Chapter 56 – Little Thing, Do You Have A Conscience?

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The corridor was empty and silent in the middle of the first self-study class.


Outside the corridor, the light rain started falling enough to hide someone’s shallow breathing. 


No one is on the first floor. But hidden shadows lingered at the remote corner of the corridor, the triangular space near the staircase.


The time, place, atmosphere, and lingering rain suited the lovers as they shared their kiss within the campus premises.


Everything is just right.


Jian Songyi grabbed Bai Huai’s wrist with his hand and pressed it against the wall. As he positioned Bai Huai’s wrist beside his head, Jian Songyi displayed a sarcastic smile, looking like a hooligan who suddenly gained the upper hand in the situation.


On the other hand, Bai Huai was also very cooperative. He stood there motionless to play the role of the submissive.


In this way, the two hide in a small space with a very intimate posture, listening clearly to each other’s heartbeat and feeling each other’s breath.


Jian Songyi’s eyes fell on Bai Huai’s lips.


Bai Huai had kissed him with that lips oh so many times before. But he only did so lightly, as if just making Jian Songyi feel a small splash of sweetness. They never indulge in that. It will always only just be a brush on each other’s taste.


It’s as if they were kittens. Bai Huai would gently scratch Jian Songyi, and then Jian Songyi would get relaxed and comfortable because of it, so it’s just natural that he would want Bai Huai to scratch him again. But then, Bai Huai is pretty restrained, so he’d just back away after that. And then, Jian Songyi would be too embarrassed to open his mouth and let him know that he appreciates and likes the gesture.


And so, Bai Huai can only take it that far as he could only wait for Jian Songyi’s positive response, which never came. Their situation is really that bad. 


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Jian Songyi could only stare at Bai Huai’s parted lips. 


It looks thin and light just like this heartless person before him. If it wasn’t for his face and temperament, it wouldn’t be pleasing to be with him.


Just with such a face and such temperament, along with the fact that he is Bai Huai. With all of these together, Jian Songyi suddenly wanted to taste this unforgiving sharp mouth of his. 


If Jian Songyi moved to kiss Bai Huai, he concluded that there was nothing to lose for him. He couldn’t let Bai Huai laugh at him anyway for not keeping his word.


Jian Songyi was very face-saving and learned to look and act like a bully. “Remember Bai Xiaonhuai, I didn’t kiss you because I lost. I’ll kiss you because I spent so much money on you that it’s only fair to get something in return.”


Bai Huai smiles softly: “Understood.”


Jian Songyi wasn’t sure whether it is intentional or not, but Bai Huai had to lick his lower lips in a certain manner, making him more irresistible than he already was. 


As a result, Jian Songyi’s ears flushed. “Close your ears for me!” He said ferociously.


Bai Huai was obedient and closed his eyes, but his Adam’s apple rolled slightly as it overflowed with a low laugh.


Jian Songyi still didn’t realize that Bai Huai had managed to fool him once again. The fact that he agreed to this bet just because Bai Huai teased him about being afraid of losing. And now, he has to keep kissing him until he gets his place back. 


So the hand that propped up the wall, clamped hard on Bai Huai’s chin. It was powerful and domineering. So as soon as Bai Huai’s eyes closed and his heart crossed, Jian Songyi leaned up to connect their lips together.


It’s an abrupt coldness as their lips touch. 


Jian Songyi still tried to act sophisticated as if he still had the strength to have the upperhand. But suddenly, the warmness between their lips ever so slowly enveloped his body.

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His breathing suddenly tightens as his body starts to get stiff. Jian Songyi did not dare make a move as his mind began to go blank. He was unsure whether to kiss deeper and open his mouth or if it was time to pull away. 


But before he could even decide, heavy footsteps were overheard from afar.


Jian Songyi suddenly regained his consciousness and immediately pushed Bai Huai away. But because he took another step back, the top of his head bumped into the lower edge of the stairs with a bang. Gritting his teeth through the pain, he did not dare make a sound.


Meanwhile, Bai Huai was both distressed and amused. He pulled Jian Songyi over as he wanted to rub his head.


But then they heard a slow voice coming from the entrance of the stairs: “Who is there?”


Jian Songyi, who had just been dragged by Bai Huai, didn’t even think about it. He immediately raised his leg and kicked Bai Huai before saying viciously, “Bai Huai, I am irreconcilable with you!”


And then turned to Lao Bai, who came to check on the noise he heard. Jian Songyi calmly said, “Mr. Lao Bai, it’s just Bai Huai and me.”


Lao Bai walked up to them with a suspicious look on his face: “What are you two doing here if you two aren’t in class?”


“To get into a fight.”


Lao Bai: “…..”


Bai Huai also strolled out of the shadow and stood side by side with Jian Songyi.


Lao Bai glanced back and forth at the two of them. Their clothes were neat, but Jian Songyi’s face was a bit red, and Bai Huai’s trousers had a footprint.


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Clearly, a fatherly smile slowly emerged from Lao Bai’s face: “It’s alright. It’s understandable that you are young and vigorous at your age.”


That seems to mean something.


Jian Songyi wasn’t able to read between the lines while Bai Huai nodded and said, “Well, Sir Lao Bai is right.” 


Lao Bai continued to laugh to himself: “However, it is still time for class. This is blatant absenteeism, which is very bad. According to your reason, it should be reported to the grade director.”


They’re going to be reported to Peng Minghong.


Jian Songyi then thought of the legend of the bald head and then felt his own head felt the shiver. 


“But I understand you, so I’ll pretend not to know anything about this.”


A silent gasp was given to life.

While subtly combing his hair, Jian Songyi spoke: “Thank you, Lao Bai.”


“You don’t have to thank me. This is a deep friendship between us, your teachers, and you, the students. So there is no need for you to thank me. But it just so happens that I have something to do here, and I may have to trouble you both for a while.” 


Jian Songyi and Bai Huai suddenly had a bad feeling.


Without waiting for the two of them to decline politely, Lao Bai said to himself, “As you know, the purpose of our school is quality education, so even if you are in the third year of high school, you can not escape the tragic fate of participating in the art festival.”




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“The faculty sees the two of you as students with a very good image, artistic temperament, and the top ranking students in your grade. Class One is indeed in need of students like you to save the day.”


“You’re praising us too much, Mr. Lao Bai.”


“A praise is a praise. But hey, it is okay if you don’t want to. After all, I look at you as my own children. I will certainly not want to make things difficult for you. It’s okay to decline even if I will help you hide today’s incident to everyone. You must not be psychologically burdened by this and not force yourself to join just for me.”


Lao Bai smiles at them both kindly and affectionately as he showcased his fatherly love to the two of them.


They will end up being very heartless if they don’t agree to Lao Bai’s request now. 


Jian Songyi has a strong sense of morality and a soft heart, so he has a great sense of righteousness. And because of that: “Sir, Bai Huai has great piano skills. It’s a ten out of ten. He is a level ten.”


Bai Huai, who didn’t say a word from beginning to end: “?”


Lao Bai automatically ignored Bai Huai’s confused and dead facial expression and happily patter him on the shoulder: “Oh, that’s great. Bai Huai is really handsome, has good grades, and is very versatile and excellent. Your teacher is very proud of you! Your musical instrument teacher will surely handle you well.”


Bai Huai: “…..”





Translator’s Note:

Poor Bai Huai. He had no choice but to jump in for his wifeyyy. Heh.

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