Chapter 64 – In your Pocket

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Jian Songyi didn’t even think about it as he immediately thought it was Bai Huai. 


He immediately bounced up from his bed. Jian Songyi didn’t even have the time to put in his coat as he only stepped on his slippers. He ran barefoot all the way downstairs.


But as soon as he had taken a step on the ground floor, Jian Songyi was stunned. It was a massive loss as he reflected on the scenario he was in. How could Bai Huai come here at this hour?


The monthly exams won’t be finished until five o’clock. Now at nine o’clock, it would take him five or six hours to go from Nanwai to the Nancheng Airport and then fly all the way to Beicheng Airport only to drive to Beicheng University. Not to mention the fact that estimated time is an assumption that there is no delay.


But Jian Songyi highly doubts that. Lumps of snow have scattered around the city, causing traffic jams and delays. If Bai Huai were really to come and appear right now, then it only meant he left Nancheng way early in the morning.


Another thing to think about is why Bai Huai would come here.


Jian Songyi will be finishing his business in Beicheng the day after tomorrow. Can’t Bai Huai wait for him in Nancheng? How can he suddenly come looking for him? Just to see Jian Songyi two days earlier?


He is not that stupid.


Jian Songyi really misses Bai Huai. 


Since when did he start relying on Bai Huai that much?

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Jian Songyi doesn’t exactly remember. 


He can just let out a deep sigh as he went to the door and exclaimed lightly, “Uncle Bai”


It was not Bai Huai but Bai Han.


Bai Han nodded, and an assistant from behind him handed Jian Songyi a large bag.


“Bai Huai asked me to give this to you before. I happened to be passing by today, so I came to have a look.”


“I apologize for troubling you with this Uncle Bai.”


It is timely that the competition ends the day after tomorrow, and this will only be sent today.


Jian Songyi stood thinly dressed at the door of the dormitory. As the wind blows the icy frost breeze, the cold instantly spreads to his spine, enough to give him goosebumps.


While Bai Han wears a crisp suit and a heavy overcoat. The Alpha looks tall and mighty beside him, who is only wearing a loose sweater.


However, although Jian Songyi was almost frozen to death, he stood there without any evidence of frostbite and shivering. He straightened his back without showing any timidity.

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He has been hostile to Bai Han since childhood. It’s as if Jian Songyi is on a mission to fight his uncle. He thinks that as long as he fights off Bai Han, Bai Han will not be able to bully Bai Huai.


The two men faced each other in this way, silently confronting each other on the snowy winter night in Beicheng.


After a while, Bai Han whispered, “After Zhimian left, Bai Huai has given in to me twice. One is to transfer to Beicheng, and the other is to stay at Nancheng.”


Jian Songyi was silent.


He knew that Bai Han must’ve seen it, but Jian Songyi did not deny it, nor did he avoid it. He simply met Bai Han’s gaze straight on.


Bai Han looked at the stubborn and proud Omega boy in front of him. He analyzed him for a while before saying softly, “Don’t be nervous. I am not here to object to your relationship. I came to see you today just to say that I may timely stop Bai Huai from wasting too much time and energy on such a pointless thing. “


“What do you mean by meaningless things?”


“Things that cannot create value are meaningless.”


“I am sorry. I think it is valuable that Bai Huai and I like each other.”


Jian Songyi faced his uncle calmly without a hint of arrogance. “You are an elder, and it is clearly not convenient for me to say a lot and try to lecture you. But I still want to say that the value of mutual love between Bai Huai and me may far exceed the value you bring him as his father. So I hope you understand what really is meaningful to Bai Huai.” 

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Bai Han squinted as he looked at Jian Songyi as he tried to pressure him with his superiority. But Jian Songyi only looked back at him faintly as if he was not afraid at all.

Bai Han suddenly smiled softly: “In the end, you’re both only so young. Alright, I’ll go back now.”


With that, he turned around and left.


It seems that what Jian Songyi insisted on is only a joke in his eyes. He thinks it is childish and fragile and that he better not say anything else. 


Jian Songyi was neither angry nor irritated, but he said so faintly, “Is it pointless to airlift a bunch of Platycodon grandiflorum flowers in winter to put them in front of the grave of your late lover?”


It was quiet, and only the soft sound of falling snow was imminent. 


The tall and indifferent figure was unmoved and went straight to his car and left.


Nonetheless, Jian Songyi felt that if he really was unmoved, then how could a piece of heat rise slowly in the air like a sigh from the bottom of his heart.


Bai Han’s attitude is really elusive.


But it doesn’t matter. If he and Bai Huai want to be together, then no one can stop them.


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Jian Songyi looked down at the bag and flipped through all the things inside of it. He stumbled into the receipt and saw that it was dated 12.18.


So it should be that Bai Huai called Bai Han the next day to ask him to send this to Jian Songyi. Still, people like Bai Han probably didn’t pay attention to such a pointless thing and put it off until today since he happened to pass by.


But there is no way, after all, apart from Bai Han, to easily find out where Jian Songyi is situated and enter the closed training camp without hindrance.


It’s just that Jane Songyi really didn’t expect that Bai Huai would go to Bai Han for such a trifle. After all, it couldn’t be clearer how bad the relationship between father and son is.


Jian Songyi’s heart feels so warm and sour at the same time. 


Bai Huai has done so much enough to make Jian Songyi feel a little unworthy.


When he was next to Bai Huai, he got used to his kindness. Only when he left did Jian Songyi realize how rare it is for people to be that good to someone. 


Another cold wind blew towards him. Jian Songyi could not help but shiver this time. He held the bag Bai Huai sent to him tightly before walking back to the dormitory.




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