Chapter 75 – They Are Each Other’s Youth

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Having your memories fragmented due to being too much drunk is not terrible. What is awful is the fact that there are people that would help you with those terrible, embarrassing memories of what you did on that drunken night of yours.


Jian Songyi finally got past his shaving phase and was preparing to make a scene with Bai Huai in an attempt to forget yesterday’s embarrassment. As a result, he was forced to think of another memory that made him want to strangle himself.


Forget about revealing your relationship in front of your parents.


How dare you threaten to elope without getting married?


How can you be so capable?


It’s so fucking humiliating.


And Bai Huai, this dog, he unexpectedly recorded and kept evidence about it. He must have wanted to deliberately make Jian Songyi see his own foolishness. He must’ve wanted him to be ashamed of himself.




Big trash!


Mind dog!


The more Jian Songyi thought about it, the more embarrassed he became. The angrier he became, the more his kisses turned into bites.


As soon as his teeth sank into Bai Huai’s skin, his original pale complexion take into effect and turn reddish in color. 


A tingling pain of sensation spread across his body.


Bai Huai thought that he had to buy some large bags of pine nuts for the squirrel in the family to grind onto.

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His teeth are not that sharp but still…


Thinking about this, Bai Huai holds Jian Songyi’s hand tightly. “This is not something I calculated.” He tried coaxing.


“Not something you calculated, my ass!” Jian Songyi’s ears flushed in anger. “If this is not one of your tactics, then why did you record it? You’re treating me like Peng Minghong? Am I your class enemy or something?”


“It is a sweet souvenir.”


“What souvenir? You want to keep it and threaten me? Do not think that I do not know.” Jian Songyi opened Bai Huai’s hand as he tried to snatch his mobile phone from him. 


However, Bai Huai has longer arms and faster reflexes. He got the phone before Jian Songyi and pressed him down with one hand. Bai Huai did not let him move while holding the phone away from him with his other hand.


Jian Songyi was willing to grab it. But in the end, he has to give up due to the physical gap between an Alpha and an Omega. Jian Songyi tried arguing for a long time and made his face flush. However, there is nothing for him to do as he was completely disabled from Bai Huai’s hold. He could not even reach the edge of his phone. 


He was so angry that he punched BaiHuai’s chest. “Give me the phone and delete the recording!”


“You can’t delete it!”


“Delete it!”


Jian Songyi was so embarrassed and angry that he was grasping the straw by staying fierce.


Bai Huai directly pressed his head and went down to kiss him. “Don’t delete it.”


“Delete it!”



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“Don’t think that if you kiss me, I will let you go!”


Another kiss.


“You fucking-“


Another one.


“I’ll go to you-“


A lingering one.




With a mouthful of crispy bawls, Jian Songyi lost his temper, so he could only kick Bai Huai and got up from him angrily, pointing at him with a ferocious look on his face: “As long as you don’t delete it, you won’t touch me for a day.”


Then he slammed the door and left.


As soon as he went out, the downstairs door opened. Mrs. Tang and Mr. Jian came back. Hearing noise upstairs, they looked up and saw Bai Huai pulling a pretty boy with a familiar face as if to coax him.


Why is Bai Huai pulling someone into their own house? What is the point?


Mrs. Tang smiled awkwardly but politely before speaking, “Xiaohuai, bring friends to play? What about trifling? “




There was a brief silence.

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Jian Songyi shouted in despair, “Mom!”


Upon hearing the word ‘mom’ from the unknown person, Mrs. Tang was stunned for a while. And then she fixed her eyes on it and immediately leaned on Mr. Jian’s body for support as she laughed wildly: “Hahahahahaha…”


Mr. Jian put his arms around Mrs. Tang and looked up. Looking at Jian Songyi, he also suppressed a smile: “Yes, it looks cool and suitable for winter.”


After Jian Songyi cut his hair, he has not looked in the mirror once. Bai Huai said and convinced him that he looked good. Now that he is looking at Mrs. Tang with his father’s reaction, he firmly believes that it must be unsightly.


Trash Bai Huai must have instructed Tony to give him an ugly haircut and lied to him about not looking in the mirror since he already looks so good. Bai Huai wanted to make him look like a joke.


Jian Songyi was so angry that she rushed in again and slammed the door.


Mrs. Tang realized that she must’ve laughed so hard that she yelled out for his son. “It is alright. Mom is not laughing anymore. Come down now, and let’s go. Xiaohuai, have you packed your things yet?”


“It’s ready.”


“Alright, you take that little boy down and don’t let make him trouble. Or else we will be too late. It will be a hassle if we get stuck in the traffic.”


Jian Songyi did not wait for Bai Huai to come and carry him. He went down on his own while speaking, “Mom, why do we have to take Bai Huai to the seaside with us this New Year?”


“Aren’t you making so much fuss about marrying Bai Huai last night? Since you are getting married, he is already family. Of course, we would want to celebrate the New Year together.”




Jian Songyi could not scold his mother like Bai Huai, so he could only hold his anger back. He put on his hat angrily and stomped downstairs while wrapping his scarf around his neck.


He got out of the house, got in the car, closed his eyes, and pretended to fall asleep.

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Bai Huai looked at the avocado-colored hat and knew that the little thing was being intentional and angry. He went back to his room and followed him with his suitcase.


When he went out, Mrs. Tang hadn’t stopped laughing completely. As she walked, she said, “Xiaohuai, go to the car and make a noise. Don’t let him get mad at himself. In fact, the new haircut looks good. I just want to tease him. He is so funny. “


At least someone is happy. Although, Bai Huai may not be able to coax him back.


Bai Huai smiled helplessly. He walked a few steps faster, got in the car, and sat next to Jian Songyi. He wanted to hold hands, but his hand was knocked off. He tried to hug, and he was directly punched over.


It’s over. Jian Songyi doesn’t want to touch Bai Huai.


Bai Huai was just about to coax him, but Mrs. Tang and Mr. Jian got in the vehicle already.


Bai Huai knows that if he doesn’t behave in front of someone’s parents, then that someone will definitely not let him touch him tonight and have no choice but to give up.


Bai Huai planned to be a man, but Mrs. Tang seemed to have regained the pleasure of playing with her cubs after many years. She sat beside the driver’s seat, turned her head, and handed over a small mirror: “Son, look, it’s beautiful, really. Mom is not lying to you; our baby is super beautiful.”




Although he said that he would not love his face or image so much in the future, the burden of being idolized for so many years had gone deep into his bone marrow. Jian Songyi simply turned over, curled up, pulled the blanket, covered his head, and ignored everyone.


Knowing that he could not be amused anymore, Bai Huai hurriedly said to Mrs. Tang, “Auntie, Jian Songyi didn’t seem to have a good rest yesterday. Let him get some sleep first.”


Come on, it’s starting to hurt people.


Mrs. Tang made an OK gesture, turned around, and peeled grapes for Mr. Jian in the driver’s seat.




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