Jian Songyi was so nervous and shy that he instinctively took a step back, and then…

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The books were toppled by a whole pile of shelves, and hundreds of books were pressed onto the overloaded shelves next to them. The shelves of books were like falling dominoes until it was followed by a significant crash.


The sound went on and on, and everyone fell into a dead silence.








Peng Minghong rushed over to have a look and said, “Jian Songyi, what are you doing? “


‘He has no experience in puppy love. Can’t he be nervous?!’ That is what Jian Songyi wanted to say.


But no way.


No one can find out.


Jian Songyi said, “Bai Huai laughed so loudly that he wanted to be taught a lesson. I could not help it, so I beat him up.”


Peng Minghong turned around angrily and pointed at Jian Songyi as he talked to the photographer, “I am telling you, if the two of them become a couple, I will pray so hard to Buddha out of gratitude. And to top it all up, I won’t haunt students having puppy love anymore.”


Upon hearing this, Bai Huai turned his back to Peng Minghong. He placed his hand in his pocket and pressed a button again. He smiled at Jian Songyi as he tried to stifle a laugh.


At a glance, Jian Songyi was intrigued by what he was thinking.


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As soon as Jian Songyi was about to hit him, he turned around and put on that calm and serious look: “Sir, I’m sorry. It is my fault. I provoked Jian Songyi first.”


Only Peng Minghong trembled with anger, but because of the situation between the two people, he could not really deal with them, so he could only throw down a sentence: “You two are not allowed to leave until you two tidy up this place today!”


He left angrily with the photographer and went to shoot the campus scenery of other places.


The young cadre of the student union followed him, and his fingers were not idle for a moment.


As soon as the man left, Jian Songyi decided to teach Bai Huai, a beast, to be a man.


Bai Huai clenched his fist in one hand and put his arm around his waist. “It’s all my fault,” he said with a chuckle. “I shouldn’t try to do something wrong to my boyfriend regardless of the occasion, so I’m willing to be punished. I’ll be the one to clean up. You should go and change your clothes. Don’t catch a cold.”


Jian Songyi is not that heartless: “I’ll clean up with you.”


“You still have to change your clothes first.”


“Go away! Don’t touch me! Big trash!”


“Okay. I won’t touch it. Although it’s not touching when I was only holding your clothes.”


The two men noisily changed their clothes and noisily packed up hundreds of books.


I’d like one by number.


Bai Huai felt that it was nothing, but Jian Songyi didn’t have the patience. He was going to burn it out of anger, and then someone called him.


He picked up his phone impatiently: “Hey, what are you doing?”


“Brother Song, did you fight with Master Bai again?”

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“Really? It’s spreading everywhere! That you and Master Bai fought so hard that you blew up the entire library!”


“… How do you know everything?”


“Read the post!”


No sooner had he finished reading the words, the Wechat sharing link already came over.


Jian Songyi immediately took a look.


[Witness the Ugliness of What was Once the Most Perfect Campus cp]


Post Owner: [The owner used to be a diehard fan of Songbai cp. I believe many people have seen the little Huangwen I produced. To be honest, even if one of them blew himself up and fell in love with Omega, I still have hope.


It was not until today that I witnessed S’s indifference to B, several violent acts, and even turned the library upside down by fighting in the library. I didn’t believe that it was really impossible to go back to the way they were.


In fact, according to my observations, B still has feelings for S. He still takes care of him very much like his wife, but when he thinks that B clearly has feelings for S and is still with others, he feels that he is scum. On the contrary, although S is very cold and violent, he desperately wanted to draw a line. It made me feel like S wanted deep love than just a fling. As if love like that is never loved.


So, with S’s character that can’t rub the sand in his eyes, the two of them will definitely never have a future. I just hope that B and his Omega will be together well, and S can also accept the vice president. So they can say goodbye to each other and be happy with their lives.


With pictures, a messy library.]


Jian Songyi: “…..”


He wants to have a secret love. He wants to hide it, but he just wants a clean relationship. He never thought the story would go like this.


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The other end of the phone heard the long silence here and hurriedly asked, “Hello, Brother Song? Are you still there? Is everything alright? “




“So you and Master Bai really had a complete quarrel? Can’t you go back? Is there really no hope?”




Jian Songyi was silent.


Yang Yue sighed, “Forget it, Brother Song. I know you feel bad, but we can’t let others poke at the situation at hand, right? And today is a big day, so let’s calm down and restrain ourselves. Don’t fight, okay? This must be over.”


Jian Songyi didn’t want to pay attention to him, and changed the topic: “What’s the big day?”


“It’s New Year’s Day, and there is a treat that we agreed to before. Except for you and Mr. Bai, our class has already arrived. Zhuo Luo and Lu Qi Feng are with me. Do you mind?”


“I do not mind.”


“It has been agreed upon to get together today. We also want to celebrate your birthday ahead of time, so you and Master Bai must accept. Just give me some face to-”


“Don’t talk nonsense. Give me the address.”


“Oh, it is the Jinyu Restaurant next to a business. We’ve just arrived. We will order first, but hurry up. Also, don’t fight with Master Bai on the way here. Brother Song, be a good boy and-”

Jian Songyi hung up the phone with ease.


Yang Yue dared not to call again. 


By the time Jian Songyi had gotten out of the phone, Bai Huai had put the last book back on the shelf.


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He went forward and helped him wrap his scarf: “Who made our Brother Song angry again?”


“No one.” Jian Songyi gave up the scarf to scratch his chin before hanging it back loosely.


Bai Huai refused to keep it that way, though: “Today is windy, so be obedient.”




Jian Songyi obediently lowered his hand and let Bai Huai help him with his scarf.


“Yang Yue said that we should finish here and go straight to Jinyu Restaurant.”




“You don’t like the hustle and bustle. If you don’t like this kind of occasion, you don’t have to go. Go home and wait for me. I’ll bring you food.”


Bai Huai chuckled: “If you say that it’s a treat and our wedding banquet, how can I not go?”


“Don’t talk nonsense. It is not a wedding feast.” Jian Songyi said.


“Mhmmm.” Bai Huai nodded. “It really doesn’t count. Our wedding banquet has to be set up at 99 tables in order to be worthy of our Brother Song’s ostentation.”


“Get out.”




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