As soon as he starts getting shy, Jian Songyi likes to say ‘get out’, so in Bai Huai’s dictionary, it has to be one of his love languages.

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So he could not help but tease: “If you do the math, you will be eighteen the day after tomorrow, and we can indeed get a license.”


“My ass, I didn’t say I was going to marry you.”


“If you don’t marry me, don’t blame me for getting pregnant and getting married later.”


“Where did you learn these words?”


“The two of us in the post bar.” 


Bai Huai spoke calmly while Jian Songyi was already blushing like an idiot.


Bai Huai suddenly said, “It seems that our Brother Song also secretly took a look?”


“I didn’t see it!”


“I didn’t see why you blushed. I didn’t say what it was.”




Bai Huai bowed his head and leaned to Jian Songyi’s ear so he could whisper, “Do you want me to help Brother Song review his Chinese? Reading comprehension and scene reproduction are my strong points. “


“Bai Huai, get out of here!”


Jian Songyi finally couldn’t stand it, so he pushed Bai Huai away and went to the classroom.


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Bai Huai smiled behind him and said, “I’ll go and change my clothes. Please help me pack my bag.”


Jinyu Restaurant is a star restaurant near Nanwai. Whenever the school has any enrollment banquet or victory banquet, it has almost become a traditional habit to put a few tables there.


So coincidentally, the enemy’s road was narrow, and when Jian Songyi and Bai Huai arrived, they bumped into Huang Fuyi.


When Huang Fuyi saw Jian Songyi and Bai Huai, he smiled strangely: “Yo, isn’t this our Brother Song and Master Bai? they are really inseparable.”


Jian Songyi only gave him a look.


He shrugged his shoulders and asked his friends to go inside.


Fearing that Jian Songyi could not hold back his temper, Yang Yue roasted the iron cow on the spot and hurried over to make a round: “Huang Fuyi has just got the offer of that business school in the United States, and all the formalities have been completed, so he won’t come to school next semester. He invited their class this week and happened to bump into us, but they are in the crabapple hall, and we are in the lily hall. So don’t worry. They won’t get in the way. “


Jian Songyi squinted: “I found that my image in your heart seems to be the image that likes to cause trouble?”


Yang Yue: “…..”


He would rather not but…


But Yang Yue dared not say. He could only glance over at Bai Huai next to him and then silently squeeze his fat body between Jian Songyi and Bai Huai, trying to serve as a strong fortress.


Today, as long as he, Yang Yue is here, we will not let these two men fight!


Then he took one in each hand and walked to the lily hall.


The lily hall is on the east side of the lobby, separated by hollowed-out wood carvings. With four large round tables and 30 people, it is just right.

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Meanwhile, Huang Fuyi’s crabapple hall is on the west side of the lobby, separated by the hall, and there is a makeshift platform where the well water does not invade the river.


After sitting down, Jian Songyi glanced casually and found that there were Roman columns and flower archers on the table placed in the middle of the lobby.


He casually asked, “There are still people getting married here?”


“Yes, just a couple of teachers from the middle school will get married here tomorrow, and the platform has just been set up.”




Jian Songyi was not interested, but Bai Huai sipped his tea slightly, with a smile: “It seems that you can really touch the light of the wedding banquet.”


As soon as the words fell, the whole hall was quiet.


Jian Songyi didn’t have time to react.


Zhuo Luo angrily dropped his chopsticks: “Bai Huai, come on. You can stop as soon as you see it. I came here today to look at Brother Song’s face. Either don’t come, or just stop talking about that darn Omega as soon as you come! Don’t put my Brother Song in a tight position!”


Lu Qi Feng tugged on Zhuo Luo, but he only threw him away: “Don’t pull me!”


He then returned his focus back to Bai Huai and said, “Yes, when you first transferred here, I was a nymphomaniac. I thought you were a very handsome Alpha. And later on, I also thought that you were also very nice. But Brother Song is always the most handsome Alpha in my heart! So no matter what I thought of you, if you make Brother Song unhappy, I won’t be done with you!”


For so many days, after hearing rumors after rumors about them, Zhuo Luo finally exploded. He looked at his heart full of anger and died of grievance for Jian Songyi. He was fierce as he cried out: “You bastard! You scumbag! You stinky turtle! Brother Song didn’t beat you to death because he has a good temper! Lu Qi Feng, don’t drag me. Lu Qi Feng, put me down! “


Lu Qi Feng carried Zhuo Luo away.


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Bai Huai could only raise an eyebrow as he glanced at Jian Songyi.


Jian Songyi was so embarrassed as he looked up at him.


For a moment, he doesn’t know what to do.


Jian Songyi has to say that he was so moved by what Zhuo Luo had said today. 


However, the more moved he was, the more he could not imagine the day when Zhou Xiaoluo would learn the truth.


Jian Songyi’s heart ached due to the unspeakable guilt, so he wanted to follow him to explain. But Bai Huai held him down and got up, and left.


The atmosphere then became awkward and suffocating.


So Xu Jiaxing foolishly dared to pat the table directly: “Today is a good day! In order to celebrate two of my best friends who are exempted from the college entrance examinations, I will buy you all a drink today! Come on, everybody, you’re welcome! “


A group of folks suddenly realized.


Is there a better way to resolve the crisis than drinking at the moment?




As long as Jian Songyi is poured down, he will not dare to beat anyone today!


As long as Jian Songyi gets drunk, he can forget those emotional hurts!


When he wakes up tomorrow, he will be the proud and uneasy No. 1 Alpha in the south again!

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Just do it!


So thirty people lined up to make a toast.


“Brother Song, you are my eternal male god!”


“Brother Song, you will always be the pride of our class one and the pride of Nanwai!”


“Brother Song, there is no place in the world with another one as awesome as you! I- I-”


“Go away! Don’t talk if you can’t speak. Brother Song, may you be as happy as the East China Sea and live longer than Nanshan! “


“Brother Song, may you find the best lover in the world soon!”


“Brother Song.”


Jian Songyi could never say it from his own mouth. It is already passed around that he and Bai Huai broke up with such unlucky words that admitting their relationship now would be very difficult.


‘The sins that I have done, I will pay back. So I can only relieve the embarrassment by drinking.’ He thought.




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