Jian Songyi continues to deceive himself that as long as he runs away and waits for a week until he returns to Nancheng, Bai Huai will eventually forget it, so he will ultimately be clean of it again.

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In any case, this must be better than face-to-face confrontation right now, right?


However, Jian Songyi had forgotten about one thing. He forgot that Bai Huai, how gentle he might look, holds grudges in his bones.


When he woke up to find his pillow empty, he had already guessed what had happened.


Jian Songyi, that little thing must run away.


After he finished using Bai Huai, he ran away without even saying thank you to him. He really has no conscience.


Bai Huai could only imagine Jian Songyi running away like a shrimp while twirling his fingers around and smiling.


He likes to run, huh? Bai Huai will ensure he has no strength to run the next time. 


Jian Songyi likes to deceive others so much, so no one could blame Bai Huai for wanting vengeance.


He looked up at the calendar.


December seventeenth.


It’s not that far.




Jian Songyi sneezed as soon as he got off the plane. He didn’t overthink about it as he thought it was probably the cold breeze of Beicheng.


In order to escape this morning’s trouble, Jian Songyi walked in a hurry and dressed thinly. So as soon as he stepped out of the plane, the cold and dry air of the North touched his skin. The coldness seeped through his bones, making him shiver a little.


It’s so cold that Jian Songyi missed Bai Huai’s warmth and the way he babies him all the time.

As soon as that thought crept into his mind, Jian Songyi returned himself to reality and scolded himself in his head. He immediately wrapped himself in a coat before taking a taxi all the way to the city proper.


For fear of Bai Huai being able to catch him, he didn’t turn on his phone still.


Jian Songyi only brought his backpack. Inside are only his wallet, bank cards, inhibitors, some necessary documents, and a few clothes. So, he has no choice but to buy the rest of the things he needs to survive for a week there.


He had no life experience and was afraid that he had missed something. In fear that he might have a hard time during the seven days of his closed training, Jian Songyi wandered around, filling a shopping cart with whatever he could think of, may it be beneficial or not.


Once he finished shopping, it was already dark. So, Jian Songyi walked into his training camp dormitory at Beicheng University with large and small bags. 

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When entering the door, Jian Songyi almost bumped into a flat-headed Alpha. He took the initiative to help him carry his things. Jian Songyi declined his kindness. He asked Jian Songyi where he was heading and found out they shared the same dorm. Happily, the guy helped him carry two of his big supermarket shopping bags.


He has a lot to say for someone he has just met. “What kind of young man are you? Do you have to go to the membership department store to buy toothpaste and a toothbrush? And these clothes bags are all from branded luxury stores. Isn’t this kind of too high-profile? If someone knows you’re here for the training camp, then all is well, but for the people who don’t, they would think that you are a purchasing agent. Plus, it’s too cold here in Beiching for this winter. I do not see that you have anything to keep you warm. I am afraid that you will end up being too cold during your stay here. 


Although he talks a lot and speaks bluntly, there is no malice hidden in his tone whatsoever.


“Didn’t you mention that there’s heating here?” Jian Songyi replied lazily.


“There is one in the dormitory, but not one in the classroom. Are you really okay with just wearing that? I’ll give you something warm later.”


“Thanks. But I don’t think I will be needing it for the time being.” 


“Well, let me know when you start getting cold.”


The flat-head guy finally stopped talking, but when Jian Songyi started unpacking his stuff, he looked at the couple of things he was taking out and could not help but start stalking again.


“Brother, why did you buy this humidifier? And a miniature air purifier? How dirty do you think I am? And these pajamas, my God, do you want the demeanor but not the comfort? These trench coats and sweaters, do you think they can survive the air below zero in the North City? Oh my god, really. I now know that there is a real version of a young man who doesn’t know the sufferings of the world. Just wow.”


Jian Songyi looked at him with an expression that could kill.


The flat-head saw the intention, so he quickly stood in defense: “As if! I mean, why not? Forget it. Ask me if you need anything. My house is just around here. I have everything with me.”


Although Jian Songyi was unsure of using other people’s things, he had expressed his gratitude towards him.


He is very similar to Bai Huai in that no matter how much he pretends to be bad-tempered in front of acquaintances, he will maintain politeness and breeding in front of ordinary strangers.


So although he can’t hide the lazy wealth and pride in his bones, he still thinks he’s a nice guy.


After unpacking his things, he went out of the flat to talk to his girlfriend.


Jian Songyi also wants to call Bai Huai.


He could only sit on his chair and look at his dark mobile phone screen. He could not dare turn it on. He is afraid that he will see how ashamed Bai Huai is of him as soon as he turns on his cellphone. 


The memories from last night that he had forgotten due to his business resurfaced yet again. 


Jian Songyi felt the blood rushing on his face that the cold temperature in Beicheeng had no match as his ears burned nevertheless.


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He is terrified to face the news.


But then he saw the counselor come. Jian Songyi was about to put his cellphone away when he realized something. If he didn’t make a phone call with Bai Huai right now, he wouldn’t be able to get in touch with him for seven or eight days.


Jian Songyi was so ashamed that he kind of missed Bai Huai.


After debating whether to call or not for so long and seeing that the guy won’t be coming anytime soon, he could only feel more embarrassed for how he was acting right now. He wouldn’t be able to listen to Bai Huai’s voice for a whole week. Thus, he has to make sure he listens to it more until he can.

While blushing hard, he turns his phone on.


As soon as he turned it on, he received only two messages from [creditor].


‘Remember to buy the following: toothpaste, toothbrush, three towels, body wash, shampoo, lotion, dirty clothe storage bag, thermos cup, warmer, hot water bag, hand cream, lip balm, thick sweater, coat, jacket, seven pairs of thick socks, two pairs of gloves, two scarves, two boxes of sugar.’


‘Beicheng is much colder than Nancheng. Don’t neglect the temperature there to prioritize dressing stylishly. Dress thicker. Also, it’s dry over there. Make sure to drink a lot of water. Always put on some lotion and lip balm. Be good.’


And then there’s nothing else after that.


Bai Huai did not tease him. He didn’t shame him. He didn’t scold him. He just knew that he didn’t pack well enough just so he could run out. He also guessed that he didn’t know what to buy and, just like that, listed what Jian Songyi needed.


Jian Songyi glanced at the mess he bought and felt sorry and guilty.


He was greedy for Bai Huai’s body and was cheap about it. But after venting it all out, he turned around and made an escape from the situation. But Bai Huai didn’t hold grudges at all. He was so gentle and considerate that Jian Songyi didn’t know how to appreciate it. He seemed to be the scum Omega treating Alphas like a slut.


The [creditor] hasn’t typed for a long while.


Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai was angry.


Just by thinking about it, his fingers unconsciously made their way to call him.


Then Bai Huai’s low and gentle voice came: “Hello.”


It was not easy for Jian Songyi to hang up this time, so he could only pretend as if nothing had happened: “Why are you calling?’


“What do you mean? Isn’t it you that wanted to hear my voice?”




Is Bai Huai a roundworm?!


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“My ass!”


“Then tell me, why did you call?”


“It doesn’t make any sense. I just want you to tell my mother that I am safe.”


“Well, it makes a lot of sense. After all, my relationship with your mother must be closer than that between you and your mother. Otherwise, how could I be your son-in-law? You and I are half-married now, and it’s time for you to give me a title. “


Bai Huai’s voice sounded even worse. Sure enough, this person’s tenderness is all appearance, and the beast is his true nature.


“Bai Huai, you shut up! “


“I won’t see you for seven or eight days. Are you sure you want me to shut up?”


“it doesn’t matter if I haven’t seen you for seven or eight years!”


“Oh? Then I don’t know which puppy remembered to bite when he heard I might go away. “




“Shut up!”


“How would I be able to coax you if I shut up?”


“I don’t want you to coax me.”


“Jian Songyi….”




“You’ve only been gone half a day, and I’ve been missing you already. What are we going to do?”


The sudden sentimental words from Bai Huai caught him off guard, making Jian Songyi soften quickly.


He also missed Bai Huai already, but he was too embarrassed to admit it that he could only bite his lip. When he had finally decided to say it in a shallow voice, the dormitory door was suddenly pushed open.


The flat-head guy walked in, followed by the counselor. He knocked on the door frame and pointed over at Jian Songyi: “It’s already ten o’clock. Turn off the lights and hand in the phone.”


He looked at him sternly.

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“Bai Huai, wait for me.”


As soon as Jian Songyi was about to ask the counselor for another three minutes, Bai Huai, on the other line, whispered, “Be good. It’s alright. Hand in the phone obediently. Do not lose your temper outside. I’ll pick you up when you come back.”


Jane’s nose was almost sore, but there were still two strangers, so he had to pretend to be calm: “Well, good night.”


“Good night.”


The moment his phone was taken away, Jian Songyi hated himself to death.


Why did he have to run away? He could’ve been ashamed of himself for the whole day, but at least he was with Bai Huai.


He sighed and got ready to go to bed.


But then, the flat-head suddenly rubbed up against him: “Are you from Nancheng?”


Jian Songyi immediately raised his eyebrow at him.


The flat-head patted his thigh: “Shit, is it really you from Nancheng? The Bai Huai you’re talking about can’t be the one I know. “


“Which one?”


“The one with the dead face that loves to pretend.”




That should be it.


The flat-head saw him acquiesce, which made him excited: “Hey, isn’t this a nice coincidence?”





Author’s Note:


Cub: This is the story of a scumbag.

Bai Huai: This is the story of an unruly wife running away from his husband.

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