And the two people in the classroom were obviously surprised to see him: “Master Bai?” Why are you here so early? Where’s Brother Song? “

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“I forgot to bring something at home. Jian Songyi is still sound asleep on his bed.” Bai Huai went to his seat, put down his schoolbag, and looked at them. “Why are you two so early?”


Yu Ziguo scratched his head: “Because if I can’t reach the grade line in the mid-term exam, I may have the need to transfer back to my old school.”


The first-grade line of Nanwai is in the top ninety percent of the grade.


It doesn’t sound complicated, but Yu Ziguo’s foundation is inferior, and his first test results are only a little above the average line of a regular university.


Bai Huai looked at Yang Yue and said, “You’ve been coming with him this early?”


“No, I just found out two weeks ago.” Yang Yue drew the point for Yu Ziguo, in a tone wherein hatred and annoyance became more evident. “This fool stays in the classroom until 11:30 every night and comes at 05:30 in the morning when he sits next to the three best students in our grade. I do not even know what to say.”


Yu Ziguo scratched his ear sheepishly.

Frostbite is clearly visible on his hands and ears.


“It’s so cold. How come you’re not learning at home?” Bai Huai asked carefully.


He regrets asking afterward.


Although Yu Ziguo doesn’t seem to mind. He even gave him a grin: “No way. I only live in a one-bedroom house. I will only disturb my grandpa’s rest. Besides, it takes a lot of electricity to turn on the lights.”


Because the relevant departments only bear the tuition and miscellaneous fees of intensive students, but not the accommodation, Yu Ziguo did not choose to live on campus. In fact, he still needs to ride a bike for half an hour to get to school.


It’s not easy on such a cold day.


Bai Huai then suddenly feels that his hard work is not hard at all, but he is forced to worry about it in a good and prosperous life. Meanwhile, people like Yu Ziguo who really live a hard life will feel that life is sweet just because of a little bit of good.


Bai Huai remembered what he once told Wang Shan and Wang Hai’s parents. That he had a friend which is in a difficult situation, but he believed that he would have a good life in the future.


At that time, it was more emotional, but he suddenly felt that he might really be right.


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A faint: “um” and “you can do it” was given to life. 


“Thank you, Master Bai!” Although Bai Huai’s statement sounds so cold, it is rare for him to take initiative to say something to people other than Jian Songyi. Yu Ziguo is a little excited about it. As soon as he is happy, he talks a lot. “But Master Bai, what on earth did you forget to bring that you have to come in such a hurry? “


“Notebook, I want to finish it before the exam.”


“Wow! Do you high achievers spell the same way? You are already the first in our grade. What else do you want? “


“I made a deal with a person, I must always maintain the top grade in the science synthesis, or I have to go back to Beicheng to study the liberal arts.”


“Ah. Then what if you get second place in the exam?”


“If I get second, then it is still a loss for me.” 


“Hiss-” Yu Ziguo gasped. “What a perverted agreement? Although you are really good at science, you haven’t studied science for too long, and Brother Song is really good at science.”


Yang Yue added: “At the peak of my ensemble, I never shared the same score with Brother Song. He reached the highest record and pulled the second general of the ensemble for nearly 30 minutes. Master Bai, you are not being realistic. “


“Then I should be able to be the first person to share scores with Jian Songyi. It will be fine.” The tone Bai Huai used was understated and determined.


Yang Yue hesitated to speak.


Yu Ziguo clenched his fist: “Hmm! I believe in you!  Master Bai can do it! Come on, Master Bai! “


“We’ll both keep reviewing.”




Calmness was restored in the classroom in the early morning of winter, with only the rustling sound of the pen tip across the paper and occasional whispering, different teenagers making different efforts for different goals, but with the same determined persistence.


Bai Huai knew that the reason why Bai Han put forward such a condition at that time must be that after learning about all aspects of the situation, he felt that he could not do it, so he took retreat as progress.


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However, Bai Huai now feels as if there is nothing he can’t do.


He is eighteen years old. And although he is not strong enough and can only do so little in front of the so-called adults, he will still try the best that he can do. Even if the playing chips are already too pitiful.


Maybe that’s why they fall in love with each other at the age of eighteen.


It’s probably the grape stone bracelet that Jian Songyi gave him. It’s really smart.


Bai Huai felt that his luck had really improved after turning eighteen.


Coincidentally, the last big question in physics was really beyond the outline, which happened to be the type of question that Bai Huai rushed to the classroom in the early hours of the morning.


On November 22, the day the grades came out, the whole grade was in an uproar.


The intensive students in Class 1 unexpectedly jumped from the bottom to the top 80% of the grade. If they keep it, they will be stable.


However, this is not the point. The point is that in the examination of the proposition of the abnormal grade group leader, there are two full scores of the science ensemble.


One is Jian Songyi. Everyone is used to his perversion, which is not unusual.


The other is Bai Huai, who has been studying for less than half a year.


On the other hand, Bai Huai’s Chinese is three points higher than that of Jian Songyi.


At the same time, it is only three points higher.


This means that Jian Songyi, whose language score had been hovering in the middle to upper range, broke through the bottleneck and made a qualitative leap to the first tier level.


It’s been less than two months since the last monthly exam.


So what the hell are they taking for real? How come they are improving so fast? Can’t they give others a chance to live?


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The supposed group of proud children from Nanwai suddenly became depressed from all of these. 


There are unfair people everywhere in the world, but this year’s most magnificent unfair people also happened to be the most handsome.


After a round of trauma, even the last art festival of their high school life would not be enough to comfort their battered hearts.


On the morning of the mid-term exam results, when Jian Songyi and Bai Huai arrived at school, the first class had already been on for 20 minutes, and the whole campus was quiet and empty.


Bai Huai is not in a hurry, so he pulled Jian Songyi to stop in front of the honor list to carefully appreciate their beauty.


“I think my ID photo is pretty handsome too.”




“As handsome as you are.”




“Look, isn’t it a good match?”




“Don’t be in a hurry. I just want to remind you about the bet you made in front of this sacred honor list.”




Bai Huai put his hands in his pockets before looking at Jian Songyi. He then slowly etched a smirk on his face: “It’s time to fulfill the contract.”




Jian Songyi clenched his fist loosely. “Can I owe it to you first? We’ll offset it when you lose in the next monthly exam.”


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Bai Huai shook his head and smiled: “Not really. Because if I remember correctly, you will go to Beicheng for competition and training in December instead of taking the monthly exam. “




That’s true.


And with that, Jian Songyi can only think of another excuse: “This is the school. You should show some respect!”


“Meaning it’s okay after we  go home at night?”


“You wish!”


“Does that mean you’re not going to keep your word, and you’re going to cheat?”




“Can’t afford to lose?”


“When have you ever seen me lose?”


“Then you are willing to lose the bet?”




Bai Huai drew his face closer to him and squinted while making his voice very low and light, which sounded particularly provocative: “It doesn’t matter, I’m very magnanimous. You really don’t mean what you say, and I won’t be angry with you. After all, we both know that Brother Song is really shy. And I also know that all people have weaknesses, and it’s only natural that they occasionally make a mistake and play a bad game. “


The more Jian Songyi listened to it, the redder his ears grew. He felt that Bai Huai is really getting ahead of himself recently, and it was only necessary for him to correct his attitude. And so he grabbed his arm directly and dragged Bai Huai into a hidden place at the top of the staircase. Jian Songyi then pushed him into the corner with a thump.


Through gritted teeth, he spoke, “Let’s kiss then. Who is afraid of who, huh?”




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