Chapter 57 – Marked Mine

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With a sour expression plastered on his face, Xu Jiaxing and Yang Yue hugged him.


He thought that Bai Huai was too stingy.


And then he would say that he likes Jian Songyi?


Oh, he is a scumbag for real.


Sure enough, not agreeing to make love and be with him is the right decision. 


When he went home that night, Jian Songyi didn’t say a word to Bai Huai. He even locked the password door from the inside so that Bai Huai could not break in and sneak into his house in the middle of the night.


He seems very reluctant to play a song with Bai Huai.


Ever so slowly, he ended up going to the piano room unconsciously. 


The mansion Jian Songyi lives in is a three-story building. The third floor is an expansive attic with a glazed dome affixed with colored window paper commonly used in churches during the Republican era. Because of this, the sunlight falls down nicely through the large window. Not to mention the light breeze that cascades through the white curtains every time the windows are opened for a bit.


The wooden floor was empty except for a grand white piano situated in.


Jian Songyi lifted its lid slowly.


He thinks the family maid is diligent and meticulous since the piano looks too polished. There’s not a bit of dust present on it as well when obviously he had not been able to touch it for about four or five years. 


He is not a still person, nor does he has patience. The only reason he tried to learn to play the piano was when he saw Uncle Zheng playing piano when he was a child. He thought that pianists were really good-looking. And then there’s also Little Bai Huai, who sat in front of the piano looking very mature. And because of this, he was moved and decided to tag along with Bai Huai to study the instrument together. 


But Little Songyi couldn’t sit still and be unwilling to endure the hardships. In the end, he muddled through it until the tenth grade, but that’s about it. On the other hand, Bai Huai has won a lot of piano recital championships. 

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Jian Songyi has to admit that Bai Huai’s talent in this area is indeed better than his own.


So maybe there is such a thing as heredity. He thought of Uncle Zheng and then his silly mother. He can only be glad that his father’s IQ is high enough.


Jian Songyi lifted the piano’s lid and then sat on the stool. And then he stepped on the pedal and placed his fingers on the keys. He ensured his shoulders were flat and that his back was straightened enough. He is now ready to pick up a Chopin and show his temperament as a piano prince.


As he plays, he not only pressed several wrong notes – it was a mess.


Jian Songyi has always been a perfectionist, and since he did not manage to play the piece perfectly, he then lost patience. So, he closed the piano lid and left.


Forget it; who would even like to play the piano for fun?


Jian Songyi doesn’t practice anyway.


At worst, who would even want to play twinkle twinkle little star with four hands? Isn’t that very childish?


The Art Festival is a happy event for the freshmen anyway. It is not a good thing for third-year students not to study for being burdened by this event alone.


No one cares that much about it in addition.


So, everyone should still review and do their exercises.


After all, Nanwai’s examinations are still tightly arranged. There is still the December monthly exam and then the mid-January final test. And then, when they return after that, they must prepare for their self-admission. The itinerary is full, and they should not dare place delays in their studies. With that line of thought, everyone is supposed to be busy.


Although Jian Songyi is not under so much pressure, as he thinks about it, he unconsciously forgets about the art festival. He goes ahead to prepare for the physics competition that is about to begin.


It was not until early December when the performance list of the festival was posted, that he was reminded of this cruel fact.

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The third-year students who are actually lacking interest in this said event suddenly became very interested.


That night, many posts appeared regarding this performance list.


[The Iron Man mutates into an educated youth, why?]


[Are they eternal enemies or bosom friends who love and try to kill each other?]


[Can Jian Songyi really play the piano with those hands he used for playing basketball and fighting?]


[Is the $200,000 piano in the concert hall going to die soon?]


[Please use those iron fists to continue to defend our Nanwai! The war is coming!]




Jian Songyi lay on his bed. He scans the posts one by one and could not help but sneer. 


The superficial and foolish ignorant public….. He wanted to keep a low profile, but this can’t be helped.


He rolled up his sleeves to reveal his skinny wrist bones and slender white joints. He had chosen the best angle to click a picture before uploading it to moments.


[Such a beautiful hand can only be used to play the piano.]


Cute Little Luoluo: [It can also be used to explore the mysteries of a body.]


Xu Dashuai: [It can also be used to comfort the loneliness of young men.]

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Lu Qi Feng: [It can also be used to measure the greatness of an Alpha.]


Fortune-teller for 40% discount: [It can also be used to grab sheets.]




While looking at the neat addition of comments on his moments, Jian Songyi felt as if he had strayed into something immoral and out of the law.


With such comparisons, it turns out that Bai Huai is not as shameless as he thought he was.


As if on cue, [the creditor] sent him a photo.


It was a screenshot of his moments, along with their friends’ comments.


B.S. [I actually think that it can all be used for that.]


Jian Songyi: “…..”


Oh, the absolute beast is only late but never absent.


As he was annoyed, Jian Songyi planned on blocking Bai Huai at that instant. Only if it wasn’t for his following message that saved their relationship from collapsing.


[Accompany me to the piano room to practice tomorrow.]


He still knows when he needs help.


Bai Huai has a conscience still.

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He still has value in Jian Songyi’s life.


There’s no hurry. It’s okay if he won’t block him now. 


Jian Songyi reluctantly replied: [Okay.]


There is a large Art and Sports Hall situated outside Nanwai. It consists of a body classroom, an indoor stadium, an art room, and a musical instrument practice room. Each occupies a whole floor. 


The row by the window on the fourth floor of the Art and Sports Hall is divided into a tiny piano room after another. After putting a piano and a piano stool, there is no room for affluence. 


Two big boys of more than 1.8 meters sat side by side. They looked too cramped as if they moved casually; their own skin would meet each other and brush contentedly.


Jian Songyi sat on the piano stool with his hand in his school uniform pocket, looking slightly stiff and uncomfortable. 


Bai Huai tried to play the piano and said softly, “Why are you nervous? Am I going to eat you?” 


“Who’s nervous? I just feel cold, and I do not want to move. You kept saying how spooky this art hall is, but you never mentioned how many air-conditioners are installed inside. “


Jian Songyi dislikes being cold. Bai Huai knows that at the beginning of December, the temperature is not low yet, but nonetheless, its coldness is still enough to freeze to the bone. 


Thus, Bai Huai pulled out Jian Songyi’s hand and held it in the palm of his hands. 


It’s really cold. 




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