“Well, I’ll leave you alone then. You can keep your busy again.” Lao Bai gave them no room for rebuttal at all. Contentedly, he swayed away with his hands behind his back.

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Looking at his back, Jane suddenly understood a truth: the more he likes to laugh, the more ruthless he becomes.


But Bai Huai thinks that the more beautiful a man is, the more ruthless his heart is.


He turned his head and narrowed his eyes towards Jian Songyi. He raised an eyebrow at him as he silently demanded an explanation. 


Jian Songyi simply avoided the line of sight and rubbed his nose innocently.


And so, Bai Huai took a step forward as he prepared himself to forcefully settle the accounts one by one. 


“We are supposed to be close as a family, but you have to go as far as to kick me?”


“This is what you called improvisation. Otherwise, Lao Bai will misunderstand this as puppy love. That will not end well.”


“And then I heard that I have a piano skill level of 10?”


“You did have great skills in playing the piano. You even won the championship. I can’t watch your talent be put to waste.”


“Then should I thank you?”




Bai Huai blocked Jian Songyi in the corner: “Little thing, do you have a conscience?”


Jian Songyi really felt that it was inappropriate of him to throw Bai Huai under the bus, but he could not blame himself for that either. He had no experience of this what they called puppy love and he had just lost his temper for a while. This makes it understandable, right?


And so he straightened his back and stood up more confidently: “You have to play rascal yourself. That is why it is called self-inflicted.”

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“Is that so?” Bai Huai smiled angrily at him. “Then why don’t I play the role of a rascal, even more, seeming that it seems to be that bad.”


As he said those words, he intentionally licked his lips in front of Jian Songyi.


Jian Songyi immediately remembered the warmth and humidity he felt as their lips connected. And because of this, he had a bad premonition.


“Bai Huai, be very careful. Else, I will beat you up!”


“Oh? Then why don’t you hit one?” Bai Huai pressed as he took a step one after the other while laughing maliciously.


Jian Songyi felt that if this continued on, he would eventually lose his stand against Bai Huai. So, he went ahead to roll his sleeves up to fight and stop Bai Huai from doing evil deeds.


But God was kind to him, and as soon as he rolled up his sleeves, the bell rang in time. So Jian Songyi had the reason to dodge the situation and run into the classroom against the crowd gushing out of it. He managed to sit down in his seat nonetheless.


His swift and violent action made Yang Yue, a fat little man, tremble in his stomach and turned around and said, “Brother Song, why are you running? You’ve been late for the whole class, and it’s too late for you to run now. “


Bai Huai staggered in slowly: “Some people have done something wrong, so they have to run.”


“what is wrong with you? What’s happened? “


“Probably gotten betrayed by a friend.”


Yang Yue’s righteousness started to beam: “Brother Song, you can’t do this. You are the facade outside our Nanwai. You must be upright and uptight!”


“Shut your mouth.”


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Jian Songyi gave him a hard and threatening look.


Yang Yue shuts himself up.


Xu Jiaxing took over his responsibility and continued the force of the conversation: “Brother Song, you two missed an important news because you didn’t come early.”


Jian Songyi thought he probably knew what the news was.


“The task of the Art Festival has come down. Given our heavy academic work in the third year of senior high school, each class will only have a collective project and an individual project. The collective project has decided to recite poems, and the whole class will participate.”


Xu Jiaxing continued, turning to Bai Huai, “Master Bai, why don’t you take charge of the video this time? But say yes first, it can’t be the same as last time! “


Bai Huai said faintly, “What happened the last time?”


“What do you mean?” Xu Jiaxing seemed to be thinking of something that deliberately pissed him off, but he dared not raise his voice in front of Bai Huai. “Last time, it ought to record the green years of our last sports meeting, not Brother Song’s personal glory years! Six hours long, and it was all Brother Song. And there was no way to cut it at a later stage! Do you want to give everyone a copy of Brother Song’s personal MV for the whole class’ souvenir?”


Jian Songyi listened and felt that Bai Huai was simply not a human being.


It is shameful to use public resources for secret love. 


He is mentally criticizing him. 


Bai Huai didn’t even bother to lift his eyelids: “Only Jian Songyi is good-looking in the whole sports meeting, so is there anything wrong with me only filming him? Do you know how hideous other people’s faces are when they exercise? Have you considered the feeling of the camera? And have you only met Jian Songyi today? Don’t you know that his personal MV is worth being everyone’s souvenir?”


Xu Jiaxing: “……”


Not only did Xu Jiaxing feel offended, but he also felt the dog food being stuffed into his face. He is very annoyed, but he is unable to refute.

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While Jian Songyi was delighted with what he heard.


He thinks Bai Huai did the right thing.


He should praise him.


And so, he waved over to Xu Jiaxing: “Alright. You cannot blame it all on Bai Huai. You are not good-looking, so it is not his fault.”


Xu Jiaxing: “?”


Can he hear himself talk?


Is Jian Songyi still human?


“Don’t let him record it this time, either. He just promised Lao Bai that he would take over the individual project of this art festival. And because of that, he doesn’t have the time.”


At this remark, Xu Jiaxing immediately forgot his anger and looked at Bai Huai with the eyes of his savior: “Master Bai, is it true?”


Jian Songyi: “It is really.”


Xu Jiaxing grabbed Bai Huai’s wrist gratefully: “Master Bai, you saved the lives of our class!”


Bai Huai took a stern look at his hands, and Xu Jiaxing immediately withdrew his hand.


On the other hand, Yang Yue was trembling as he pulled out an application form with tears in his eyes: “Come on, Master Bai, what kind of event do you want to sign up for? What kind of support do you need from us? Costumes? Props? Just say the word, and we will have it ready in a heartbeat!”


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Bai Huai bowed his head and took out his exercise book as he did not intend to speak.


The initiator, Jian Songyi, spoke for him: “For a piano solo, just prepare a Steinway grand piano for him.”


“…Excuse me, even if I sell my whole body, we still wouldn’t be able to afford a Steinway.”


Yang Yue thought for a moment, “But there are pianos in the concert hall. Although they are of average quality, I heard that there are worth more than 200,000 yuan. Can you make do with it? There is also a piano practice room on the other side of the art hall. I can apply to borrow it. It should be enough to practice for a while at dinner time every day. “


“It will do.” Bai Huai turned a page and said carelessly, “But I need other supporting facilities.”


“What is it? So long as it is no more than 100 yuan, I promise you that I will take care of it. Even if I have to risk my life.”


“I want someone with me.”


“As to when you play the piece? That will be kind of hard. Is there anyone else in our class who can play the piano?” Yang Yue showed a confused look. 


Bai Huai did not raise his head and only pointed over at someone who was supposed to be only watching a good show. “Level Ten.” He said lightly. 





Author’s Note:


Bai Huai: “We owe something to each other, so we must be coupled together.”


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