Chapter 67 – Little Squirrel Teething

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In Bai Huai’s moments, there was a picture of a circular toothy mark against his neck. It’s still fresh and reddish. And as if that’s not enough, the caption reads ‘Family squirrel is teething. He likes to bite his way around.’








Jian Songyi is the squirrel!


He is the one teething!


What does he mean that he is biting around? 


What’s wrong with that?


Yang Yue was frightened by the sudden blush creeping against Jian Songyi’s face.


He had not seen Brother Song blush in anger before. Yang Yue quickly withdrew his phone and said nervously, “Brother Song, are you alright?”


Jian Songyi did his best to calm himself and replied, “What can I do for you?”


Yang Yue observed his expression again. When he confirmed that Jian Songyi was not that upset, he lets out a sigh of relief. “Well, it’s no big deal. It’s just that when you were out in Beicheng for a week, Bai Huai found a date. When I returned this morning to hear the news, I was scared to death. You didn’t appear in the group discussion, and I thought you were sulking.”

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Jian Songyi was not sulking! He just broke his phone screen, and someone decided to become a piece of garbage in silence.


That is for the fear that the world will be in chaos and ruin.


Yang Yue didn’t seem surprised by Jian Songyi’s reaction, so he asked tentatively, “Brother Song, did you already know?”


“Of course, I know. Why won’t I know? We are very good brothers, after all.”  Jian Songyi said lightly. 


Bai Huai felt he could catch up with Jian Songyi and nodded and agreed: “Indeed.”


Nearby, Xu Jiaxing was listening to their conversation while excitedly rubbing his hands together. “Brother Song, do you know who Master Bai is with? Is it an Omega or a Beta? Is it a boy or a girl? Is it good-looking?”


Jian Songyi gritted his teeth and smiled: “Omega, man, looks good.”


“Hi-ya! Master Bai, you can do it!” Xu Jiaxing clapped excitedly.


When Yu Ziguo heard this, it was as if he had been hit by a hammer. He burst into tears, crying while comforting Jian Songyi simultaneously. “Brother Song, it’s alright. You will find your own partner, and there will always be someone more suitable for you than Master Bai.”


Jian Songyi decided to be angry with Bai Huai and nodded: “You’re right.”


Bai Huai gave him a glance. He seemed to express his dissatisfaction with his answer, so he stared back at him fiercely.


Bai Huai said faintly, “In fact, my boyfriend is…”

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“But!” Jian Songyi immediately interrupted. “I only want to study. I do not have the energy to find a partner!”


Bai Huai is a rubbish villain, actually threatening the little squirrel.


On the other hand, Bai Huai felt that it was still not enough. He reached out his hand from under the table. He placed it on Jian Songyi’s thigh and caressed it.


Jian Songyi tried to play it casually, but he could not help but shudder for a moment. His desire for survival made him panic, and he blurted out, “And no one is more suitable for me than Bai Huai!”


Resounding and sincere.


He did not say it too loud, but the classroom became quiet.


The classroom became quieter as soon as the words fell from his mouth.


Three seconds later, Yu Ziguo wailed, “Oh, unrequited love is so miserable, my Brother Song!”


Yang Yue also gave a shocked expression: “Brother Song, you- Do you really-”


Xu Jiaxing burst into tears and sighed up at the sky: “this is the so-called suffering from the sea, except that Wushan is not a cloud.”


Bai Huai smiled softly: “I didn’t expect you to think highly of me.”


Jian Songyi suddenly regained his mind and reflected on what he had just said. He was so angry that he pressed Bai Huai’s hand on his leg and tried to break it. But then, Bai Huai’s hand had managed to wrap it around his tightly.

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However, the clouds and the wind are light on their faces, as they both still have that smile plastered upon their lips. 


Jian Songyi badly wanted to pull out his hand but failed to do so. He was so angry that he tried to roll up his sleeves for a fight. As soon as he stood up, Lao Bai exclaimed, “Jian Songyi, you are back at last!”


Everyone turned their heads and looked at Jian Songyi.


Jian Songyi’s body tensed.


In everyone’s view, Jian Songyi is unable to inflict violence. Even so, underneath that face, he has to worry about the fact that he and Bai Huai are secretly holding hands underneath the desk. This idiot is being shameless again. Nonetheless, he can only sit on his chair with a nod. “Well, I am back.”


He tries his best to look highly calm as if his deskmate hasn’t been playing with his fingertips.


However, the deskmate who has been pulling these sneaky little pranks on him is calmer than he’s supposed to be. While playing with Jian Songyi’s hand, Bai Huai only looks at everyone with his serious natural face. He’s supposed to be the high achiever when underneath, he is an absolute beast.


Jian Songyi could not wait to get out of the classroom and commit the crime of murdering his own husband.


However, Lao Bai looked at the two handsome children and thought of their superior achievements. He only felt that they were as cute as cherubs.


The more he thought about it, the happier he became, showing a Maitreya-like smile: “Before class, I would like to announce two pieces of good news. The first one is that Bai Huai, a classmate in our class, lived up to expectations and achieved excellent results in this monthly exam, ranking first in the grade.”


In the warm applause, Jian Songyi laughed: “That is, while I am away, just let your monkey become the top student, cherish it. In the next honor list, it will not be you.”


Bai Huai was not angry. He just simply played with Jian Songyi’s knuckles while whispering, “We’ll have a deal. I’ll let you be the first in the final exam if you’ll do what I say.”

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“Cut it out. Who cares if you’ll just let me have it.”


His right hand was comfortable with Bai Huai’s way of caressing it, so he gave up and let him play with it for the time being. Jian Songyi then holds his pen with his left hand as he writes the problem with his head down. “I don’t want it. You can’t be naughty.”


Otherwise, he will be coaxed about everything Bai Huai has done so far as of today. Even though he was the financier, he would still be the one to get bitten. Should he always be the one who gives him money and sex? That’s so frustrating.


Bai Huai chuckled: “Okay, I won’t be naughty anymore. I’ll give it to you.”


The two whispered in a shallow voice.


However, Lao Bai raised his voice from the podium: The second good news is that both Jian Songyi and Yang Yue of our class have won the first prize in the national competition training. With that being stated, as long as they pass the admission qualification examination of the university, they are automatically admitted to the institution without having to take the college entrance examination. Let’s congratulate them both!”


This time the applause and noise were even more lively.


After all, not having to take the college entrance examination is such a dream, which makes most of the students envious. 


Nonetheless, all jealousy must come to an end.




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