Chapter 73 – Baldness for Love

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There was nothing new in the sun.


When Jian Songyi woke up again after a long night of drinking and singing, he felt his head thump yet again. Unfortunately, this time, it was much worse than last night.


He immediately frowned as he tucked himself back under the blanket, wanting nothing but to go back to sleep.


However, a loud voice came from the living room all the way down the stairs, which made his growing headache even worse. It even awakened a pain in his knee.


He wanted to know why it suddenly hurt, but it seemed to be locked away from his memory. It will take Jian Songyi a little more effort to remember what had transpired that night.


Lazy and unwilling to think about it, he sank himself into the pillow and the blanket. He closed his eyes and emptied his brain, showing a state of being half asleep and half awake.


After a while, the voice from downstairs started to disappear. He even heard the door close. And then, Jian Songyi listened to the footsteps coming upstairs and his door opening.


Jian Songyi didn’t need to look to check. He already knew that it was Bai Huai, so he didn’t move a limb. 


Soon, a soft kiss fell on his forehead. “Good boy, get up and drink this honey water. You can go to sleep again after drinking this.”


“I do not want to drink it.” Jian Songyi retracted his head a little before murmuring, “Why are you in my house again? Make sure that you’re being careful. My mother shouldn’t find out.”


Bai Huai had intended to remind him of some cruel truth, but after thinking about it, he held it back.


Forget about it, Bai Huai thought as he stood up. Let the poor thing take its time.


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So he lifted the blanket of Jian Songyi and then picked him up to make him sit against the headboard. Bai Huai then picked up the cup from the nightstand: “Drink the water and take your medicine for your stomach. Then you can go back to sleep.” 


Jian Songyi placed his hand against his neck to prop himself up as he leaned over the headboard. He sat there motionless with his eyelids still close, not bothering to open them even.


Bai Huai sighed, inserted a straw into the cup, and sent the other end into Jian Songyi’s lips. “Hold it.”


Jian Songyi reluctantly contributed to the situation by giving it a little sucking effort.


When he finally finished drinking, Bai Huai took out two more tablets. “Open your mouth.”


Although feeling lazy, Jian Songyi obediently opened his mouth, revealing a little red tongue tip.


If he didn’t know that someone would have a catastrophe of self-destruction today, Bai Huai would probably take advantage of the opportunity to bully him. Still, he couldn’t bear to think of what Jian Songyi was going to face.


Because he couldn’t bear it, even if Jian Songyi was so enthusiastic last night, Bai Huai refrained from touching him.


Just for fear of adding another handful of firewood to the fire, someone will explode directly in place when he wakes up.


After feeding him the medicine and wiping his mouth, Bai Huai tucked him back into bed and tucked him in firmly: “Get some sleep.”


Jian Songyi rubbed the blanket and complained, “I have a headache and a pain in my knee.”


It was his insistence to make trouble yesterday that caused the pain in his knee. Bai Huai could not stop him. As for his headache…


Bai Huai rubbed his head: “If you sleep a little longer, the pain will go away.”

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But Jian Songyi was so upset that he could not sleep. He slightly opened his eyes and looked over at him. “Did someone come to the house just now? It was very noisy earlier.”


Bai Huai paused and avoided the key part of the scenario: “Well, Yang Yue and the others were her just now.”


“Why were they here?”


“They send birthday presents on behalf of the whole class.”


Jian Songyi gave Bai Huai a glance and then really caught a glimpse of a gift box near his headboard. Bai Huai must’ve brought it in just now along with his medicine.


So he propped himself back up and motioned for Bai Huai to get his present for him to see what it was.


Bai Huai was a little worried. He always felt that Yang Yue and Xu Jiaxing had come to declare a personal feud today, so he reached out and pressed the gift box: “Why don’t you get some sleep?”


Jian Songyi placed his hand down and said, “Are you jealous? I’m telling you, your Brother Song is very popular and has it accumulating for years. You can’t be jealous or envious because of that. Get out of the way, and don’t stop me from opening my presents.”


And then he ostentatiously brought the box to him.


The box is so delicately wrapped in satin that it looks costly.


Jian Songyi felt that this group of people had a conscience, and they all remembered that he had treated them well.


After all, Yang Yue and Xu Jiaxing both gave Bai Huai 10,000 yuan worth of sneakers, so they had to provide him with at least a statue of 24k pure gold.


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While thinking about this, Jian Songyi started to look forward to it. He raised the corner of his lips as he unpacked the gift lazily.


He untied the color rope, peeled off the satin, opened the box’s lid, saw the shines and dazzling bling-bling inside, and then- huh?


What is this black lacquered black stuff?


Jian Songyi was stunned.


And then he saw the label: “Simulated wig for male?”




A wig?


For two?


Two fluffy, naturally black wigs?


Jian Songyi loosely grasped his own hair unconsciously, which felt very luxuriant right now.


His eyes moved blankly to the other corner of the box.


There was a neat and tidy stack of paper.


Maybe it’s a touching confession of true feelings from the whole class?

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That’s fine.


The gift is not essential. It is the heart that matters.


With the last hope in mind, Jian Songyi picked up a piece of paper and looked at it intently.


It is written in black and white, impressively:


‘Brother Song: You can say I’m not good but don’t say my boyfriend is bad, or I’ll beat you up one at a time.’


It was written ten times in the paper.


Jian Songyi had a bad feeling about this. He slowly put down the paper and took another one from the stack.


Another handwriting. ‘Brother Song said…’


Another one, ‘Jian Songyi: …’


He took another one…



Jian Songyi was silent.




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