Chapter 72 – The Little Squirrel

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Jian Songyi kept saying that he was sober when he was obviously drunk. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to say such a thing. Due to the fact that he would have to face a heavy burden as the school’s supposed Alpha of the Alphas.


But if Jian Songyi is drunk, his every word won’t be categorized as an irresponsible remark on a whim. Instead, it will be visualized as heartfelt and touching words.


But above everything else, it is extremely precious because those words are words that have never been said.


So Bai Huai just stood there, watching Jian Songyi and listening intently to what he had said. It turns out that he remembered everything and understood every gesture he made for him.


Jian Songyi, that little thing. He’s not really heartless after all. He’s just a little awkward.


And everyone suddenly felt a little moved in shock and panic.


As a matter of fact, most of them are not very familiar with Bai Huai. Their understanding of him is more distant than untouchable. He is so cold that he hardly participates except for those related to Jian Songyi, so no one knows him.


On the contrary, although Jian Songyi is grumpy and bad-tempered, he is actually very kind and makes people feel warm as he is reliable. So for so many years, no one in the class has disliked Jian Songyi.


So after Jian Songyi had a contradiction with Bai Huai, everyone’s first reaction was to help their Brother Song.


After all, they feel that Bai Huai is too alienated and too cold for them to help him. In addition, they also think they would only be a hindrance to him, if ever.


There’s also the fact that they seldom see Bai Huai laugh.


But at this very moment, Bai Huai is smiling. Although it is a small one, they could feel that it was kind of gentle and indeed from the bottom of his heart. That at last, they don’t have to hide anything anymore. It appears to be extremely affectionate.


Meanwhile, Jian Songyi is drunk so being ashamed is beneath him right now.


But there’s also the fact that Bai Huai is not drunk, and yet, he let Jian Songyi cause as much trouble as he wanted. It’s like no matter how much trouble Jian Songyi makes, Bai Huai doesn’t care so long as he is relaxed and happy. Other people couldn’t see them eye to eye, after all, so he doesn’t really care about being disgraced.


He and Jian Songyi have a world of their own wherein they can be their truest and purest selves in front of each other.


And this fact alone made the hearts of the irrelevant outsiders be moved.


With that being stated, it can be partially concluded that Brother Song is not really a tyrant but an iron man of tenderness.


Jian Songyi paused for a while before continuing his speech, “So in the future, you can all say that I am not good, but no one should dare say that my boyfriend is bad. Or I will meet you once and beat you up. Do you all understand that?”


People who are now addicted to their touching love story: “Understood.”


“Speak louder!”


“We understood! Yes! Long Live Brother Song and Master Bai!”


“What do you understand?”


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“We can say that Brother Song is bad, but we should never say that Brother Song’s boyfriend is bad. Else, he will beat us up one at a time!”


“Okay. Go back and write it down ten times. I will check it once I go back to school.”


“…..? ? ?”


People who are addicted to their love story are now confused.


The tyrant raised an eyebrow as it was enough to threaten them.


The favorite concubine helped at the back: ” If you would think about it, it’s not that mad. Otherwise, you all want him to ask you to write about your feelings after listening to him.”


Fuck the iron man’s tenderness.


The despotic tyrant and evil concubine have finally spoken.


They couldn’t just contradict them.


The crowd could only answer with tears: “Okay…”


The tyrant looked at their reaction, completely satisfied. He then turned around to raise his beloved concubine’s chin: “Is your boyfriend awesome?”


Bai Huai smiles softly. “Prestige and excellent.”


He hoped he could continue his prestige as soon as he gets some sleep.


Originally, this group of people had promised not to mention what happened after this. But as a result of Jian Songyi’s stubbornness, he has to leave some evidence for himself. Bai Huai can only hope that he will not run away from home due to shame and anger.


Fortunately, by the end of the event, Bai Huai showed that he still had a conscience. As a spiritual compensation to everyone, he paid for the meal and all the drinks. After that, he coaxed Jian Songyi to go home immediately ahead of time so that he could not stay and persecute the broad masses of innocent people anymore.


When Lao Bai arrived, he saw the group of mentally devastated and dull children eating numbly.


In doubt, he asked, “What about Jian Songyi and Bai Huai?”


The people immediately shuddered as if they had been stimulated by some terrible mental stimulation and then regained their dullness.


Lao Bai was baffled: “What’s wrong with all of you?”


“Old Bai.”


“What is it?”


“Is the rule of shaving your head for early lovers still in place?”



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“Ow. That’s great.”




Everyone bowed their heads and opened Taobao. They searched for men’s wigs.


A perfect gift for Brother Song.


There it is.


Jian Songyi is drunk and, in an absolute sense, wherein looks so cute.


At least, in Bai Huai’s eyes, Jian Songyi is.


A bit clingy and wants to be hugged and carried, soft, doesn’t talk too much and just acts like a spoiled child.


Thinking of Jian Songyi’s attitude towards Huang Fuyi before he appeared, Bai Huai felt that if he wasn’t there, Jian Songyi would be drunk, and others wouldn’t probably be able to see it.


So this person just likes to spoil himself.


He looked at Jian Songyi, who was snuggled against his lap, trying to fall asleep. Bai Huai pinched his ears gently: “Little squirrel.”




Jian Songyi suddenly sat up straight. “Why did you call me?!”


Bai Huai couldn’t help but laugh.


When he was in kindergarten, Bai Huai just started to learn to identify plants and animals. Wen Zhimian told them that one would be a cypress and the other would be a pine tree.


At that time, Jian Xiaosong, who had just learned pinyin, listened ignorantly and didn’t quite understand the concept. When he asked Bai Xiaohuai what it meant, Bai Xiaohuai told him that it meant being a hero.


Then that night, Jian Xiaosong climbed into his quilt with a squirrel card reading pinyin and asked foolishly, “Brother Huai, this squirrel looks chubby. Can he also be a hero?”


At that time, Jian Xiaosong still had a little baby fat, so Bai Xiaohuai nodded very seriously: “Well, yes. A little fat is good for fighting.”


“Oh, then I’m going to be a squirrel too!”


So Jian Xiaosong was a little squirrel for a long time, and it was not until he was in primary school that he ended the less heroic nickname with a fight between the two men.


Unexpectedly, after so many years, it was called back.


No wonder he bites so hard. He has been a rodent since he was a child.


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Bai Huai looked at the lovely Jian Songyi. He really could not help it as he ruthlessly rubbed his head. “Nothing. Get off and go home.”




Jian Songyi obediently followed Bai Huai as he led him out of the car all the way to the front door.


Before Bai Huai could even knock, the door had already swung open.


Mrs. Tang, with her exquisite makeup, stood behind the door. She stopped to look at Bai Huai and gave him a meaningful smile as she reached out for Jian Songyi.


Bai Huai, afraid that Jian Songyi would be ashamed, took the initiative to explain: “Jian Songyi didn’t pay attention at the party today. He drank too much, so I am just sending him back. There is no other meaning.”


Mrs. Tang knew how thin-skinned her son was, so she only smiled. “I understand. The two of you are just ordinary friends, holding hands. Nothing more, nothing less.”


Jian Songyi, who had stood in place silently, suddenly became unhappy: “Mom, Bai Huai is not my friend!”


Mrs. Tang was stunned. This was because her son was easily embarrassed, and yet, he said it so boldly this time. Did the two of them fall apart?


“Bai Huai is my boyfriend!”




She didn’t know her son well enough.


Jian Songyi didn’t seem to think it was enough. So, he raised his hand while holding Bai Huai tightly before saying with a serious face, “Mom, I want to marry Bai Huai.”


Now don’t talk about Mrs. Tang. Even Bai Huai was stupefied.


Mrs. Tang coughed twice: “And then what? Stop being careless now. You’re still two days away from adulthood.”


“If you don’t agree, I’ll elope with Bai Huai!”


Mrs. Tang: “?”




It is rare that Bai Huai is not so leisurely pushing his glasses frame: “Aunt Tang, Jian Songyi drank a little too much. Let him rest. I’ll go home first.”


Jian Songyi loosely grabbed his hand and said, “Don’t go.”


Although he said so ferociously, Jian Songyi also looked a little aggrieved.


Mrs. Tang swore that ever since Jian Songyi went to primary school, he had never treated her like this again. Suddenly, she felt a little pang of heartache from this thought alone.


Unexpectedly, she was only 38 years old, yet she had to face the world wherein her son had got married and forgot his mother already.

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After three seconds of pain, she looked at her son, who didn’t look very smart, and then looked at the son of a talented person from the neighborhood. She suddenly felt that Bai Huai’s father should be in a lot more pain to see such an excellent son go, so she stopped feeling hurt.


She pushed the door open and stepped out. She flips her hair a little before smiling, “Oh, Xiaohuai, it is really unfortunate that his father works overtime. I have an appointment with Lu Qi Feng’s mother to play night cards tonight, so can I leave it to you to take care of him? Thank you for your hard work.”


Then she went to the garage. After walking a few steps, Mrs. Tang suddenly looked back and smiled: “Tomorrow afternoon, our family is going to the seaside villa for New Year and for Xiaoyi’s birthday. Remember to clear your schedule. The whole family has to be there.”


A family.


No one has said that word to him in about ten years.


Bai Huai smiles back before replying, “Well, Aunt Tang, pay attention to the road and drive safe.”


Mrs. Tang turned away happily with an ‘OK’ gesture.


Bai Huai is the most distressed and measured child, so she is not at all worried about what will happen.


This is the blessing of small care, and it also saves her worry as a mother.


If one day Xiaohuai can change his name to his other father’s name, it will be worth her friendship with Wen Zhimian for so many years.


Someone will always be happy.


At least these two children are worth it.


On the other hand, Bai Huai feels that the time, the earth, and the people are in harmony, and it really doesn’t make sense if he ought to do something else.


After watching Mrs. Tang leave, he turned his head to look down at Jian Songyi, a simple, lovely, and helpless classmate of his. Bai Huai could not help but whisper, “Honey, do you remember what you just said?”


Jian Songyi thought his good memory was being challenged: “If my mother doesn’t agree, I’ll elope with you.”


“What about the previous sentence?”


“I want to marry you.”




Bai Huai rubbed his head and raised the corners of his lips to form a smirk.


He thought that wine was really a great invention.


Of course, so is the recording.




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