Bai Huai didn’t expect that Jian Songyi would still remember this feud and laughed: “Although it was a long time ago, I can’t remember exactly what happened at that time, but from what I know about myself, I’m not showing off, I’m teaching you to walk.”

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“Your eyes are clearly contemptuous!”


“Do you know why I am not near-sighted yet I wear glasses?”


“Because you like to pretend to be one.”


“I have a mild congenital astigmatism.”




Bai Huai smiled softly: “Why do you have to fight with me every day for a while? Who runs faster than me? I remember the grudge I kept very well. Jian Songyi, just tell me, how can you make it up to me after you have misunderstood me for so many years? “


“…..” Jian Songyi loosely changed the subject and pointed to the screen: “Look, you hit me. It’s not that I wronged you this time!”


Sure enough, there are two small black and blue puddings in the picture, one shorter, rounder, and crying: “Xiaoyi will never play with brother Huai again. Brother Huai doesn’t like Xiaoyi, woo woo, Xioyi is so sad, wooo.”


Crying pitifully, Mrs. Tang took the small ball away in distress.


Only the other one was taller and thinner, pursing his mouth and saying nothing.


The person filming asked in a low voice: “Come on, tell Dad, why did you fight with Xiaoyi?”




“Didn’t Dad teach you that you must answer questions from elders, eh?” The voice was patient and gentle.


The little boy pursed his lips: “Xiaoyi said that he wants to marry me as a wife, but I don’t want to.” 


The photographer was obviously stunned and then smiled lowly: “Didn’t you say that you like Xiaoyi the most? Why don’t you want to marry him then? “


“Because the big dad said that marrying a wife is to protect his wife, but I don’t want Xiaoyi to protect me; I want to protect Xiaoyi, so I don’t want to be his wife.” 

The photographer turned the camera in a different direction: “This gentleman, please explain to me why you are talking about such serious and profound things with a four-year-old child?”


The man in the camera was sitting on the sofa with his head raised proudly. He raised his lips and smiled: “I am not wrong. To take a wife is to protect the wife. Xiaohuai, you’ve done a good job. That’s what it’s all about. He’s really my son. “


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Jian Songyi glanced back at Bai Huai. “Is that why you hit me at that time?”


“It’s you who want to hit me. That’s what you call self-defense.”


In simple recollection, that was indeed the case.


“But it’s worth being beaten by you. I get to marry you anyway.”


Jian Songyi elbowed him: “Go away; I didn’t say I wanted to marry you.”


“I have a recording.”


“How dare you talk about the recording!” 


Jian Songyi wanted to pick a fight again, so Bai Huai hurriedly pressed him down: “Alright, alright. Just continue watching.”




Jian Songyi was also curious as to where the videos that Bai Huai is playing right now came from and what else are they about, so he turned his head and continued to watch.


The videos mainly record Bai Huai’s growing experience, but since the two of them are inseparable, the first time they walk, they talk, learn to draw, and play the piano together were all recorded.


The person behind the camera was Bai Huai’s father, the gentle Omega, Wen Zhimian.


But then, as the transition went on, it changed and became Mrs. Tang.


Jian Songyi knew that it was Uncle Wen Zhimian who died that year, and ever since Mrs. Tang took over his duties, recording the life of the two children growing up.


It’s just that later, for some reason, the photographer became Bai Huai, and the content gradually changed from Bai Huai as the center to Jian Songyi as the center of the clips.

Bai Huai recorded every birthday, every sports meeting, every speech contest, every piano award, and so on, and recorded him bit by bit from a small ball to a domineering and bright teenager.


The camera angle came from the height of a child, only reaching out the waist of a full adult to its shoulder, and now seeing eye to eye.


They had really grown up.

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However, from the age of six to fourteen, all the videos only make of Jian Songyi.


“Why is it just me?”


“When you were in second grade in primary school, your mother took part in the sports meeting for the first time. She was going to record it, but she wore high heels and couldn’t keep up with you. So I had to record it and from there, I just get used to it.”


Jian Songyi then realized that although he and Bai Huai had not been in the same school since primary, Bai Huai had not been absent from all kinds of activities.


No wonder.


No wonder Bai Huai is obviously not a person who dislikes sports, but he didn’t sign up for the last sports meeting. He was only willing to make a video recording, and the video was full of himself.


That’s his habit. He’s used to watching Jian Songyi make trouble and enjoy himself.


Within his eighteen years of existence, Jian Songyi had never lost anything. He has the affection and attention of others, intelligence, talent, and money, which let him live a very comfortable life. But he ignored the person who was obviously better than him. The one who always stayed by his side, let him indulge, gave way just so he could protect him.


The one who was never absent.


Bai Huai is correct to say that they are old husbands and wives.


In fact, even if they still haven’t acknowledged their romantic feelings for each other, they’re already the most important person in each other’s life.


Looking at the lively self on the screen, Jian Songyi suddenly realized how smooth, happy, and lucky he had been all his life.


So when all the excitement came to an abrupt end, and the camera suddenly became lonely, he was distressed for a moment.


It was an empty room, and Bai Huai was there looking at the camera, looking lonely and gentle.


“Jian Songyi, today is your fifteenth birthday. This is also your first birthday that I didn’t accompany you. I remember once when I forgot to greet you with a happy birthday; you got so angry that it was so hard to make you feel better again. I am not sure if you would get mad longer this time around. But I hope you don’t get angry because I couldn’t coax you like before. To be honest, I want to. I want to be there and not just coax you. It’s just that… I like you. Please tell me what to do for I like you so much.”


“Jian Songyi, today is my father’s death anniversary. I went back to Nancheng. I couldn’t help it and took a sneak look. You are taller and prettier now. The Omega who brought you water should like you very much. He seems to have a good temper. I am relieved that someone will take care of you at last. You will be fine. “


“Jian Songyi, you are sixteen years old today, and for more than a year, I don’t seem to miss you that much. Well, I don’t miss you… At least, that’s what I tell myself. “


“Jian Songyi, you are 17 years old today, but I still miss you so much.”

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“The DVD broke down a few days ago. The technician said that it was because I had watched it over and over again. The machine was too old to withstand the fever. I will save it for later use, so I may not be able to watch it every day in the future. So this may be my last video. You may never hear this sentence, but I still want to say, Jian Songyi, I like you. I like you at the age of 14, I like you at the age of 15, I like you at the age of 16, and I still like you at the age of 17. I don’t know how old I have to wait before I stop liking you. “


“Jian Songyi, I miss you.”




Jian Songyi felt that his eyes were sore, so he lowered his head as his voice trembled a little: “The wind blowing at the seaside is making my eyes dry.”


Instead of looking at the screen, he just heard the sound of Liangzhu’s piano.


The old-fashioned DV that Mrs. Tang took that day belonged to Bai Huai, which was left to him by his father. He was reluctant to watch it, reluctant to use it, and was willing to use it to record everything related to him.


Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai was a bad person since he wanted to make him cry on his birthday.


Bai Huai hugged him, helped him block the wind, and explained patiently and gently: “Jian Songyi, this DV has been with me for many years. Because I have lost too many things, those things are too short-lived. I can’t keep them, and there is only this form that I can prove that I have them. I cherish every time you say that you like me, love me, and want to be with me. You are usually too stubborn to say anything good, but I would also like to hear it. So I always want to keep it and sometimes I listen to it. I am delighted whenever I look back at these recordings, so can you not let me delete them? I want to keep it.”


Jian Songyi rubbed the corner of his eyes: “I won’t make you delete it. I’ll record whatever you want to listen to in the future.”


“Then stretch out your hand.”


Jian Songyi stretched out his hand obediently.


Bai Huai put on a bunch of keys against his palm: “This is my third birthday present.”


Jian Songyi raised his head at him.


“In Beicheng, the house that Bai Han took us to was left to me by my father. He bought and used it when he was still at school. I went to see it. It was quite big, and there was a big balcony, but it was a little old. I drew drawings these days, contacted my aunt, and asked her to find someone to help me redecorate it. “


“You like to stay in bed, so I bought the biggest and softest bed. You like playing basketball, so I set up indoor rebounds. There is a study there too. Our computers are next to each other, we can play games together. And there is a tatami for you to slack off. The balcony is big. I want to plant full roses and find the most beautiful rose seeds. Every morning you can pick one and give it to me. I’ll give you a kiss in exchange and then go to school together. I thought I could cook, make you fat, wash your clothes and dishes, and I’ll do it all the chores for you too. “


“I think we may all be better off in the future, and we can live well without the support of our parents, but in any case, I will give you all the best things I can come up with. As long as I have it, I will give it to you.”


“So Jian Songyi, can it count when you said you want to marry me? I really like you for too many years, and I want to be able to like you every day for the rest of my life.”


Maybe it’s really too windy.

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For many years, Jian Songyi didn’t know what it felt like when the liquid slipped from the corner of his eyes.


He didn’t know why he wanted to cry. It was probably the most direct way of presenting his life for more than ten years before he suddenly understood.


He and Bai Huai have been together for so many years.


Obviously, they are still very young, but in this young life, all love and hate are related to each other.


And Bai Huai loves him, loves him so much, tenderly, silently, and persistently.


Obviously, he is only a teenager, but because he is not as lucky as himself, he has long understood many human sufferings, and he should give him some luck.


He raised his head and kissed Bai Huai with affection he had never felt before.


On the deserted beach, the starry sky is vast, the lights are bright, and the night wind is gentle.


The bell rang at twelve, and the fireworks in the distance were gorgeous.


“Bai Huai, I love you. I don’t know when I started to love you, but I love you when I was eighteen, and I will love you when I turn nineteen. Every day and every year from now on, I will love you. I love you.”


He had never said such solemn and tender loving words.


Bai Huai lowered his head and kissed him deeply.


Young love is always criticized for being reckless, shallow, and vulnerable.


But no one understands that they are each other’s youth.





Translator’s Note: 

I shed tears for this chapter. My eyes sting, and tears just run all the way to my cheeks. I want love as pure and dedicated as theirs. Ahhhh. I am so glad I picked this book to translate.

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