Chapter 68 – The Legend of the Most Handsome and the Top Achiever

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It’s over. 


It was Peng Minghong.


They’re going to have their heads shaved.


Garbage Bai Huai. It’s his fault for deliberately seducing him, Jian Songyi thought.


He was fooled!


Thousands of thoughts flashed through Jian Songyi’s mind as he stood frozen on the ground. At the same time, his fingers were still tugging on Bai Huai’s collar ferociously.


As soon as Peng Minghong opened the door, he saw the famous school bully pressing the gentle and introverted high-achiever against the wall while grabbing his collar fiercely.


With that, he ran over quickly and separated the two students from each other. He opened his arms and looked over at Jian Songyi sadly. “How can you bully someone weaker than you?” Peng Minghong.


Jian Songyi: Weak? Is Peng Minghong so blind that he can’t even differentiate his physique from Bai Huai correctly?


Peng Minghong doesn’t know much about Bai Huai, except that his father, his grandfather, and he himself is not talkative with cold personas and serious expressions, learning from the fact that they would not stir and cause trouble.


But he knows a lot about Jian Songyi. Although Jian Songyi to his father and all the way to his grandfather, is intelligent like no other, he could not stop but get himself into trouble! He sleeps at class, arrives at his classes late, and leaves way too early. He fights, contradicts teachers, and talks madly under the national flag!


Had it not been for his good grades and his father’s large donations, this kind of student would’ve been long gone expelled from school.


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Coupled with the rumors he heard along the way of the two of them fighting on the rooftop and his middle-aged man imagination. Peng Minghong strongly believes that Jian Songyi ought to use violence against Bai Huai!


So after saying his righteous words, he swatted the young master away from Bai Huai, who he hid behind him. 


On the other hand, Bai Huai skimmed over Peng Minghong’s barren head and smiled at Jian Songyi.


It was only with this smile that Jian Songyi managed to finally relax out of his panic.


Alright, he is saved.


So he slowly withdrew his hand and stood himself straight: “You are right, sir. I should not bully students weaker than me, let alone try to pick a fight with Bai Huai. I was wrong, sir.”


Peng Minghong, who is so used to Jian Songyi contradicting him: ?


Why is Jian Songyi being so good today?


Maybe it’s because I really am dignified. 


When Peng Minghong thought of this, he was a little proud of himself. He sucked in a large air intake to puff out his chest before clearing his throat. “That’s right.” Peng Minghong said. “If you know you have done something wrong, you must acknowledge then. Now, now. A big typhoon is coming. I don’t want the two of you to get sick. You should both come down with me. I have something to tell you.”


With that, he turned around and intertwined his hands behind his back as he swaggered out of the small rooftop door.


Jian Songyi had just released a sigh of relief and was ready to keep up when Bai Huai immediately grabbed his hand. His cold body temperature made Jian Songyi nervous back again as he did not dare try to utter any noise for fear that he might provoke Peng Minghong to turn around.


He knows that the tension he is feeling won’t loosen any time around. 

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The two men walked side by side behind Peng Minghong. They walked through the narrow stairs with their wide scarves hanging down their shoulders to block their interlocked fingers.


Jian Songyi’s heart rate is faster than usual.


Obviously, Bai Huai is already his boyfriend. Just by simply holding hands in school already makes him so nervous. He starts sweating all over while his heart goes bang bang against his chest.


It turns out that puppy love is quite exciting indeed.


While secretly savoring it, Peng Minghong turned around and said, “Oh, by the way, let me remind you.”

Being caught off guard, Jian Songyi’s fingertips immediately stiffened. While Bai Huai took the opportunity to hide it behind the scarf. Jian Songyi felt as if he was going to die.


Fortunately, the scarf is wide and long enough. Not to mention the fact that Peng Minghong is old enough to notice anything abnormal. He just said to himself, “When you go to the principal’s office later, make sure to behave yourselves and give us a breath of your great junior year days.”


Jian Songyi straightened his back and said, “No problem, Director. Don’t worry.”


Peng Minghong nodded in satisfaction and then turned back around to continue walking: “All your teachers say that you are naughty, Jian Songyi. I came into contact with you and found that you are actually quite behaved. You just look a little fierce.”


Bai Huai could not help but chuckle. Jian Songyi withdrew his hand angrily. He tucked his hand in his pocket and ignored him.


In this way, the two men followed Peng Minghong all the way down to the fourth floor. They cross its corridor all the way to turn to the covered bridge until they arrive at the headmaster’s office.


During the dinner break, there were many people everywhere. Nine out of ten of these people knew them. They’re as if some prisoners getting paraded in the streets all the way to their destination.


While still trying to take pride in his righteousness, Peng Minghong takes this as an opportunity to slightly interrogate them: “You said that you and Bai Huai had known each other until not, That you love and help each other no matter what. What kind of argument have you gotten into that? What grudges are you holding now that you have to fight to the death on the rooftop? The last time I had to change your seats, you were inseparable. What happened to that friendship of yours? How long did it take for your relationship of yours to break up?”

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He was forced to talk about it, and as soon as the crowd gathered around, it was amazing, and the melon came. The relationship between Jian Songyi and Bai Huai really broke down as they got into a fight on the rooftop.


It turns out that the post that Bai Huai made about his love life made Jian Songyi adhere to violence to force his love for Bai Huai instead is true!


Oh my god! The Alpha to Alpha love affair between the most handsome and the top achiever is awesome!


All the people familiar with the matter looked at them with ambiguous eyes.


Seeing this, Jian Songyi could not help but be uncomfortable. What is wrong with these people’s facial nerves?


He quickened his pace impatiently and walked into the headmaster’s office.


There is not only the headmaster in the principal’s office but also an uncle with a ponytail who is holding a video camera while saying something to the headmaster.


Seeing them coming in, they looked them up and down before nodding: “Yes, indeed.”


Jian Songyi raised his eyebrows in doubt.


The headmaster said with a smile: “Let me introduce you to photographer Zhang. He is the one in charge of the enrollment profile. Mr. Zhang, these two are the most outstanding students in their class here in Nanwai. The first one is Bai Huai. He is the first in their grade. The other one is Jian Songyi, who was also the first in their grade before. He just won the first prize in the national physics competition, gaining exemption from college entrance examinations.”


The man with a ponytail picked up his camera to point in their direction before snapping the shutter. He then nodded in satisfaction: “Very photogenic.”


Without further explanation, Jian Songyi was puzzled.


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Thus, Peng Minghong hastened to explain: “The school is going to expand its enrollment and print a new enrollment profile. I think the two of you are both excellent in character and learning. Plus, your grades are more than magnificent, so I recommended it to the headmaster to have both of you as the cover characters.”


“Oh.” Jian Songyi muttered in understanding. “It means that you want the two of us to act as a facade?”


“…..” Peng Minghong expressed euphemistically instead, “It is to have you two showcase and represent the excellence of the students of Nanwai.”


“Yang Yue also received the first prize in the national competition and is also qualified for the college entrance exam exemption. He is also the third best in our grade. Why not let him shoot with me?” Jian Songyi could not bear to see Peng Minghong’s hypocritical style.


Peng Minghong thought Jian Songyi was still troubled with Bai Huai, so he didn’t want to shoot with him. Thus, Peng Minghong only continued to explain: “Because Bai Huai’s record is better than Yang Yue’s. His image is also more conducive to greater success than we lean toward.”


“So you only still want the two of us to be the front of the school?”


“…..” Peng Minghong is still unwilling to admit that he, an educator, would make such a superficial choice.


So the guy with the ponytail answered for him: “Yes, you two are just here to be the school’s facade. Now, you two should stand closer to each other. I first need to take a photo of the two of you looking serious. Try it.”


Jian Songyi didn’t want to be printed on the silly admissions profile: “I do not want to participate in this shoot.” He said in a cold voice.


But on the other hand, Bai Huai thinks that this is a good idea. He can take photos of his lover at public expense and spread them brazenly. So why not do it?


So, Bai Huai faintly said, “Listen to what our teacher said.”




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