He drank neatly, was clean and handsome, and kept his head down. The more he drank, the paler his face became. The cold and cruel air was always on, and no one could see that he was drunk. He felt that Brother Songyi deserved to be Brother Songyi, so he deserved to drink a lot since this is such a good drink.

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Besides, Jian Songyi also felt that he was not drunk, but his stomach was starting to feel a little full, so he stood up and walked to the comfort room.


When everyone saw that he walked straight with his shoulder flat, they couldn’t help giving a thumbs up in his direction: “Brother Song is a good drinker.”


However, Jian Songyi’s brain is already a little dull.


Where’s Bai Huai?


He’s looking for Bai Huai.


He is so tired and dizzy now that he wants to find Bai Huai for hugs and kisses.


Little squirrel, jump, boi, jump into Bai Huai’s arms.


Hey, where’s Bai Huai?


Before Jian Songyi could tell which bathroom to go to search for Bai Huai, he heard Huang Fuyi’s voice.


“Hey, it is boring to say that Jian Songyi and Bai Huai are interesting. At that time, Bai Huai threatened me again and again for Jian Songyi’s sake. I thought it was a great love that didn’t care about secular vision. But as soon as I turned around, Bai Huai found an Omega as his boyfriend.”


“Hey, Jian Songyi is a non-differentiated person. Where can there be an Omega? Both of them are Alpha, who doesn’t know who yet.”


“Don’t tell me. Li Ting did say that Jian Songyi might be an Omega, but then he went in, and I didn’t ask.”

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“That must not be the case. If Jian Songyi was an Omega, would Bai Huai protect Jian Songyi with the same energy he did before and would have done him sooner? It must be because Jian Songyi is not an Omega. Hey, Bai Huai seems to have few desires, but he turns out to be an animal thinking about his lower body, so why does he usually pretend to be a flower of the high mountains?”


“We are all Alphas, so you understand, right? You do not see something like that and pretend that he will only just get a bite from that Omega. That’s top scum! You do not say the bite feels really strong from a small squirrel. That Omega ought to play for pla- Fuck! Jian Songyi! What’s wrong with you?”


Jian Songyi grabbed the person who was talking by his neck and said coldly, “Do you deserve to say that about Bai Huai? Watch your mouth.”


“Am I not fucking telling the truth? Or does it come to poke your heart? That’s why you don’t like it?”


Jian Songyi loosened his hand but then pressed him down with a cold tone without even a hint of drunkness: “You usually love to compare and tell stories. I don’t care about it. I don’t think it’s necessary. Let’s have fun. But there is something wrong with me; that is, I can’t hear people say that Bai Huai is bad; I don’t like it. “


“You! Bai Huai has a boyfriend already, but you still protect him to this extent? Are you a bitch?”


As soon as he said this, all the people who heard the yelp stood where they were and dared not take a step forward.


Huang Fuyi is so silly! Does he really think he can do whatever he wants with an offer? Isn’t this fucking deliberately provoking Jian Songyi and putting salt on Jian Songyi’s wound?


He deserves to be beaten to death!


Sure enough, after the next second, Jian Songyi’s hostility was now shown between his dark eyebrows and eyes. He snickered: “Whether I am cheap or not is none of your business. But the fact that you mentioned Bai Huai and dared badmouth him is not such a nice move.”


Huang Fuyi was still pressed down against the table, and he was starting to be a little breathless. He is drunk because of wine, but he also holds this resentment from before: “Who the fuck are you in Bai Huai’s life? Why would you protect him like this?”


As soon as he said this, a timid “Bai Huai” was heard from outside of the crowd.

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Everyone looked back and then saw Bai Huai standing on the periphery of the crowd, followed by Lu Qi Feng, who held Zhou Xiaoluo with red eyes and a red mouth in his arms.


The crowd automatically stepped aside.


When Jian Songyi heard Bai Huai’s name, he was automatically relieved. He turned and watched Bai Huai walk toward him step by step.


While Huang Fuyi was in a daze and wanted to fight back, Bai Huai pressed him back directly with a pheromone.


Then he stood slowly in front of Jian Songyi and asked in a low voice, “Why are you drinking so much when I’m away for a while? What if you have a stomach ache? “


The tone is gentle, but it smacks of preaching and scolding.


The crowd held their breaths again.


Is everyone going crazy today?! Bai Huai, how dare you control Brother Song? Do you think he deserves it? Brother Song can drink when he is sad or in the state of wanting to drown his violent instinct. Do you want to be beaten up with Huang Fuyi?


Sure enough, after the next second passed by, Jian Songyi grabbed Bai Huai’s wrist.


Without waiting for him to make the next move, everyone rushed forward to separate the two and then kept pushing Bai Huai out while desperately persuading him: “Brother Song, calm down. You should calm down. This is not Master Bai’s fault. Master Bai is also concerned about you; you need to calm down.”


“Yes, you must calm down. Don’t break your friendship. Imagine the love you have had for so many years. There is no need to break it. Master Bai is a bit of scum, but he is still very kind to you. I am telling you, Master Bai is not suitable to be your boyfriend. He is most suitable to be your friend. There is nothing to lose!”


“That’s right! Don’t like Master Bai, Brother Song. I’ll introduce you to someone! I know many people! Omega, Beta, Alpha! Gentle, warm, and good-looking. Better than Bai Huai! You must not go to the extremes!”

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“I know the B.S. who is currently chasing you! I am telling you! This person has white skin, beautiful legs, a big chest, a thin voice, and very very sweet!”




The quarrel was so lively and dense that it gave Jian Songyi a headache.


And there were so many people that he couldn’t see Bai Huai.


He finally found Bai Huai. What are these big turnips doing here? Do they want him to chop them up and pickle them up?


Jian Songyi started to feel his headache worsening, so he impatiently scolded all of them angrily: “Get out of my way, all of you!”




All the people dared not move and could only desperately imply that Bai Huai should go.


However, Bai Huai stood there, motionless, looking at Jian Songyi with ease.


Jian Songyi moved impatiently and violently away from the crowd and walked towards Bai Huai.


Yang Yue squatted down in despair.


“Oh, forget about it. Let Brother Song beat up Master Bai. That way, Brother Song won’t be sad, and Master Bai won’t feel guilty.”

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He pressed 120 on his cell phone and readied himself to dial out at any time.


Jian Songyi walked up to Bai Huai.


Yang Yue’s fingers fell on the dial button.


Their hearts hung to their throats. The crowd could only clench their fists and dare not breathe. At any second now, they were ready to save Bai Huai’s life.


It was a close call, an everlasting crisis.


Then, just now, the cold and ferocious ultimate school bully opened his arms widely.


“I have a headache. I need a hug.”









Translator’s Note:

Gosh. I do not even know what to say. This couple is so messed up that they’re messing up the whole school! Gosh. I don’t know if I’m going to laugh or what. Asdfghjkl. They’re so cute. I want to have what they haveeeee. 

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