always be his strength. 


On the other hand, Jian Songyi will always insist that he doesn’t care, but there’s the fact that he always tries to help Bai Huai to the best of his abilities.


Jian Songyi will always silently pack milk tea, coffee, and some snacks for Bai Huai. 


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Bai Huai is now a poor high school student. Everything would’ve worked out if he agreed on being listed to the sea. Jian Songyi was sure that he was going to be accepted easily.


Forget it.


Anyway, every time Xu Jiaxing and Yan Yue will saw the milk tea on his table, they will ask came to ask, “Master Bai, why did you order take out again? How did you order Starbucks to school? Isn’t the delivery too high?” 


Bai Huai with his usual poker face would simply say faintly: “Jian Songyi bought it for me.”


And then the two fools would hug Jian Songyi’s legs to beg for the same treatment. They will eventually get kicked off. 


At times like this, Bai Huai is in a very happy mood.


Jian Songyi bought it for him.


Jian Songyi will only buy it for him.


His future boyfriend is so kind to him.


But Jian Songyi is not that stupid for real.


Bai Huai can only bully him because he is only letting Bai Huai tease him. For the past 17 years, Bai Huai is the only one who can tease him as much as he wants, so he can still feel the less obvious changes in Bai Huai.


Although he is still meticulous and proper. Even if he still likes to tease Jian Songyi. Although he is like his usual self, being faint and silent while wearing his pair of golden glasses. Although it is usual for him to keep his space away from strangers. And even if he seems to be the man that he used to be still… Jian Songyi is aware of these small changes Bai Huai is taking.



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