So, with the drumming of the desk, someone started to shout, “Brother Song, Yang Yue, you have to invite guests over for dinner!”

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Jian Songyi was flirting with his boyfriend when he suddenly heard his name. He suddenly felt a little guilty. Everyone looked at him like a slaughtered sheep, making him feel more guilty. He wanted to untangle his fingers from Bai Huai, but they were tightly laced together. So for fear of being seen, he could only raise his left hand twice. “Sure, sure!”


Yang Yue was also in a good mood, so he waved his hand with magnanimity: “No problem! It’s so easy to talk it over and set.”


Another burst of cheers broke out in the classroom: “Long live great Brother Song and Yang Yue, the monitor!”


Lao Bai also joined in with a smile: “Okay. Let me know when you’ve already set the time and date. I’ll also take part and have a good time. My son will take the high school entrance examination right away, and I’ll be happy.”


As long as someone treats guests, a class can be so happy.


The adult world is as simple as that.


After class, Yang Yue turned around and summed up with Jian Songyi: “This Friday is the 30th, just in time for New Year’s Day. If we were to invite everyone for a meal, I’d take care of it. I think that four tables will be enough.”


“Okay, you arrange it.” Jian Songyi really didn’t care. It’s Yang Yue anyway. He can very much handle things like this.


As the two were about to decide, Bai Huai suddenly said, “Count me in as a guest.”


Before Yang Yue asked why, Bai Huai explained lightly, “It’s a wedding banquet to celebrate our divorce.”



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Everyone didn’t know how to answer for a while. With mixed feelings, thousands of thoughts passed through, and they couldn’t say a word.


Only Bai Huai was highly calm as if he had done nothing to die.


Jian Songyi didn’t know what Yang Yue and the others were thinking, so he felt that Bai Huai was doing something to challenge the dignity of the head of his family. But since he was not at home, he couldn’t directly deal with him by beating him up, so he could only stand up and say coldly: “Bai Huai, come out for me.”


Yu Ziguo, who had been sad for a whole class because of CP’s love beside him, rushed over and hugged Jian Songyi: “Brother Song, don’t. Let’s calm down. You shouldn’t do this. I know that falling in love with someone who doesn’t love you is excruciating, but we must also learn to bless them! Don’t hate because of love!”


Yang Yue also hurriedly advised: “Yes. Master Bai, you should also accept it too. We understand that you want to showcase your affection, but you should also consider Brother Song’s feelings too. Don’t rub it on his face too much.”


Even Xu Jiaxing, who is a fool, began to stir up the water: “But Brother Song, you can’t blame Master Bai. Having an Alpha-to-Alpha relationship won’t do any good for the two of you. If you can’t be lovers, then you can always be friends. You dare not bring his boyfriend for us to meet.”


Jian Songyi: ?


Jian Songyi felt that there was no normal person in this world. 


“Don’t worry. We won’t fight. We are fine.” Jian Songyi took a deep breath and said calmly.

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Then he followed him outside with his head bowed while his fingers fiddled against his cell phone. 


One by one, the two were more expressionless than the other, and the aura along the way made onlookers curious and frightened, but they didn’t have the courage to keep up.


They walked all the way to the rooftop.


Bai Huai was the one who opened the door. And as he was just about to turn around, Jian Songyi pressed him quickly against the corner.


Jian Songyi tugged at his collar as he clenched his teeth. “What did you say?” 


Bai Huai looked down at him with a clear conscience: “I really didn’t tell anyone that we were together.”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


Not yet.


“Then why did you take a picture of the teeth marks?”


“Did I say that it was yours? I only said that I was already stamped. I just want to let people know that I was already taken care of. I don’t want them to miss out and not know that might lead you to unhappiness and jealousy when someone tries to hit on me.”



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“I just want to let people know that I have a boyfriend, and I like him very much.”




“In fact, I don’t want to go to public places now. You’re too thin-skinned that I am afraid you’ll get too overly embarrassed. It’s just that I was so happy that I finally got you. I could not help it for a while. I won’t be like this anymore, so don’t be angry, okay?” Bai Huai said as he helped Jian Songyi to manage his scarf and tuck it in tighter.


His eyes and tone are so gentle that they affect the distressed Jian Songyi.


A thousand-year-old paramecium encounters a ten-thousand-year-old fox with no combat effectiveness to speak of.


Jian Songyi originally intended to teach animals to be human beings again. Still, for some reason, he suddenly stopped being angry. Not only did he stop being angry, but he also felt a little guilty. Bai Huai was so gentle, but he was so fierce against him.


Jian Songyi: “I am not mad.”


“Are you really not angry?”




Bai Huai squinted at him. He looked at the guilty liar and smiled: “Then why did you call me to the rooftop? If not to hit me?”



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To beat you up, you fool.


But Jian Songyi changed his mind.


Jian Songyi tugged Bai Huai’s collar down: “Your boyfriend wants to bring you to the rooftop to get in the first love of the day earlier, can he not?”


Bai Huai narrowed his eyes at him, but he couldn’t help but smile. “What is my boyfriend trying to tell me? I have never been in love. I have no experience. I do not understand.” He said playfully to tease Jian Songyi.


 Jian Songyi dragged Bai Huai’s collar down, his ears were red, and he had to pretend to be sophisticated: “That is to find a place where there is no one and force you to buy a little rose.”


With that, he tilted his face and started leaning in.


The distance in between is starting to get shorter when-




The rooftop door was pushed open.


“Jian Songyi, Bai Huai! I finally found you!”




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