Chapter 58- Narcissism Has Capital

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As if that wasn’t enough, Jian Songyi’s tongue tip sipped through Bai Huai’s Adam’s apple proactively.


The ten keys that were pressed in unison made a heavy sound.


It was mixed along with his heavy breathing.


“Jian Songyi.”


His name came from above Jian Songyi’s head, sounding slightly more raspy than normal.


Jian Songyi’s boldness suddenly faded. Only then did he realize how big of a fire he had caused.  The probability of being caught in a fire is high.


He first needed to get up and run, but before he could react, Bai Huai had already managed to grab him by his arm and then press him back against the piano.


The piano made a more muffled sound than before.


Bai Huai held him down with one hand while the other held unto his Adam’s apple. “ I remember you saying that I am stingy and that I always take advantage of you… I would like for you to take it back. If I am bitten, I have to bite back.”


He then holds two of his fingers upwards. “Twice.”


Jian Songyi was still pressed on the piano as his eyes fell on his Adam’s apple, which was reddish and glistening. His ears could only heat up.


Jian Songyi is probably really obsessed with sex.


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Shame on him.


But just now…


He really wanted Bai Huai to bite him.


The more they try to be patient and restrained, the more their hearts move for each other. 


‘The more you think about it, the more you do it.’


And forget what the consequences would be.


No one knows that although Bai Huai gives himself away most of the time, he can be a real animal if he wants to.


But Jian Songyi feels that he cannot admit his weakness. He thinks that every time he gets to be weak, Bai Huai will get an inch, and he will eventually be eaten dry. 


So he tries his best to be indifferent about it. “A big man dares to do it. Just go bite back.”


“Can I bite anywhere?”


“Wherever you want.”


“What did you say? Won’t you regret it?”


Jian Songyi tried to stand his ground. He raised his brow and snickered a little. He pretended to be angry and sounded provoked: “I said, I do not regret it. Are you okay? If you are a big man, then why are you whining?”

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Someone’s small mouth began to babble indiscriminately again, so Bai Huai didn’t mind being impolite either.


Thus, Bai Huai placed his hand around the back of Jian Songyi’s head. He slightly tilted his head sideways as his lips fell on Jian Songyi’s gland.


It was a very shallow and soft touch without aggression. 


But it suddenly brought Jian Songyi into a great sense of uneasiness, the instinct similar to surrender. It immediately filled his blood and nerves, making him go crazy. For a teenager thinking that he has been an Alpha his whole life, the thought of being marked and possessed by an Alpha is scarier than he ever imagined.


As a result, there was a strong rejection reaction from him. At first, he was touched, but then he instinctively pushed Bai Huai away afterward, enough to cause the piano stool behind him to cross the ground quickly, making a shrill sound. 


After pushing Bai Huai away, Jian Songyi was stunned. It was then he realized that his behavior might really hurt Bai Huai.


It was supposed to be such a cold day, yet he was so startled that he broke a sweat. 


Jian Songyi chewed his lower lip as he didn’t know what to say. 


When Jian Songyi is in heat, he wants Bai Huai to mark him, but when he is sober, he cannot accept it and appears to be a hypocrite. 


Bai Huai, however, seems to be expecting this reaction from him already. So he naturally lowered his hand and smiled at him: “I knew it, you little rascal.”


Then, it seems that Bai Huai didn’t really bite him in the first place.


Jian Songyi was a little bit embarrassed.


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He tried flirting with Bai Huai, and then he pushed him off afterward. Whether Jian Songyi wanted Bai Huai to mark him or not, regardless of that, Bai Huai might feel that Jian Songyi was only playing with his feelings.


And with that, Jian Songyi is afraid that Bai Huai will misunderstand it such as that, so he hurriedly defends himself: “I am not trying to be bad. I just suddenly remembered that I made a vow to myself back then. It was simple and promised that I won’t simply accept to be marked. I am a man of backbone, you see. I must be true to my words. I can’t go back to my word. So why don’t you just bite somewhere else? Anywhere but there.”


Unexpectedly, he was in a serious and deliberate tone. Jian Songyi was a little careful, as if he was afraid of getting angry.


Bai Huai suddenly felt that he had pushed Jian Songyi way too hard.


Jian Songyi had not even decided to be his boyfriend yet. But Bai Huai just couldn’t really help to be possessive and wanted to mark Jian Songyi. Knowing that Jian Songyi has only a big mouth, he can easily be provoked. Still, Jian Songyi can also be a scaredy-cat in his heart. He bullies people, and yet he can be scared like a child.


It’s a bit of a headache for him. 


So he should let the paramecium slow down a little longer.


As if nothing had happened, Bai Huai smiled and sat back in front of the piano: “Forget about it. You have such a delicate and tender flesh that it’s a pity for me to bite unto it.” 


“It is okay, actually. I am not really afraid of the pain.”


“Don’t worry. I’ll hold myself back, and it doesn’t count as cheating.”


Jian Songyi felt that he had no reason to beg others to bite him. Still, since this is the situation at hand, he thought that some things should be emphasized again: “You’re the one who said that you won’t consider this as cheating. But it doesn’t mean that my stamp should not be counted.”


Bai Huai glanced at him sideways. “Isn’t that being unreasonable?”


“How can that be counted as me being unreasonable? I am your financer. I spend so much money to support you. What is wrong with me stamping you?”

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“Are you being serious? What’s wrong with stamping someone like that?”


Jian Songyi is getting a little bit angry, but he did not directly outspeak himself like he usually does. “There’s nothing wrong with it. I just thought you sang well and wanted to reward you for it. I didn’t expect for you to act up and be so unbearable right after it.”


“If that’s the case, then can you give me a little bit more reward? Let’s see who can’t really stand it.”


“…..” Jian Songyi felt that he was being uptight, sure. But he realized that he could not compare himself to an animal like Bai Huai. And so, he said solemnly, “You are not my boyfriend, so don’t get too greedy.”


Bai Huai bowed his head and then smiled! “Yes, you’re right. I can’t be greedy.”


But Jian Songyi pursed his lips and corrected him: “But in fact, I can be a little greedy myself. I mean, I am quite generous to you, so it is possible to correct a small affection from you as it has won my heart.”


Jian Songyi felt that his hint was already undeniable as if he was just pushing the boat along the river. With this, Bai Huai can get what he wants, and then it will eventually heal the injury he caused to Bai Hui after pushing him away.


However, Bai Huai just smiled: “Okay, young master Jian Songyi, who is very generous indeed. We should practice playing the piano quickly. Else, it will be too late by then.”


Accustomed to Bai Huai’s advances, Jian Songyi expected that he would climb the pole as soon as he saw it. But then, instead he suddenly gave up as soon as he saw it. Because of this, Jian Songyi was very surprised. “We will only practice the piano? Is there nothing else?”


“What else do you want?”


“… Nothing.”




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