Jian Songyi closed his eyes, feeling his hair falling little by little. And because of this, he was suddenly worried.

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Why was Bai Huai so fierce just now? Why was he so upset? Is it uncomfortable to rub his head, and he doesn’t like it? Or is it ugly? What if he is ugly, and Bai Huai is taken away by other goblins?


Jian Songyi suddenly became a little nervous.


Bai Huai felt his nervousness and chuckled: “Are you worried now? Do you still want to shave your head? “


“Pfft.” Jian Songyi said stubbornly. “I am not afraid of being bald. I can even rock on two pigtails.”


“Okay, Taobao has placed an order.”


“… Get out!”


Although Jian Songyi was not afraid, when Mr. Tony finally put down his scissors, he was still a little afraid to look. He closed his eyes, unwilling to accept reality.


Bai Huai leaned against the barber, blocked the mirror, and looked at him: “Open your eyes and let me see.”


Jian Songyi opened his big beautiful eyes.


At that moment, Bai Huai suddenly felt that his boyfriend was not an Alpha, which was a pity.


He did not expect Jian Songyi to be this handsome with this kind of haircut. It highlights his small face and pointed chin even more. Without his thick hair to distract the audience’s attention, the outline of his delicate face was even more emphasized.


Without Jian Songyi’s bangs, his long slanting eyebrows are fully exposed with his usually affectionate peach blossom eyes.


Capable, handsome, wild, and very sexy. His facial features are screaming for Bai Huai to let his lust take over.


When Jian Songyi returns to school, Bai Huai is not sure of how many hearts he will attract yet again.


When Bai Huai thinks about it, he is thankful that Jian Songyi is not an Alpha. Otherwise, he would be jealous to death every day.


Moreover, the Omega, who is also lustful, ruffian, and innocent, must be particularly emotional if he gets bullied and the corners of his eyes turn red.


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Bai Huai felt that he was really not a good person.


He wrapped his coat around Jian Songyi and said, “Go home.”


But Jian Songyi argued, “Let me take a look in the mirror first.”


“Don’t take a look. It’s a little ugly. I am afraid that you won’t be happy.”


‘If Bai Huai said that it doesn’t look good, then it must not really look good.’ Jian Songyi was suddenly depressed at the thought. “Okay… then wait for me to put on my hat.”


As soon as he said that, Bai Huai gave him a glance before scooping him to carry Jian Songyi on his back while taking the hat off of him. “Don’t wear this stupid hat.”


Why? Is the hat broken? This is a new product. The hottest avocado color this year. I just bought it, and it was really expensive. Give it back to me.”


But he didn’t return it.


Having nothing to say, Bai Huai went out of the barbershop with a hat in one hand and Jian Songyi in the other.


Jian Songyi felt that his family status had been provoked and tried his best to resist, but his resistance was futile. Bai Huai carried him all the way back home, threw him into bed, and then pressed him up.


Jian Songyi said viciously, “What are you doing?”


“Settling the accounts.”


“What’s the bill?”


“You almost turned my boyfriend into an egg, and I can’t get even with you?”




Bai Huai rubbed his short hair, which was better than expected, not stinging, furry, itchy, and crisp.


“Can you tell me what it was you are thinking? Why did you suddenly think of shaving your head? Do you think one thing at a time?”

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“I did not just think of it. I already made up my mind. I can’t hide our relationship anymore. I do not want to hide it. I started it, so I have to carry it alone. I’ll shave my head.”


“You think your boyfriend will let you shave your head? I can’t even protect my boyfriend’s hair, and I dare to fall in love with him?”


Jian Songyi felt despised: “I reasonably suspect that you are mocking me?”


“I reasonably suspect that you are still drunk.”


“…..” Jian Songyi flushed again in an instant. “I’m awake!”


“If you are not drunk, then are you stupid?” If I did not come today, are you really going to shave it off? Don’t you love your face and image the most? But suddenly, now you do not?”


To Bo Huai’s surprise, Jian Songyi did not quarrel with him but went too far and pursed his lips: “I don’t like my image anymore.”


Bai Huai raised his brow.


“I’ve made you sad before because I was only focused on my image and made you feel like it’s more important to me than you. And now, I am making you bow down and owe everyone a favor. I’m not happy that you always make compromises for me. I feel bad, so I want to change this bad behavior of mine.”


If one could look at Jian Songyi, it could be seen that his hairstyle hardens his outline.


However, he is really a softie inside. 


Bai Huai’s heart softened: “I am not aggrieved.”


“You are aggrieved.” Jian Songyi turned his head and looked at Bai Huai earnestly. “I know I have a bad temper. You spoiled me, and it became a habit, so I do not take you seriously. I am hypocritical because you like me. I didn’t realize this before, but now someone has told me. Upon realizing this, I know I have to change. I went to shave my head to prove that you are more important in my heart. I want to care more about your feelings than my image in the future.”


Bai Huai was unsure if it was because of the new hairstyle. Still, he suddenly felt as if he had taken care of a child for more than 10 years, and he just suddenly matured and became more sensible.

Although he does not need him to start being sensible, it is false to say that he is not moved.


He smiled: “It is indeed an 18-year-old baby who has grown up.”


Jian Songyi flushed and kicked him: “Who are you calling baby? You are the one acting like a baby.”

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“Okay… You’re not a baby.” Bai Huai pressed Jian Songyi under him and gave him a playful smile: “I just lied to you, you know. Your haircut looks good on you. Very manly. Very handsome.” 


Jian Songyi suddenly felt better and said, “of course, it should!”


As soon as he was in a good mood and smiled, Jian Songyi looked even more good-looking than before.


Bai Huai couldn’t help biting his ear: “I heard that the more Alpha a man is, the more painful it is to cry.”


“…..” Jian Songyi’s face heats up. “How can you be so rogue right now?” He asked while raising his knee to hit Bai Huai.


Bai Huai pressed his knee down and chuckled: “ Just play with me. Rogue? I can let you have an upright puppy love. Would you like to see it?”


Jian Songyi was moved. “It depends on what it is then.”


Bai Huai smiled and took out his mobile phone. He then opened the recording software.


Peng Minghong’s voice came. 


——In short, I want you to love each other, help each other, get in touch with each other when you have nothing to do and set a correct example of solidarity and fraternity for everyone…


——If they can be sweet, I will kneel in front of the rostrum and burn Sanzhu Gaoxiang. It is not bad for them not to be enemies, but also a couple.


——I am telling you, if the two of them become a couple, I will pray so hard to Buddha out of gratitude. And to top it all up, I won’t haunt students having puppy love anymore.




Bai Huai raised his eyebrows: “How about it, baby? Is your boyfriend okay?”


Okay, that’s great.


Jian Songyi could almost imagine Peng Minghong holding the recording in his face when he came to catch their relationship.


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He could ask him to burn high incense in place.


This beast, Bai Huai, just said that there was something wrong with what he said that day, and he actually dared to record a recording for the dean. What kind of beast is this?


Bai Huai has a really deep mind.


Very clever.


That’s his boyfriend. 


He likes it.


Jian Songyi turned over and rode directly to Bai Huai. He pinched his chin and lips before saying, “Good performance. Your boyfriend should reward you.”


He then bowed his head to kiss him.


However, he suddenly heard Bai Huai’s voice: —Honey, do you remember what you just said?


If my mother doesn’t agree, I’ll elope with you.


What about the previous sentence?


I want to marry you.




“Bai Huai, how dare you even set me up? You bastard.”




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