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Jian Songyi glanced back at Bai Huai and then frowned. Isn’t this man more afraid of trouble than him? Is he out of his mind? Is there something wrong with him? Is he really looking for trouble that much?


Before he could figure out what intrigued Bai Huai to agree to this request, Peng Minghong began to speak painstakingly again: “Jian Songyi, if you would look at Bai Huai, he has a good temper, good character, and is kind. So can’t you let go of your prejudice in the meantime? Didn’t you promise me that you would resolve your contradictions? Didn’t you say that you are willing to correct your mistakes? Can you show the teacher your sincerity and repentance? Stand closer and let the teacher believe you have made up if you can. “


Jian Songyi had nothing to say and stood motionless.


Peng Minghong was so anxious that he immediately grabbed Bai Huai’s arm to put it around Jian Songyi’s shoulder: “Love each other a little bit. We are all good brothers and good friends here!”


Bai Huai agreed seriously: “Peng Minghong is right.”


Then he proceeded to blatantly hug Jian Songyi.


Zhang took the opportunity to click their picture as soon as possible and then immediately showed his screen in front of the headmaster: “You see, they look outstanding, especially Bai Huai’s persona. Though, this Jian Songyi seems to be a little repulsive. Is there any distraught between the two of them?”


Peng Minghong was afraid that the headmaster would learn that Jian Songyi planned on beating Bai Huai, so he hurriedly said, “Well, it’s normal for boys in this grade to make a little fuss. Jian Songyi just told me that they’re alright now, right?”




“Principal, Jian Songyi is not repulsive. Don’t worry. I will definitely supervise them for the next couple of days. I will make sure they hold hands, sit in rows, unite and love each other so as to show the best state and elegant demeanor of Nanwai students.”


The headmaster nodded and looked at them with a smile: “Would the two of you like that?”


Bai Huai replied indifferently: “I’m not very honored.”


Jian Songyi can only gnash his teeth: “Yes.”


Peng Minghong was satisfied nevertheless: “Okay. I’ll let you know about the shoot in two days. Tell me your sizes so we can make school uniforms for you.”


“We have school uniforms.”


“Gee, there is a difference between the school uniform advertised and the one you usually wear.”


“… Okay.”

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Seeing that Jian Songyi agreed, Peng Minghong gladly boasted in front of the headmaster before sending them out of the door.


When they go out, their hands are naturally in their pockets.


When Peng Minghong saw this, he was not happy. He pulled out their hands, put them together, and ordered, “You two! Just go back to the classroom! I’ll be watching you from the balcony! Don’t let go, or you will read the review under the national flag daily about fighting, uniting, and staying friends forever!”




Forced by the threat of review, the two men held hands and under Peng Minghong’s loving gaze, went away, attracting countless surprised eyes along the way.


Jian Songyi is willing to die on the spot.


Meanwhile, Bai Huai could not stop himself from smiling: “How does it feel to hold hands brazenly on campus?”


Jian Songyi said with a cold face: “Not so good.”


“Hmm? You don’t like it when I lead you?”


“No.” Jian Songyi pursed his lips unwillingly. “Because it robbed me of the pleasure of sneaking.”


The essence of early love is not sneaky. Now that you don’t have to sneak around, it’s a bit tasteless.


When Bai Huai heard this answer, he was stupefied and then laughed.


Okay, wild rose is wild, so he can only find a way to meet this absurd demand.


Jian Songyi did not know that Bai Huai began to have a bad ideas clouding his mind again. Nonetheless, he led him from the fourth floor all the way to the first floor.


When they finally walked into their classroom, hand in hand, everyone held their breaths.


What kind of fucking devil picture is this?


Yu Ziguo was surprised and frightened and pinched himself: “Brother Song, Master Bai, have you made up? Have the cp I hit reopened?! “

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Jian Songyi immediately shook Bai Huai’s hand away and returned to his seat: “Who made up with him?”


We’ve always been sweet, but we haven’t broken up. – This is what Jian Songyi wants to say.


Bai Huai also nodded, “We did not make up.”


Between great sorrow and joy, Yu Ziguo could not bear it and fainted on his desk.


Meanwhile, Yang Yue held his phone with his hands and then handed it over to Jian Songyi while trembling, “Is the post telling the truth? That the two of you went to fight on the rooftop and Peng Minghong caught the two of you, so he forced you to make up?”


Jian Songyi glanced over at Bai Huai suspiciously.


Bai Huai opened the book and said faintly, “It has nothing to do with me.”


Jian Songyi didn’t try to make so much buzz about it too. When he took Yang Yue’s phone and browsed about it a little, which made him feel like suffocating himself.


[ Breaking News! Jian Songyi spawned hate out of love and beat Bai Huai!]


Post owner: [I believe it is a well-known secret for outsiders in Nanwai, but it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that Jian Songyi beat Bai Huai on the rooftop! I saw Peng Minghong bring the two of them down, educate them while walking, and go to the headmaster’s office.]


2L: [I testify. I saw it too.]


3L: [Oh my god. I heard from Class One that Jian Songyi said that there is nothing more suitable for him than Bai Huai. What kind of love is this? It’s a love-hate plot!]


4L: [What kind of fight? It is not good to force love! To force him to love him just so he could be his again? Brother Song, come on! You are Nanwai’s number one. What are you afraid of? It is killing us. We are cp fans.]






See next post…



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Curiosity made Jian Songyi open the next post.


[Bai Huai is Inlove, but It’s Not with Jian Songyi]


Post Owner: [I used to think that Bai Huai and Jian Songyi loved each other. The two brightest stars in the crowd are attracted to each other. Although they don’t say it, they know it is the love of the soul beyond gender. Later, I realized that it was just a fairy tale. After all, someone was cold and thin, chose the sweeter and sweeter Omega, and did not have to worry about the secular vision.


Love is fragile, after all. The little prince and the vampire duke will not be together in the end. This is the most significant dissatisfaction in the world.


The wedding in my heart was the way you two wore tuxedos on that day. From then on, Jian Songyi would only be Jian Songyi, and Bai Huai would just be Bai Huai. Just like the bridge will only be a typical bridge and the road will return to only being a regular road. I wish you each well.]




3L: [How do you know that Bai Huai’s moments is not referring to Jian Songyi?]


4L: [Nonsense. Brother Song was in Beicheng at that time! Can he send a bite through the air?]


5L: [Whooo. Damn physics competition!]


6L: [So the question is, why did Bai Huai ask for leave yesterday?]


7L: [Well, it can’t be Brother Song because he said that Bai Huai’s boyfriend is a thief and is a good-looking Omega.]


8L: [Scum man Bai Huai! Unexpectedly liking an Omega and hurting our Brother Song! I will kill him!]


9L: [It’s alright, sister. Think of it this way… Bai Huai has a date now. It means that he has nothing to do with Brother Song anymore. So we can chase Brother Song again! Brother Song is a public treasure again!]


10L: [I hope Brother Song will be able to move on from this emotional injury as soon as possible and stop getting tangled with that scum man!]


11L: [That’s right! Brother, look! A lot of Omega and Beta in Nanwai love you so much!]




45L: [Congratulations to my cub on unbinding the scum man! Take my cub away! My cub is beautiful alone! Do you know the qualification for the first prize in the national physics competition? Such an excellent cub was originally unworthy of Bai Huai. I wish Mr. Bai a good marriage for a hundred years, and I wish for our cub’s betterment in the future.]

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46L: [Congratulations to my cub on unbinding the scum man! Take my cub away! My cub is beautiful alone! Do you know the qualification for the first prize in the national physics competition? Such an excellent cub was originally unworthy of Bai Huai. I wish Mr. Bai a good marriage for a hundred years, and I wish for our cub’s betterment in the future.]




The comment section is starting to look like that copy and paste message all over. It’s obviously dispatched to control the comment section.


Of course, Lin Yuanyuan sent a template to Bai Huai too, the club’s vice president, as soon as possible so that they could disperse the message together.


So Jian Songyi caught the familiar ID at a glance in the row after row comments.


“B.S.? I think I’ve seen this somewhere before.”


Bai Huai friendly hinted at it to Jian Songyi even by pointing in front of the classroom TV cabinet: “The one who sent you roses.”


Jian Songyi followed his finger and saw the large bouquet of roses on the TV cabinet that had begun to wither, just like the bouquet from the Art Festival.




He has now established a relationship with Bai Huai, but the roses he received from another person is still in the classroom. Isn’t that a deliberate attempt to sow discord between them?!


“Who picked it up?”


Yang Yue raised his hand proudly: “Me!”




And he is very proud of that.


Jian Songyi had nothing to say. He wanted to sweat at him but couldn’t find a good reason for that. So he had no other choice but to stand up. He ought to throw away the bouquet of flowers when Bai Huai tapped his phone screen twice before opening his mouth: “This B.S., it seems that this person has deep feelings for you.”




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