Chapter 63 – The Son-in-Law of the Jian Family

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What does he mean by coincidence?


Did Jian Songyi meet Bai Huai’s old lover in Beicheng?


Jian Songyi was not intrigued.


The flathead, Brother Pingtou, was more curious than him and looked at him cheerfully: “Is your relationship with Bai Huai alright? Otherwise, you wouldn’t have called him at this time?”


“Ahhh…” Jian Songyi felt that telling him that they were half husband and wife won’t be alright.


Brother Pingtou looked at his new roommate suspiciously as he continued to be rather excited: “Can we gossip about this? Did Bai Huai succeed in chasing his wife?’


Jian Songyi was stunned. What the hell? Is it really well known in Beicheng that Bai Huai had chased after him?


Nonetheless, he could only reply with a straight face: “I do not understand.”


“Ah? Could it be that Bai Huai hasn’t caught up yet? That can’t be…” Brother Pingtou shook his head.


In the middle of their conversation, Jian Songyi recalled the feeling of Bai Huai’s hand last night and the sore feeling of his arm after pumping Bai Huai’s up and down in return. It was such an exercise, but Jian Songyi thought that Bai Huai is quite good.


Just as he was about to go dive back into the memory, He suddenly put a brake on his thoughts. He scolded his heart as to how dirty it is playing while he questioned why this dumb brain of his couldn’t simply forget. 

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Jian Songyi kept a straight face and tried to prevent directing his anger toward the innocent man across him: “Why are you so nosy?”


“I am not that nosy! This is called caring about the emotional state of a romantic rival! It’s only normal. “


“A rival in love?”


“Yes, before I caught up with my girlfriend, my girlfriend was chasing Bai Huai.”


It turned out that Bai Huai still had such a history affair in Beicheng that he had not explained to him yet. Jian Songyi wrote this in his heart silently before commenting on Brother Pingtou’s statement: “But you still care so much about Bai Huai, which means that you’re very tolerant towards him.”


“Yes, I have no choice but to tolerate him! That’s all. My girlfriend used to like him. But now, what happened? He likes someone like me! Don’t you know that she is recognized as our campus goddess? She has good grades, a beautiful physique, good character, and magnificent dancing skills. I am not satisfied that such a beautiful and lovely fairy is willing to be with me. Do I deserve it?”


“Then why didn’t the beautiful and lovely fairy didn’t run after Bai Huai?” there is no sarcasm in Jian Songyi’s tone as he fires the question. It’s just a serious and simple one. 


Brother Pingtou didn’t care about anything else as he said angrily, “Because he is blind!”


Jian Songyi felt offended.


Brother Pingtou continued to be indignant: “At first, Bai Huai didn’t talk to my girlfriend. He was as cold as a Tianshan snow lotus. Later, my girlfriend was really unreconciled and blocked him directly in front of the classroom door and expressed her love to him. Then all the people on the first floor came to watch. As a result, he didn’t even give her any ounce of respect and refused directly. My girlfriend insisted on giving him a reason. Do you know what he said? Gudong– “


In the middle of talking about it, he actually drank water.

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Jian Songyi badly wanted to smash the water cup on him, but he tried so hard to resist and held his grumpiness back.


After drinking the water and letting this flathead moisten his throat, he continued on: “He didn’t really give her shame at that time. He gave her that indifferent look and said. ‘I already have someone I like. I will always like that person no matter what. Nothing will ever change my feelings for that person. So don’t waste your time anymore.’ The nerve he has. He said that and just let her be. He didn’t even look back! He didn’t even show any pity. He is not a gentleman at all! I knew he was just pretending! He made my girlfriend cry! He should be criticized!”


“Then criticize him.”


Jian Songyi was feeling the sourness and sweetness within him, but he still didn’t understand something. “But how do you know that the person he likes is in Nancheng?”


“He said it himself.” Brother Pingtou continued to tell the story, “My girlfriend is kind of straight-tempered. She has never seen Bai Huai get close to anyone. Who can he like when he is acting like an ascetic monk? So she thought he was perfunctory and didn’t believe what he said. Thus, she blocked his way at the school gate that night. “


Jian Songyi: “…Your girlfriend is pretty good. “


“No, my girlfriend is the gentlest Omega in the world!”




Okay, Jian Songyi. Shut up for the love of the heavens. Keep calm.


After giving his girlfriend a compliment, Brother Pingtou continued with his story: “Since my girlfriend doesn’t believe him, she had put it upon himself to find out why. Otherwise, he couldn’t let Bai Huai go. On the other hand, Bai Huai doesn’t like getting bothered, so he said that the person he likes is in Nancheng. Then my girlfriend asked him, ‘since the person you like is in Nancheng, why did you transfer to Beicheng?’ Bai Huai said, ‘because it was his wishful thinking.’”


“… And then?”

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“Then my girlfriend got anxious. She lost her temper, and scolded Bai Huai for being an idiot.”


“…..” Jian Songyi found out how Bai Huai provoked such an irritable Omega. He then paused before asking curiously, “why did she call him stupid? What else did she call him aside from stupid?”


“It’s probably because people like him are not qualified to fall in unrequited love. If you like someone then you should give your all! Don’t think that secret love is such a convenient thing and that you’re alright with just that. If you are young, you’d think that it is great, but let’s see if you are to die all alone. Don’t find excuses, saying that you won’t be able to catch up with your friends if you happen to pursue those feelings of yours. Do you think that if you did not say it, the person you like would stay with just her friends? That’s not how the world works! What an idiot!”


Brother Pingtou imitates his girlfriend perfectly.


Jian Songyi is starting to like his girlfriend: “What happened next?”


“Later, after the summer vacation when the school year was just about to begin, I found out that Bai Huai had transferred to another school. I heard the teacher say that he had transferred to Nancheng. My girlfriend and I guessed that he should have gone back to pursue his love, but it looked as if he hadn’t caught it yet. “


Jian Songyi is unsure whether Bai Huai had caught it or not.

When he didn’t speak, Brother Pingtou took him as acquiescence and said, “if he had been chasing for a semester and  haven’t got it yet, then It seems to be wishful thinking.”


Jian Songyi was unhappy with that statement of his: “How do you know it is wishful thinking? People may be two-spirited.”


“If he ought to catch the love of his life, then he would’ve been able to catch it a long time ago from now. If there has been no movement for such a long time, there will be no chance. No wonder Bai Huai didn’t transfer his school registration. He probably knew it was hard to catch up, so he left a way out just in case. ” 


“He didn’t transfer his school registration?” Jian Songyi furrowed his brows at him. 


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“Yes, don’t you know? His student registration is still here, and he will come back for the college entrance examination. “


“…..” Jian Songyi really doesn’t know.


Bai Huai that mouth guard. If Jian Songyi didn’t really ask then he won’t say a thing. Can’t he really catch up with him that he wanted to return to Beicheng?


Jian Songyi pursed his lips before speaking again: “Maybe the person he likes also likes him, but he’s just a little embarrassed to open his mouth.”


“Well, like Bai Huai, he is also a fool.”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


If they were in Nancheng, this flathead would’ve been dead already.


The flathead has no consciousness of walking towards the dead end. He can’t extricate himself from the role of a life mentor either: “I am telling you, people who are embarrassed to talk about their feelings are idiots. Other people don’t live in your head. Do you like someone? And yet you don’t say it, then how would that someone know? When people don’t get a response, their hearts will eventually turn cold. In a long run, you would regret it. But when you do realize it, the person would’ve been gone a long time ago and it’s just too late to regret it by then.”


Jian Songyi suddenly felt guilty: “Really?!”







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