Jian Songyi went to bed and laid down on his blanket. He imagined what would happen if Bai Huai ran away today.

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He would break Bai Huai’s legs.


If he chased Bai Huai for so long only for Bai Huai to run away, then he will feel that there might be a possibility that Bai Huai hates him. And so he would not have a choice but to keep his distance from him in the future.


It’s over. Why didn’t he has the nerve to wrap it up for a few more minutes to at least be able to say the sentence ‘I miss you too’?


It’s really over. Now they couldn’t get in touch with each other for seven or eight days. Will Bai Huai think about it and then run away?


Jian Songyi wanted to kill himself.


And then as if he was not in such a miserable state already, the flathead had to add fuel to the fire by saying, “If you look at those in movies… The things that happen to the protagonists who choose to hide their feelings… It always ends up in a tragedy, right? Nothing good comes in the end!”


“Go to bed. It’s getting late. I have to get up at six tomorrow.”


“Oh, yes.”


The flathead guy had a good time with the conversation nevertheless. He climbed into his bed and then bid him a good night.


Jian Songyi let the talkative guy sleep, but he couldn’t turn himself to fall asleep. As he wraps the blanket around him, every time he closes his eyes, his mind gets clouded by Bai Huai’s images. 


He always thought that Bai Huai was not being human when in fact, he only thought of him as soon as Bai Huai made it clear that he likes Jian Songyi.


Before that, he almost forgot how forbearing and restrained his wishful crush was.


Jian Songyi almost forgot the sour and bitter times when Bai Huai and he would fight and tease each other nonstop.


Walking around, from the Nancheng to Beicheng, and vice versa, Bai Huai walked alone through many lonely snow nights before crossing the gap and walking in front of him.


On the other hand, after making substantial progress in their relationship, he ran away without saying a decent word.


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Jian Songyi felt guilty. He was wrong.


Jian Songyi knew he was wrong and wanted to call Bai Huai to coax him, but it was a pity that his cell phone was not there.


He would love to tell Bai Huai that he ran just because he was too bashful and didn’t think about it that much, that he didn’t hate being close to him, and even liked it a little, and that Bai Huai wasn’t just wishful thinking.


But he couldn’t say all of that to Bai Huai now, making him want to scratch his heart.


So he tightened his grip against his blanket and called out, “Flathead?”






“Huh? Ah? What’s wrong, why are you calling me?”


“Bai Huai is not only wishful thinking. He should have caught up by now.”


“Uh-huh? What?”


“Nothing. Go back to sleep. Good night.”


Brother Pingtou said that Beicheng was cold, but at first, he didn’t feel it. In fact, when he went to bed at night, he was sweating even.


But the next day, when he sat in the empty and cold classroom before dawn, Jian Songyi felt that his tens of thousands of yuan coat was useless. His sweater was even leaking. As for autumn clothes, I’m sorry. Shuaibi’s world does not have autumn clothes.


Jian Songyi’s hands were stiff with cold. His knuckles were red and his speed of doing the exercises was much slower.


Among the down jackets, Jian Songyi has the most stylish and beautiful one, but no one was envying him at all. In fact, the training lecturer even looked at him in pity. He always picked Jian Songyi to answer the questions to try and help him move his bones and muscles.


So at the end of the day, the whole battalion got to know the handsome but ignorant and fearless southerner. Although he was really good at physics, he still looked a bit stupid.

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But it doesn’t affect his charm.


The handsome man who is beautiful and freezing is cute, even if he is stupid.


Many Omega and Beta sent love gloves, scarves, and hot water bags, but he refused them one by one. In the end, he only accepted a stack of warm bags from the flathead and an oversized down jacket.  In return, he gave the small air purifier he bought to him.


Brother Pingtou takes it and intends to give it to his girlfriend.


However, Jian Songyi is too thin that the down jacket seems to be empty. Even the sweater and the bottom Shirt look empty. But it’s still better than nothing.


But when he was busy with training every day, he forgot the cold when doing the exercises. Jian Songyi tried to not bother others, so he felt that he had carried it and held it hard every day. As a result, he gained little frostbite at the root of the little finger in his right hand. Nonetheless, Jian Songyi didn’t take it to heart.


Until the fifth night when he returned to the dormitory. Jian Songyi could not take it anymore. He had a stuffy nose and a headache. He didn’t even want to take a bath, so he shrank to his bed lazily.


Fortunately, Brother Pingtou has medicines for the cold. He helped him take the pills with a disgusted look on his face. “You, you’re this kind of young master. If you are not capable of taking care of yourself, then how can you fall in love and take care of your other half?”


Jian Songyi sat loosely against his bed. He bent his legs while he held the hot water cup against his hands while muttering to himself that the other half of his family would take care of him nonetheless. 


When he mumbled like that, he missed Bai Huai yet again.


At ordinary times, although he was good at physics, the training camp gathered a group of top physics students in senior high schools in the country, all of whom were excellent. So although it was cold, he dared not slack off for a moment. Jian Songyi rarely showed his temper as a young master and did not take a nap in class. He didn’t sleep in and didn’t quit in a delicate way.


Under this kind of pressure, there is no time to think about Bai Huai.


But every night, as soon as he went back to the dormitory, he began to think about Bai Huai whenever he was free.


If Bai Huai had been here, he would certainly not have been freezing.


If he had not run away, Bai Huai would have helped him pack his luggage properly, and he would not have suffered this now.


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After thinking about it over and over, Jian Songyi felt that it was all Bai Huai’s fault.


The man took care of himself so well from an early age that he made himself a fool.


It’s up to him.


Hian Songyi opened his mouth with a relaxed voice: “Pingtou…”




“How did you get your girlfriend?”


“I just chase her around so hard. I made sure to be nice to her and let her see my good qualities. I also take the time of the day to remind her that I like her and my feelings are sincere.”


“So what did she say when she accepted your feelings?’


“Nothing. She only kissed me and from there, I knew the courting was done.Heheheh.”


Although he is really not that close with the flathead nor does he know his girlfriend, Jian Songyi feels happy for them in a way.


Brother Pingtou sounded too happy, happy from the heart as if it is a great joy.


Jian Songyi suddenly thought that if he promised Bai Huai to be with him, would Bai Huai be happy? If he is too thin-skinned to open his mouth, can Jian Songyi give him a kiss instead?


A kiss unlike when he is in heat. He wanted to have a slow and sincere one. Instead of when he was greedy and too rough against his.


He wanted to make Bai Huai happy.


If he promised to make his life happier after the age of 18, then he must fulfill it at all costs.


How about when Bai Huai came to pick him up? 

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That’s not impossible. 


He can do that.

Jian Songyi hugged the water cup against him as a small and dumbfounded smile appear on his lips. 


Scared Pingtou immediately checked Jian Songyi’s temperature with the back of his hand against Jian Songyi’s forehead: “Shit. It can’t be a fever. Oh? It’s not hot? Strange… Should I borrow a thermometer?”




Sure enough, animals with shaved heads are daring.


Jian Songyi could not be as fierce as Bai Huai, so he shook his head and said, “Thanks but no need.”


“If you have to use it then you have to use it. You will have to take the exam the day after tomorrow. If you really have a fever then won’t it affect your grades? You should wait for me; I will borrow it from the hostel.”


Before Jian Songyi could even stop him, the flathead brother had already bounced away.


Jian Songyi had to give up and bow his head. He had calculated in his mind that he should be in the monthly exam today. If he was not here in the training camp, then he would’ve picked up the top spot again for nothing, which is really cheap. However, it is also a good thing since Bai Huai doesn’t have to be tied up to study liberal arts by his father. 


But how did Bai Huai have such a nasty father, causing Jian Songyi to worry every day about Bai Huai running away?


Forget about it. Jian Songyi will give Bai Huai a title this time around. Now that he will raise Bai Huai and will give him a title, Bai Huai will then be the Jian family’s official son-in-law. Bai Han can’t control it, so he doesn’t have to worry about Bai Huai running away anymore.


That’s nice.


Jian Songyi’s wishful thinking is ringing.


Before he had the time to think of his and Bai Huai’s sons and grandchildren, Pingtou ran back quickly gasping for air: “Jian Songyi, someone downstairs is looking for you.”


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