Jian Songyi can’t tell Bai Huai that he wants him to talk and let him be his boyfriend.

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Jian Songyi is so used to being flattered that he can’t pull this face off.


As soon as Bai Huai heard Jian Songyi’s reply, he returned back to business again: “If you don’t start practicing now, you will continue to be in this state. If that’s the case, then the evening of the art festival won’t be guaranteed.”




Jian Songyi sat back in front of the piano with ease and gloom.


He feels that Bai Huai is such an inexplicable Alpha that he doesn’t deserve to have such a charming Omega.


Bai Huai is a paramecium, a single-celled creature.


Yes, a paramecium. He is not worthy of an advanced creature like himself. He deserves to be chased a little longer.


But on second thought, Bai Huai is a very delicate person. It is impossible not to understand his own implication. As Jian Songyi thinks of Bai Huai’s actions after Bai Han’s appearance, Jian Songyi has a reason to suspect that Bai Huai is deliberately avoiding the issue of their relationship.


There may be something he hasn’t told him yet.


Thinking about what was on her mind, Jian Songyi actually played the song in a somewhat disconsolate mood.


Whenever Jian Songyi decides to do something seriously, he will strive his best to be the best.


And so, when they have to go home, Jian Songyi still feels as if it wasn’t enough. Thus, he had decided to practice playing after dinner. He went to the third floor to continue practicing and playing the piano.


The piano in their house hasn’t been played for a long time now. Mrs. Tang thought their family was now haunted by some kind of ghost.


While wearing a mask and dragging a broom, she carefully went up to the third floor and saw Jian Songyi sitting in front of the piano. Without saying a word, she threw the broom away and tore her mask. She ran to Jian Songyi and held his face with both hands: “Son! Have you finally come to your senses?”


Jian Songyi: “?”


Mrs. Tang was a little excited: “Are you going to play the piano to express your love? Is it a confession to Little Huai? What do you need your mother to do? Is it enough to throw roses from the air? Or do you want artificial snow? Tell mom, and mom will do it.”


Jian Songyi: “…Mom, I am just going to the art festival.”



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Mrs. Tang lets go of her son’s face as she loses the spark in her eyes.


“With Bai Huai.”


Her eyes glowed again: “When?!”


“December 15th.”


“On December 15. I will do the math. Oops! It is not too late! Call Little Huai here quickly!”




“Let me take your measurements! I will send it to the brand early tomorrow morning and make two suits for the two of you. Although it’s too late to send it to Gao Ding, I will ensure that you two will look handsome there.”


“Mom, there is no need for that.”


“Why not? Oh, forget it. Keep practicing. I will find Little Huai myself.”


Five minutes later, Jian Songyi and Bai Huai stood obediently in front of the dressing mirror while Mrs. Tang measured them with his soft ruler.


They have to listen to her inexplicably exciting words as she does so: “ It’s not because I am your mother or anything, but you two have really great bodies. It is more than enough to be a model. Why don’t you start out as a men’s team? I’ll let your father endorse you to a company, and then I’ll be your agent. If you didn’t get the hots all over Asia, then you can always go home and inherit hundreds and billions of dollars.”




“Alright… As I am seeing it, one’s face is worse than the other. Forget it if you don’t want to. Ah, Little Huai, what do you prefer? Black or white?”


“Either will do.”


“He likes white.”


“Hey, but I think it has a white complexion and will look good in black. Just like the black evening dress of European court style. He must look as good as a vampire prince. ” 




Since you have made up your mind, why ask again?

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Mrs. Tang is already immersed in the picture in her brain: “How handsome! Then Little Huai will wear black, which means that you will look cute wearing white.”


“Mom, I am not cute! I want the black one!”


“What’s wrong with you? You’re cute. Little Huai, do you think he is cute or not?” Mrs. Tang asked in a somber tone.


Bai Huai smiles: “Lovely, very cute.”


Jian Songyi’s ears turned red, but he kept his mouth shut and turned nothing. 


But Mrs. Tang is still chattering: “Is the piano in your school good? No, I shouldn’t have asked, definitely not. You wait, I’ll get you a crystal piano and make sure to get some beautiful lights, but I will need a profes-”


Jian Songyi could not stand it anymore that he ended up interrupting her: “Mom, it’s just an art festival. What are you doing?”


“And why not? You don’t know, when you were a child, I liked to watch the two of you play piano together. You both look like two little dolls sitting together while wearing small suits with your chubby faces. You two look so adorable! You sat on the piano bench, and your short legs could not even step on the ground. But now, look at you; you two grew up in a blink of an eye.” 


Mrs. Tang put away her tape measure and looked at them with a gentle and comforting smile. “If Little Huai’s father is here, he would be very happy to see you guys growing so well and playing the piano together again.”


Bai Huai’s eyes droop.


Mrs. Tang currently comforted him: “Little Huai, be rest assured that as long as you like, Aunt Tang will treat you as her own son, so don’t be sad. But speaking of which, have you been to see your father recently? “


“No, just once this September.”

Mrs. Tang knitted her eyebrows together. “Huh, that’s strange… Then who was that from?”


“What’s wrong?”


“Oh, nothing. It’s just been raining recently, so I thought I’d go to see if the leaves were swept clean in the cemetery. Still, when I went there, I found that it was clean, and there were also a big bunch of grandiflorum flowers beside his tomb. I do not know who placed it. Where did those good-looking platycodon grandiflorum come from within that season?”


“Probably one of my father’s old friends.”


Bai Huai has a soft tone and doesn’t seem to want to mention it again.


Mrs. Tang hurriedly stopped the topic. She then instead coaxed the two children to drink a bowl of Shiquan Dabu soup and drove them to bed.


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In the following days, Mrs. Tang urged Jian Songyi to practice the piano while urging the brand to customize those suits faster. She even went to get the crystal piano and have someone assemble the two chase lights for the concert hall.


This made Jian Songyi much busier – a high school student who prepares for the physics competition and training while preparing for the art festival.


And he has to admit that Mrs. Tang, a typical corrupt capitalist lady, has high attainments in spending money.


When Yang Yue looked at the two slightly grandiose six-figure suits and a team of bodyguards escorting the seven-figure piano into the concert hall, he then remembered his bold budget of 100 yuan and chose to shut up.


He finally understood Jian Songyi’s young master’s temper and decided that he couldn’t really blame him after all. If he had such a mother, he could jump to the sky and come down whenever he wanted. 


Jian Songyi has rarely been able to develop such a good study attitude. 


However, he still has too high of a profile, which aroused dissatisfaction from some people.


Hot post of the day: [Money Can Make Art?]


Post Owner: [Is it too high-profile to point out that a specific third-year student is playing the piano? And because he is playing, he turned the stage way more significant than our first-year epic musical? Those who wouldn’t know might think that Lang Lang and Li Yundi will be playing together here at our school.]

2L: [Well, the famous young master of the third-year high school doesn’t have to attend morning self-study sessions. He is getting picked by a limousine. And he could even get away with not wearing the proper uniform if he wanted to. All while contradicting the grade director number of times.]


3L: [ That’s actually none of your business. Brother Song doesn’t have to study in the morning because he can take first place in the grade with his eyes closed.]


4L: [There is the saying that the young master will always be the young master. It is out of our control if he has the money. The problem is that he is going to make the great art festival a mess.]


5L: [Why would it be a mess? Spending your family’s money is none of anyone’s business. Some people are just too sour to realize this.]


6L: [Have you ever seen Jian Songyi play the piano in his early years in high school? Can he really play? Obviously, the technology as of today is not enough for him to be able to pretend, so he is trying to buy us off with the flashy things on stage.]


7L: [Sit and wait for the seven-figure joke. I can’t get used to the fact that someone in the third year of high school has been pretending to be king for a long time now. It’s time for a turnover.]


8L: [ There is no reasonable doubt that all of you are just jealous! If you dare leave your names, then I will send you all something more worthy of your time.]


9L: [You are all just being sour. To tell you the truth, so long as it is Master Bai and Brother Song, I will happily watch them play. Even if they’re just playing with cotton.]


10L: [Me too.]


11L: [You are all off-topic. I will answer the question of the post owner. Yes, of course. His mother can also buy the first prize at the Art Festival. Do you believe it?]

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12L; [She can even buy all of the school administration, so what’s the point?]


Post Owner: [Ha.Ha. Ha. I like all of your rich temperament. But the answer is too obvious, many can never pile up to art.]




Jian Songyi is sitting backstage in the dressing room. He slowly flipped through posts after posts. Yang Yue, the logistics mother, stood behind him nervously.


“Brother Song, they are all just jealous!”

“I know. It’s normal for them to be jealous of me. I don’t blame them.” Jian Songyi said lightly.


Yang Yue: “…..”


Who gave him the courage to worry about Jian Songyi having his mind collapse just because of those rude comments?


Jian Songyi glanced over at Bai Huai, who was still doing chemistry papers nearby. “They said that my mother and I are nouveau riche, that I can’t play the piano, and that money can’t pile up to art.” Jian Songyi said slowly.


He was wronged to death.


Bai Huai puts away the paper and then closes the lid of his pen. “It doesn’t matter. They will learn anyway that money can really pile up to art.” He said carelessly.


“Hmmm.” Jian Songyi nodded. “You can look handsome if you want to, after all.”




Yang Yue: “…..”


Are these two people born with narcissism?


However, the facts tell him that narcissism has capital indeed.




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