Chapter 71 – Squirrel is Me; I am Squirrel

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After speaking, Jian Songyi tilted his head cutely as if his statement didn’t make him adorable-looking enough. 


The onlookers were petrified on the spot.


Are they going crazy?


Why do they think this irritable school tyrant who pressed people into the sink just now is a little cute?


But he is indeed kinda cute.


Is he kidding?


He must be.


So is Jian Songyi crazy, or is it them that had gone insane?


Onlookers who don’t know the truth simultaneously fall into the same deep self-doubt.


Before they could start speculating even more, the supposed cold and inhumane scum man in their hearts had already taken the grumpy school bully by the waist. Bai Huai took Jian Songyi in his arms and rubbed his head fondly before saying in a low and gentle voice: “Okay… Hug, so your head won’t hurt.”






A hug?


Bai Huai agreed?


And said so lovingly?


Bai Huai, who is usually too lazy to say one more sentence, unexpectedly said such a lovely reduplicated word?


Okay, they must be really going crazy. That’s right. They’re all drunk. They’re all just hallucinating.




Everyone smiled in their hearts and was silent.


The scene was eerily quiet.


Zhuo Luo, who had been far away since Lu Qi Feng was holding him, had his eyes wide open in confusion.


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What’s going on? What happened? This is not the Brother Song he knows. This is not the Bai Huai he knows.


He looked blankly at Lu Qi Feng, and Lu Qi Feng could only say helplessly, “I’ve already told you a long time before that they’re linked to each other and that Jian Songyi is the only one in Bai Huai’s heart, but you just don’t want to believe me.”


“Bah! If Brother Song is the only one in Bai Huai’s heart, then why is he with an Omega?! This will only make it worst! Don’t even try to defend him! You are the scum of birds with the same feathers!”


Lu Qi Feng: “…..”


He was really wronged.


He has no idea what happened when Jian Songyi said that Bai Huai was in love with an Omega. He asked Bai Huai, but Bai Huai did not say a word. So he tried explaining the situation to Zhuo Luo, but he won’t listen to a word.


As a result, when Lu Qi Feng remained silent, Zhuo Luo regarded him as an accomplice. Thus, he immediately wanted to rush and tackle Bai Huai. “Bai Huai! You stinky turtle! Let go of your dirty hands! Don’t try to plot against my Brother Song when he is drunk!”


However, no matter how much Zhuo Luo struggled, he failed to get out of Lu Qi Feng’s arms. He could only flutter his arms around to no avail. He whined on and on. Finally, Lu Qi Feng had no choice but to carry him out of the scene to where no one would hear him blabber and curse nonstop.


Nonetheless, his slow cry slowly revived the petrified people who were just standing by.


They were not crazy, after all. There’s an explanation for this questionable situation.


Jian Songyi was drunk. 


He was drunk and asked Bai Huai for a hug since he was not himself right now.


They’re not seeing things. They’re normal, and Jian Songyi is the one who has problems. Whew.


Oh no, but Bai Huai did not drink. Not to mention the fact that he has a boyfriend…




He has a boyfriend, yet he shamelessly cuddled Jian Songyi in front of them when the school bully was obviously drunk to his wit’s end.


Does he want Brother Song to be his other man?!


Scum man! A monster! He is a monster disguised in human clothing!


This kind of scumbag behavior must not be allowed!


Brother Song’s first name and dignity must be guarded!


Never let Brother Song become a mistress!


Thinking of this, Yang Yue had Xu Jiaxing in his left hand, and Yu Ziguo in his right hand, followed by a group of people rushing up and trying to save Jian Songyi from Bai Huai’s arms.

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“Brother Song, let’s not do this. Bai Huai has a boyfriend. It’s not appropriate for you to do this.”


“That’s right, Brother Song. If you do this, what if his boyfriend gets to know about this and bites you back for revenge?”


“Let’s go, Brother Song. Let’s go back. I can massage your head to make it feel better. If I massage it, it won’t hurt anymore. You do not need to hug him. You can hug me instead if you want!”


“Brother Song, I will wake you up with a sober soup!”




With a large number of people and great strength, Bai Huai was afraid that this group of people would not be light or serious, so he dared not make an effort and actually let them pull out Jian Songyi and go back to the restaurant surrounded by them.


Jian Songyi had his head thumping. Only smelling Bai Huai would make him comfortable. As a result, when the crowd finally picked him up and stirred him away from Bai Huai, he felt like getting bored to death. These smelly radishes really dared.


Unable to bear it, Jian Songyi pushed all of them as hard as he could and then shouted impatiently, “Go away. I can go by myself.”


“Brother Song, where are you going?”


“The table.”


“No way, Brother Song.” Yang Yue stopped him. “ That table would be used for the married couple. You can’t smash it.” He tried to explain.


“I told you, I am going.”


“Brother Song, I really can’t- don’t. Oh, mother! “


The desire to survive made the crowd have to let go of their hands. They can only watch as Jian Songyi stepped on the red carpet, passed through the flower arch, ascended the steps, and stood in the center of the stage, under the crystal lights.


The whole audience was focused, and all eyes were on him.


Yu Ziguo can only clasp his hands together as he looks at the sky in despair: “Tonight is the night when we are destined to see blood. In this eye-catching place only to be engaged in the biggest event of all times.”


Yu Ziguo is a fortune teller.


This is an AA contest!


Sure enough, after Jian Songyi intended to stand on the platform, he kept a cold and serious face. He raised his eyebrow and pointed his finger at Bai Huai: “You, come here.”


Bai Huai walked over to him without hesitation.


The fight cannot be stopped. They tried their best, but they were also exhausted. Everyone cried bitterly while readying themselves to call 120 and 110. 


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This will be the fight of the century.


Just as they were working together to prepare for the most violent storm, Jian Songyi walked toward Bai Huai, who walked up to him on the red carpet and opened his arms softly again.


Tilting his head, Jian Songyi murmured: “You didn’t hold me enough just now.”



Everyone’s fingers were stiff on the dial button.


What is this, a fine separation scene?


So he had to go on this stage in order to hold Bai Huai and show them in public?


Does he dislike hugging at the bottom part of the hall? Can’t he enjoy the gesture of hugging each other without showing it off at such an angle?


It’s not necessary. It’s really not necessary.


There is no need for such a show of love.


It can’t be called love even. How dare he show off his love? He is hugging someone else’s Alpha!


Yang Yue, as a mother with a strong sense of justice, was heartbroken: “Brother Song, no matter how much you like Master Bai, you can’t hug him like that!” He’s not your boyfriend, no. “


Before Yang Yue finished saying the word “inappropriate,” Jian Songyi turned around and gave him a stern look, condescending and particularly defiant.


Yang Yue was scared to silent immediately.


After glancing at him, Jian Songyi reburied his face to Bai Huai’s neck and snuggled his nose twice against his skin before saying, “You are clearly my boyfriend.”


“…Oh my god!” Yang Yue cried bitterly. “Brother Song loves Master Bai so much that he is hallucinating! My Brother Song!”


“Brother Song, you must not be allowed to speak again!”


“Get on stage! Break them apart! Slap Brother Song if you must to awaken him from his dreams!”




“Well, I am his boyfriend.”


In the midst of the hustle and bustle, a cold and gentle voice was given to life like a clap of thunder in spring.


“Oh, listen to what this scum guy said. You’re his boyfriend? His boyfriend, huh?”


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What’s going on?!


Cheating in public?! Empathy?! Or did they get back together?!


What is all this stuff? Why can’t they understand anything?!


The brains of people who have just regained their senses just went down again.


They stand blankly in front of the melon field as it is difficult to digest all at once.


Their dullness aroused Jian Songyi’s great disdain. He looked up and glanced at them for a while before turning his gaze back to Bai Huai: “They don’t know that you are my boyfriend like a bunch of idiots.”


Bai Huai nodded: “You are right.”


Idiots: “…..”




Huh? What happened? Now they’re the fool?


What happened to us?


What’s the matter with them?


They must call the police!


They shouldn’t think that since the two of them are so amazing, they won’t dare try to give them a beating after insulting them.


The offended people rolled up their sleeves angrily.


Then Jian Songyi turned around to give them a look again.


And just like that, they put down their sleeves obediently.


‘We don’t care about people who drink too much; we are generous to turn a blind eye.’




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